Bordello of the moon

Bordello series

Chapter 1 by mrmidnight mrmidnight

It was a cold autumn night. The cool breeze was flowing through the sky. The leaves were blowing through the air with no end as the howling winds pressed on.

The forest was deep on the old broken road. A single road seemed to stretch for miles through the center of this average forest. This road was ancient, with cracks and potholes spread randomly. Driving on it, it could use some touching up. Though, in many ways, it gave the place some character. Crickets chirped, playing their lovely music, calling for their loved ones. It sounded like those of a wolf pack on its way to its midnight hunt.

Soon, the peaceful, quiet forest was interrupted by the hollering of music and the engine's roaring, driving faster. The machine pushed as far as possible. The young man was going down without a care in the world.

After all, for Luke Walker, it was just his first Saturday of freedom. Luke was finally a free man, which made him profusely happy. Luke couldn’t help but take a drive on the town, getting some of the things he wanted to do done. Some drinking, hard Rock, and greasy food were in order. It felt so long since he had done some of these essential things. Luke swerved around the road since no one seemed to be around. Luke’s foot is pressing down on the pedal. Like the song, Luke was just a good ol' Boy, never meaning any harm.

Luke was on his way toward the lake, driving through the whispering woods. Sure, they were more out of his way, but the driving kept his mind off recent events. He wasn’t paying attention to anything around him, just hooting and hollering. Luke’s head popped back and forth, enjoying himself when he was supposed to be paying attention. If he had been, maybe he would've noticed the all-white woman appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Holy shit!" Luke screamed as he slammed his foot on the brakes. His car swerved wildly as he was **** to avoid hitting the woman. It was too late; the sounds of the tires squealing were loud in his ears, and he found himself losing control.

It all culminated in Luke’s car diving headfirst into a tree—his head-smacking hard against the wheel. Luke moaned, pulling his head back. The pain was shooting through his skull as he closed his eyes for a minute. Eventually, Luke opened his eyes, looking around first, and saw his broken windshield. Seeing smoke from the hood made Luke groan, banging his head against the wheel again.

"Fuck, my Insurance will fucking kill me," He thought aloud.

Luke slowly stepped out of his 69' Dodge Charger car, painted black and lined with chrome. It was sporting a 426 Hemi-engine. Though at this point, it was not in any suitable shape, with the front end wrapped into a tree trunk. Luke rubbed his forehead as he was freaking out. Quickly, the woman in pure white popped back into his head. He took such beautiful care of her. His priorities were taking hold. The car could come later.

Though as he looked onward to see where that woman in white was, "Hey! Is anyone out there? Are you ok!" Luke called out, trying to make sure no one was hurt. It was soon apparent that the young man was all by himself.

"Shit!" Luke exclaimed, mumbling something as he wondered if he imagined the whole thing. His head shook as he muttered, “I’ll have to call someone to give me a lift, but who? I can’t call the cops; they’d drag my ass off if they saw the beer in the back seat. No, I better call Uncle Freddy. He might be pissed, but he’s bound to help."

Grumbling while trying to think of what he could do, Luke reached over to his center counsel, reaching for his cell phone, ready to call someone. Only to realize that the phone remained dark as he was about to press a few buttons. It was then Luke discovered his phone was utterly dead. He hadn’t put the damn thing on a charger since escaping prison.

"Damn it, damn it! I am so goddamn fucked!" Luke screamed to the heavens as he raised his hands, chucking his phone off with all his might. Realizing what he had done, he kicked the ground in frustration. Luke imagined it would go off on a long walk to try and make it home. Suddenly stopping, he saw something far off in the distance. It was a small light that flickered gently like calming candlelight. It was small yet just enough to catch the young man's attention.

"What the? Maybe they've got a phone I could borrow." His instincts told him something was entirely wrong. He imagined that it was someone camping, but hell, even then, he could see if they would let him stay there so he could get some help. With a heavy sigh, he ventured into the dark forest.

Luke began walking over, following the light. Pushing the branches away, his hand flinched occasionally as he scratched his hand on the vines of rose bushes that slithered up the trees.

"Ouch,” Luke hissed, shaking his hand in pain. Before sucking on where he cut himself, he moved on, following the light. The closer he got, the brighter the light would get. It wasn’t long before Luke realized he was standing before a magnificent house— no, it wasn’t that. He quickly realized it seemed more like a mansion or even a castle.

The house, or mansion, whatever you wanted to call it, stood three stories high; maybe four, made out of what looked like bricks. Pure dependable stones, not just decorative, white windows off to the sides that bowed out. It almost reminded him of a pair of breasts upon a gorgeous chest. It was something that Luke wouldn’t have expected to see out here in the middle of nowhere, not in this condition. It was just too lovely.

“What the, why would this… Whatever, as long as they got a phone,” Luke saw the garage off to the side, “Is that music?”

Luke couldn’t help but think he heard some coming from the Garage. He ran over and began knocking on the garage door. He pounded over and exclaimed

“Hey, I got into an accident! I need some help! I have to use your phone!” He pounded on it a little more while trying to get their attention. The music only got louder. This only angered Luke he slammed his fist into the door. Whoever was in there didn’t want to be bothered.

“Come on, you jackass. Someone might be hurt! Open the damn door!” He turned around, leaning on the door as the music blared. Luke tried to catch his breath as he looked back towards the house. That was when he saw the front porch light turning on.

“Thank god!” He stumbled over, heading to the front door. The world felt like it was spinning as he climbed the steps. Luke walked towards the house's front door, and as he got closer, he reached out to knock. That was when he realized something was off. A small plaque on the wall read, ‘The Bordello of Desire.’ It looked as though it was glowing. The gentle glow was barely noticeable. Luke couldn’t believe his eyes, finding himself entranced by the plaque and finding it read it.

Give me your lost and lonely,

Your broken hearts that need mending,

I repair those hearts broken,

You will always find a home with me,

For I will never abandon you,

These Silver doors open, to bring pleasures.

I’m your home even when you think you’re lost.

‘Fuck, maybe I got a concussion?’ He mumbled to himself, rubbing his head as he began quickly banging his fists against the door, hoping anyone might hear him. His head was pounding as he waited there.

It seemed to take a minute before the door opened right up for him, and standing, a man was holding the door. This man was much older, at least in his late fifties. It was made clear by his thick but graying hair. He was a tall figure, especially compared to Luke, standing around 5’9, but this guy was on a whole other level standing at 6’7.

“Hello, good sir,” he said, his tone the definition of a British Butler. His hair was purely gray, matching his shaved beard. His half-moon spectacles hung off his prominent nose. However, there was a steadiness from the later years one earns from a life long-lived.

“Yeah, I just got into an accident out there. Have you got a phone in there; mine died.” Luke did his best to keep himself from looking like an idiot in front of the older man.

After a moment, the butler nodded, “Sure thing, sir; please come inside.” He pulled the door open to let Luke inside.

Luke walked inside and got a good look at the foyer. It was quite a beautiful sight. The main entrance was fancy, with beautiful wooden paintings hanging from the walls, showing people of all races. Some were women, though most were men. The carpet was fancy looking and fairly old from the looks of it. However, overhead was a stunning crystal Chandelier that looked worth more than anything Luke could ever make in his entire life.

“Well, you have quite the home here,” Luke whistled.

The older man nodded with a kind smile as he walked around the room. His hands are caressing the walls.

His weary eyes looked over them as he seemed lost, almost in thought for a second, “Oh yes, this old Bordello is quite beautiful. I’ve run this place for quite some time now,” The old man’s hand resting on it as if he was taking in a deep breath, taking in its scent. He was so comfortable, though Luke took a second to wonder if he should walk out of the room to give the man a moment.

He couldn’t help but ask, “A bordello?” Luke wondered, shaking his head as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Yes,” The older man replied with a smile, “A bordello. A kind of place most doesn’t appreciate like they used to. For a bit of money, one could find a particular company and pleasure. It’s where kindness is shown for a short amount of time. The passion for want and need, as well as good company. An old profession for those who need something the heart cannot have.” His voice moved with passion. It was nearly like he was quoting a romance novel.

“Oh… So, this is a brothel?” Luke asked with incredulity.

He was getting the idea of the place, though he was somewhat shocked. Luke never imagined finding himself in this kind of place. His face became a little redder in the cheeks.

“In simpler, crass terms, yes. Now please, sit down. Feel free to get comfortable while I get you the phone.” The older man pointed towards the couch as he gave a relaxed smile. Luke nodded in return, taking a seat. He was doing his best to try and find some comfort, hoping his fears about hitting the woman were unfounded. His fingers were tapping on his knees as he waited. It was clear that the place was quiet as he looked around for the longest time.

Wondering if he was the only person around here, he sighed, “Must not get much business. I mean, being in the middle of nowhere? Not much chance for clients.” The silence seemed to etch on while he wondered why a place like this was here.

“Oh, we get around; no worries.” The man’s sudden voice startled him, “Plus, the girls are good at their jobs. They know how to leave an impression.” The older man’s voice called out, echoing from down the hall with a light laugh. Having managed to catch Luke’s words.

I wonder what they can do. Fuck I wish I had a few bucks, but after all this recent shit going on, I’ll be lucky to find a new job. Luke thought as he let out a long sigh. Maybe another day. However, he kicked himself at the realization.

What the fuck am I talking about? Fuck, I feel like a loser; paying someone for sex?

He shook his head. How long had it been since he had a good fuck, a year- maybe two? Definitely not, since the shit he was going through recently. He wasn’t sure he could even go on a date, at least not for a while. Luke barely had time for himself, let alone have fun with someone else. One of the few times he had a chance to have any lately, and it was a miracle it happened in the first place. Luke was sure that once he’d able to make some cash, he’ll be able to have some personal time to himself.

Luke leaned back, taking a long, drawn out-breath, when without warning, a cold hand grabbed his shoulders, rubbing them gently. Luke's head spun, trying to see who it was. His eyes widened, seeing a beautiful woman looking him back in the eyes. She was youthful, beyond gorgeous, and made his heart speed up. As he looked into her depthless eyes, she seemed much older than her twenty-year-old face showed to the outside world.

To say she was pretty attractive would be an understatement. Her flowing hair was pure silver-white, like the full moon itself. Her eyes were pale blue and sparkled as they kept staring at each other. Luke couldn’t think at all; he could only look through those eyes. It was almost as if she wasn’t there; her skin was pale as if Luke was able to look through her.

“Hello there,” The pale woman said with a soft, seductive voice as she leaned in closer. The smile on her face grew wider to reveal a set of pearly white teeth.

“Uh, hello, I’m Luke,” He **** a smile on his face though he was faking it. The way the woman watched him, he felt like she was examining him. She measured him up for something more as she moved around the couch. What made him more curious was how she seemed to glide and move and pass around the corner of the sofa.

As she joined him, sitting down on the couch, she husked, “Are you a customer?” Her voice seemed to add a slight hissing sound under her voice. Luke felt his spine shivering.

“No! I mean, sorry, I don’t have any money. I got into an accident just down the road. So, I’m only here to make a call, that’s all. I’m not that far from here.” He couldn’t help but laugh a bit, feeling quite silly. However, the truth was the first thing that popped into his head. The woman giggled gently as she seemed to smile more. Something about this caused Luke to be pulled to her, alluded to such a being, as she pouted.

“Aww, that’s too bad. I honestly hope no one is hurt, but a lack of money doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun. I’m sure we could make a fair trade if you desire.” She purred.

Her smile reminded Luke of the devil itself, and he wasn’t clear what might happen if he accepted this ‘deal.’

“Well, I mean,” He stammered.

“Mavis, what are you doing?” The older man called out as he appeared out of nowhere, an old dial-up phone in his hand. Mavis had bounced off the couch and as far away from Luke as possible at his words.

“Mr. Key’s, it’s nothing. I was negotiating with a potential client.”

“You know the rules, Mavis. I know what you were trying to do. Don’t you dare?” Mr. Keys looked at her with contentment, as if looking deep into her soul. He glared much more extensively than he already had, though she seemed to shrink in on herself as he looked at the girl. She was already small, to begin with.

“I’m sorry, Sir; it won’t happen again.” Mavis murmured.

“Don’t lie to me, Missy,” He added with a grunt while pointing her towards the stairs.

Mavis nearly sprinted straight towards the stairs and right up them without a word. Mr. Keys chuckled, like it was something that was a common occurrence.

“Don’t worry about Mavis, sir. She gets that way when she gets hungry. I’ll have to remind her that she can’t negotiate on a hungry stomach. Might have to have her go out for dinner.”

Luke took a deep breath as he heard that. What did he mean by her being hungry? Did he starve the girls? No, it couldn’t have been; she looked relatively healthy. Not like she was starving to ****.

He shook his head and took the phone from Mr. Keys.

“Just let me know when you are finished. Hopefully, it isn’t going to take too long.” His confident smile as he seemed warmer,

“Thanks, Mr. Keys!” Luke exclaimed, being polite, as he gave a nervous chuckle.

“Please, call me Keys, if you will.” Keys turned away before Luke could respond.

Luke watched as he headed up the stairs, listening to how the boards creaked with each step. Luke shook his head as he just thought he was going crazy.

‘This place is so damn weird,’ Luke shuddered, getting cold as he started dialing a phone for the local towing company. Luke knew the owner pretty well; it was his uncle Freddy. Sighing, he put the phone against his ear and listened to the dial tone.

“What is it, boy?” Freddy said, somewhat annoyed as Luke imagined him rubbing his eyes and pulling the blanket off his body. Who knows what he might have been dreaming about?

“I got into an accident, and the Chargers got stuck on the roadside. I think I blew a rod. Mind making a call and sending someone over? Can you give me a tow, just into town?”

There was a long sigh from Freddy. Frustrated and muttering, “Fine, I’m sure I can get one of the boys out there in a half-hour. Where are you at?”

“You know where the forest is? The old one you and dad used to hunt in.”

“Yeah, I know that one. You’re talking about that shitty road. They should have fixed it years ago.”

“Yeah, that one.” Luke sighed as he rubbed his eyes, knowing it would be a long night.

“Well, stay in your car. I’ll get someone down there; be careful. Something is not right about that place.”

Freddy hung up a moment later. Luke stood there sighing in relief. Luke would do as he was told and head out. It wasn’t that cold after all, and a half-hour wasn’t that long. Luke put the phone back on the receiver as he looked around. The place was relatively quiet. He wasn’t sure what more he could do.

“How was your call?” Keys stood there watching him, his deep voice bringing shudders down Luke’s spine.

“I-It was fine. My uncle is sending out one of his guys to give me a lift. I’ll wait out there.”

“If you want. Though you could stay here till he arrives. It wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe one of the girls would be able to keep you company?” His tone was drole, but there was humor in it as he asked.

Luke stopped for a second, almost tempted, but his stomach turned. His body wanted to hunch over, like something about it was not a good idea.

“No thanks, I think I’ll be fine. It’s not that cold.” Keys looked him in the eyes, almost as if staring into him, trying to read his mind.

“Well, if you’re sure, I could bring out any of them, have them come down so you can see them while you’re out in the cold.”

“No, thank you, that really wouldn’t be right. Besides, it would be weird for me to explain why a girl is all over me, or….” Luke’s mind trailed off, imagining more but shaking it off. His back was twisting as memories rushed into his head. The stuff he didn’t want to deal with at the moment.

“Alright, well, if you need anything, just look back. Though perhaps, we’ll talk again real soon.” Keys seemed to smirk.

His butler face was warm, though Luke wasn’t sure why it didn’t reassure him. Hesitantly, he moved over, placing the phone down on a small table.

Keys held his hand out, and Luke took it, shaking it firmly. Key’s grip wasn’t as firm as it was before. Luke didn’t say anything as he turned around and walked back towards the door, heading outside. The cold wind hit Luke in the face as he rubbed his head, forgetting about the pain, as he turned around. The door was just as hard to open as before. The light above it was shut off, leaving the young man in the darkness. Taking in a biting breath, he let out a long sigh as he made his way back to his Charger. Yet while he made his way, traversing through the forest, he tried not to fall over while he found his way back. Luke couldn’t help but feel as though someone or something was watching him.

The older man, who went by the name of Key’s, slowly walked up the stairs. His breathing got heavy. How long had it been since he felt this tired? His back is hurting. It was clear that he wasn’t a young pup after all these years. Hell, he barely remembers when he didn’t need the blue pill to fuck a fine girl. A small laugh, with how he wished he were younger.

His hand reached across as he looked over at the wallet. That young man, Luke Walker- he slipped over and poked at his purse. It's not like Key’s had any plans for the cards. No, he needed the I.D.

“You ok, Mr. Keys?” The soft feminine voice asked as Keys turned his head, a hard breath as he felt himself hunching over.

“No, I’m fine, Cindy, just tired. It seems like I’m always tired. Are the girls ok?”

Cindy looked over towards the older man, a short petite woman with short red hair that went down past her ears, glasses perched against her face. She was wearing acceptable business attire, giving her more of that professional look. Her beautiful face looked at him with concern as she grabbed his shoulder.

“They’re doing their part though you know how some are acting. Mavis was looking exceptionally hungry and frustrated. She said how you stopped her from meeting with a new customer.”

“Yeah, just some kid getting into an accident. Not a customer, but….” His thoughts trailed off as he thought about the young man.

“Yes? Is there something about him?”

“There’s something alright, but I think he— he might be the next one.” He grunted out; heavy breaths escaped as he let out a hard cough. Days like these weren’t easy for him.

She gasped, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, but help me get into my room. I’ve got a few things I need to do.” He pulled himself one more step, and with Cindy's support. It was leading him to his room.

“Make sure Shanna gets to bed. You know how she is when working on those damn bikes. I swear.” He chuckled, giving a hard cough. His head hurt; eventually, it would go away. He had to ignore it as the young woman pulled him out. Her fingers were pawing at him, giving him a light laugh.

“I’m an old man Kitty. I think you need someone younger.” His running joke with her never got old, once he got old.

“Hmm, I think I do. Why do I work for such a Dirty old man?” She giggled in response.

“Who knows, but I’ll say you’ve come a long way. I’m proud of you. Please, if something happens to me, make sure to take care of the girls and whoever takes over from me.”

Cindy rolled her eyes, “I honestly don’t get why you won’t let me take over. I mean, I know how to do the job and keep the girls in line.”

“I know but, you know how this place is. It needs a certain type of person to run the house. It doesn’t let anyone just run it. If I could, I would’ve left you the place years ago. You’re like a daughter to me at this point.”

“Thanks, old man, just rest. You’ve earned it.” Cindy would lead her off towards his bedroom. His eyes were getting somber, but he figured with a stiff drink, he’d be fine for another night.

“The night’s young for this old Cowboy.” He murmured as he pulled himself over to his desk. He was soon writing on paper—specifically, his will.

How long he spent working on it, who knows. But when he finished, the small candle was nearly at the end of its flick.

“I wonder if I earned my place in the heavens. If not, well, that’s too bad, but I don’t regret what I’ve done. No, I think I’ll be just fine.” The older man, tired, put the book away and called it a night. He was slowly getting in. He stumbled around, though he would eventually make it in there. He was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He finally took a long deep breath and would soon sleep. A Sleep that would never end.

What happens next for Luke Walker?

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