Peace comes to a price

Youjo Senki without Childs

Chapter 1 by oldguy009 oldguy009

/First of all, please read the CHYOA guide it has all points that I will correspond immediately, second here is the list of other Kinks? whatever you want, that are BANNED of this story.

-Scat or any other fluid except cum and breast milk.

- **** sex

- Older than 60 and older.

- No ugly bastards, just normal people to beautiful, you know what I am talking about.

- Amputees

Respect all this and your history first will be accepted as an omake, then if I like it really much I will add it to the mainline with changes and add credits and all that, so have fun!

Please this is my first sex story be gentle :3


Being X is a bastard of unmeasurable proportions, that's the first thing that came to my mind in my second no life.

After serving in the German army I was killed in the most pathetic way I could think, as a berserker in a battlefield, the type 95 finally making her, "yes she already accepted that part of her life",

It was just a being of petty power and incompetence, even in his 'punishment', you see when the supposed god was going to send me to a world where I, in pure theory and his utter hope, was going to change into a faithful believer of him, well then something strike him in the back, making it yell in pain, and finally dissolving into a mass of something, then as soon that happened well I saw a man in a tuxedo, smoking and relaxing in a chair.

"Uff poor guy right?"

"Please don't tell me you want me to pray to you"

"No! Of course not! didn't you see what happened to him?"

The mass still pouring in the imaginary floor was still twitching somehow.

"Well at least he got his Karma"


"Yeah karma, like do something bad and bad things will come to you"

"I know the concept and it is illogical at least"

"For you mortals, you see when a deity let's call it, at the absence of a better term, do a bad thing for the cosmos, well that happens..."

"Mortals deities? what are you talking about?"

"calm down I am only a file clerk of the heaven, not that I know how the universe works at must"

"Wait so you are not omnipotent? or some crap like being X said?"

"Yes, you see us deities have the infinite work of maintaining the reality working, for example imagine every bullshit happening in physics, you humans really wanted to understand it and thus we have to create new mysteries to fill the old ones"

"Wait so you are like an administrator of reality?"

"Yeah not much, but at the end of the day yes, it is complex so be calm"

better than having an asshole telling you to worship you...

"Now to business" said the man

"well pray tell" said the salary man

"Well us deities have a sort of vacation, and usually we just shut off 'godhood' and stay as a mortal a century or two, well our friend here was supposed to do that, but he wanted to play to be a god for someone, trying to become something else"

"I see so wanted to get a raise and ended up breaking many rules of the company?" i said, really how much of an asshole can be someone?

"if it fits your terms, you see he played with your life, and now you had got a new brand life, unfortunately it is random to where you are going"

"Oh so I just hope that I don't end in a bad place? Of FCKING COURSE YOU HAVE TO BE THAT..."

"Stop my guy, it is something of procedure, like I can try change it but that medling is high up my paygrade"

"huh, ok but now what, my discussion with him was something important"

"Well you won, he became a puddle of light and you have a good life now, that is what I can guarantee you"

And light then light overcame me and my life begun once again.

18 years later.

And that was the bullshit that started my strange life.

Now you see I was born in Germany of the 1894, AGAIN, a few good year before the great war, and thus I was scared, I understood the lenguage with time in the old empire, and other academics were basically a second tought, it was simple having lived in the higher up end of human resources in a partially german company in Japan.

The oddities were the people and their bodies, I and everyone else around me were women, not a man in sight, at first I didn't notice anything assuming that I was in a nun cloister, but then I saw my head and body in a mirror.


Though the worse was next, My mind tired enough that I didn't even yelled in my mind.

I was a futanari, and a lot of me was wronger than ever before.

Those were my first years, trying to remember how to use a 'gun' and trying to access a library to know more, Why the fuck evolution took a step aside to hentay logic.

Well a quick lecture of the read of a book of biology was enough it seems, because men existed, note in EXISTED.

Men were as stated "an possibility lost in evolution" mainly because a mutant surely became hermaphrodite and thus survived until our days. Something about how the Futa were a such a random evolution that it escalated that the human species divided in half humans. Like kemonomimis, centaurs minotaurs, and etc. All having secondary sexes in the stereotypes of a cheap hentay in them.

My case being a half human with a damn wolf, at least, I was supposed to become a huge person , ultimately an "alpha" of a pack of half humans, well I stayed in an almost carbon copy of myself from my past life, so I was a midget in one of the tallest kind of people

Well at least evolution was gentler with me, being a half human, as said in the books of biology, was an advantage having better senses and muscles, usually being taller and stronger than the average, that I didn't knew until my eighteen.

Well you see at first I grew up and looked like a copy paste of me in my second life, my secondary sexual organs being smaller than the average and everything else being small in general in comparison of the other young members of the convent, I didn't let that become a weakness, I stood against any foolish child thinking that was better than me.

I excelled in everything obviously getting attention from it, everyone trying to capture my attention,(in reality they wanted to be friends with a few exceptions) and as such I walked alone.

I had already lost my hope at my 18 was still just 1.44 meters, and the average being 1.7 or taller, even 1.8 in half Humans like some of the nuns there and no much better in my other areas, being called the Chihuahua, in joke of one time I tried to learn Spanish and ended up yelling in frustration of the many variations of the word concha.

Anyways, the thing was that just one morning my height increased in an exponencial growth, and everything else did at the same time, unfortunately everyone seemed to notice.

You see at the start of my growth begun wildly and randomly, one day I was 1.44 meters tall, my breast in A cup, usually said Pathetic A table "How dare them is just how I look that important!?" and my penis was in the 3 inches of length, nothing compared to my sisters around the convent.

Well that changed with time, at first was my height and breasts, growing between a week to 1.6, having too breasts of a B size, and the changes didn't stopped until a month had passed.

In the end I had a body that any men (in my old world) and any futa would lust for, being 1.9 m and having breasts with F cups, honestly in my first life I would have at least tried to get my number, and the worst part is my penis, you see futas are generally bigger than men, like absolutely bigger, the men record being 50 cm I guess? Well futas is around 100 cm, being pornstars known around all the world.

Well my penis was big, and somehow everyone noticed, it went like this a morning, I had already noticed my growth a time ago so I expected my netherealms to grow too, I was just waiting when that would happen.

Well I woke up in my room noticing the view of my roommates, and the thing calling their attention was the tent in my bed, specifically the wet part, and how big it was, likely being a 2'4'' feet of flesh (75~ cm), it massively haunted the faces of my sisters, and then I remembered a thing in the convent.

The convent was in difference to the originals in my first world weren't exactly saint, sex was common in the hermaphrodite society more than in my firsts life's, and so was that risque lingeries weren't uncommon in common stores, and showing flesh wasn't exactly bad, just blunt? like you go to the office well dressed in suit and all, well in my standards of a modern society, having a difference between fun and business.

Going back to the point my roommates weren't banned in sex, but we were here to learn 'faith' and well my plan wasn't going to that, never, as such I was known to left the convent to make my life. The eyes around me were predative, even more between my 'relatives' kemonomimi, and well I did my only plan left, running to the next private bathroom, I saw the red penis of a canine in my pelvis, just swelled enough to entise many women in this world.

Curious I touched it, my hand cold touched the heated rod, it was sensitive I almost moaned if not for my maturity and wiliness, it was new having it this wet? My hand reaching again and enveloping it and then feeling the heat and coldness in my hand and penis, it was exciting in its own weird way, and as such I started to rub it.

"W-why i-it feels so gooood?!" she never masturbated in this life, her lust basically null in al her years, now tough she sees it as a sweetest chocolate, and then she starts to rub it with both her hands, the feeling increasing and finally a familiar sensation, in her first life, ejaculation.

The bath ended up in a mess, and as such, she felt like falling slept, her eyes closing and waiting for something to happen

Something happens?

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