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Chapter 3 by vader634 vader634

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ahsoka tano

Ahsoka tano year 3 (event of star wars was 300 years ago) (episode 1 to episode 6) (7-9 did't not happen)

As harry wandered through hogwarts ground into the forbidden forest to look for some ingredients that he needed for potion class not really paying attention he wander really deep in the forbidden forest and end's up at ancient fallen star destroyer curious to learn what this is he enters thought the a broken blast door as he walks through the halls of the star destroyer he end's up in a room full whith holocron's that activets and hold him stuck in the middle of the room and a holo of ahsoka tano appears and speak: so i have somehow come back to life but why am i a male. Human i understand. then another holo appear Yoda says: hmm she appears to be under a bunch of things that prevent her to be free. than a machine create a dose of medicine to fix this while harry who finally got the time and courage ask what they are talking about. Yoda: look att this screen and se the truth and don't worry it will be in a way you understand hmm one gotta love technology when it can do this. and so harry look att the screen and whas shocked to learn what albus had done to him

True Name: Ahsoka Potter-Black Tano

Known alias(s): Harry James Potter (via Illegal Name Change)

Gender: Female

Race: Torguta

Age: 18


Mother: Lily Pasiphae Evans (witch) (torguta descendant)

Father: James Charlus Potter (Wizard) (sith pureblood descendant)

blood adopted father Sirius Black III

Magical Abilities:

the **** and many of it's abillities (100% blocked by APWBD)

Potential Animagus due to heritage, ?

Natural Occlumence (100% blocked by APWBD)


Illegal Spells/Potions/Wards:

Magical Core Suppression Ward (90%, by APWBD)

Libido Suppression Ward and Potions (100%, by APWBD)

Loyalty Potion (100%, keyed to APWBD)

Intelligence Suppression Potion (75%, by APWBD)

Gender Alteration Potions: Female to Male, "Permanent" (by APWBD)

Race Switch Potion Torguta to Human "Permanent" (by APWBD)

Creature Heritage Suppression Potions: Female to Male, "Permanent" (by APWBD)

Distrust and Hate Potions to anything Slytherin (100% by APWBD)

Oblivious Potion to all Sexual Activity (100% by APWBD)

magic family spring of return (spell who brings back ancient family members to break some curse like fertility curse) (can bring back ancient blood to true blood

reincarnation of Ahsoka tano

Fertility Tattoo on the womb need magic to work or the ****

Warning: Libido Suppression may cause back log depending on how strong block is

recommendation purge potions level 3 error

Malnutrition recommendation nutrition potion level 2 error

purging hostile unknown with the dose of medicine will fix it all thanks **** nanite

sleep for 2-3 days error 7 days error within some where between 2-7 days

body appearance like near present look future look

and some extra info if you get pregnant your fertillity will increase and your milk production will never stop only increase if you get pregnant again you can resist 18 years of lust build up only if you want and eternal youth/life (basiclly she wont die of old age or dissease or giving birth) some thing may take a while to appear some thing are given by the **** and will appear here if you get pregnant you will give birth to what the father want wheter that is a Torguta elf human goblin or orc. Torguta can you give birth to as you are a Torguta he need to be of the race goblin for the child to be goblin unless he wan't a Torguta child

Yoda: as you can se this APWBD has done allot of things to you that is gonna make you enter a really early grave this is not even a sith action but a blind jedi hm maybe maybe not.

holo ahsoka:so what do you say living me want to be a puppet and die for no good reason or live and find a path in life oh and before we forget there are a teleportation device here on this ship should have no problem using it when you remember your old life

Harry no ahsoka decide to take the medicine dose as she fall **** her clothes rips apart leaving her nude. holo-ahsoka:do you think there are some of my old clothes on this ship master yoda. holo-yoda:yes some from the beginning of the clone wars

what happens when she wakes up

1 anakin unlike ahsoka anakin did not get **** by albus into something else as he was protected by ancient forces the king of the magical britian was kept secret as his name is Anakin Pendragon-emrys he felt an old familiar shift in the **** he decide to find this old friend of his and he finds her ahsoka still in the ship with the holocrons still **** on the floor he has a vision of the future and he sees him and ahsoka fucking and she is heavily pregnant anakin:looks like you gonna become my broodmare snips

2 sidious there's always been ways to cheat **** in the galaxy from cloning and puting one's mind into the clone and more. As ahsoka wakes up she sees a young sheev palpatine no longer corrupted in appearance sidious felt a shift in the **** that an old enemy is back so he decide to find who among his old enemy's it is and lo behold it is ahsoka tano but with a body meant to be breed the darkside tells him not to kill her but to take her instead she would be useful

3 jabba the hutt or his son it's been almost 200 years seen rotta the hutt son of jabba the hutt seen he saw that torguta named ahsoka it's to bad she is dead or she would have been used by him to increase his number he thought but he need to think of the moment after his father died and he placed on under some stranger and almost killed he has spent 100 years to take **** and build up the hut cartel to be stronger than ever while it may not reach the true ancient days of hutt royalty it's certainly stronger than the clone wars era while he is visiting his father's former home on tatooine he discover some real interesting among his father left behind objects a teleport device with a control device hooked up to it normally the teleport only took you to a specific location if it was not hoked of the **** but as a joke he wrote in ahsoka tano into the machine and she was transported to the teleport. ahsoka potter-black in clone wars (season 1) clothes sees rotta but doesn't know it is him ask him who he is and where she is. In Rotta's mind he is ecstatic here was the woman he wanted for a long time and he would have her

4 stromtropper as ahsoka woke up and got her clothes on she got a **** vision of the galaxy the republic was corrupted to the point an ancient faith was beginning to get a following once more one of human only all other sentient life must be purged the Pius Dea and she needed to put stop to them so she saw a planet forgotten by the galaxy on this planet where a facility the froze several legion of elite stormtroppers from the galatic empire (darth sidious) along with a star forge (ancient automated shipyard) near the star with 1thousand star destroyer's waiting to be used ahsoka potter-black tano needed to rebuild the galactic empire to save the galaxy from corrupt genocidal tyrants and she does rember than the elite stormtropper's where genetic modify to be better soldier and settler's if the empire needed to have a strong colony with many children (massive cocks and extremely virile) ahsoka knew she would need new clothes soon (if you want to you can throw in other female jedi from the clone wars they can be clone's. star wars the **** unleashed 2 proved this was possible with even the **** power being kept)

(and ironicly she would accidentally create a new religion based on her and the **** that would be know as the great herald of the worthy to impregnate the great mother as the title of empress would change to the great mother after 1 to 2 hundred years under her rule)

5 goblin a goblin expediton finds her **** in the ship and take her to one of there secret tunnels to see who she is with a bit of her blood they learn who she is and a few things that they can use against albus dumbledore and to use her after all they do occasionally visited by other race's from the galaxy

6 voldermort was allways smarter than other's but when he was loking for harry in the forbidden forest he did't not expect a massive space ship as he wander's thought it he finds the room that have the holocron ahsoka have woken up and went to get some clohtes on and the holocron's activates and he learns of the ancient jedi and sith and that the first wizards was **** user's before it became it's own thing and ahsoka overhear it all yoda ask why voldermort wants to kill harry potter voldermort tells of the prophesy only to get told it was a fake even as a holocron ghost he could tell it was fake and told him to work with harry or should i say ahsoka instead to take down albus dumbledore and start fixing the magical world a it is dying cause they don't have the number's to replace the dead

7 malfoy the malfoy where originally french before the main branch of the house/clan did something really stupid so the malfoy where **** to run and with draco the heir to the black fortune (he is not it's ahsoka) they intend to rise only to hit a snag when they are at gringotts only to learn that sirius black blood adopted one named Ahsoka potter-black and even stranger ther son and ahsoka had an marriage contract between each other by sirius now they needed to find ahsoka and get this show on the road just as they are about to leave ahsoka teleport in (sirius is dead killing pettrigrew after he escaped azkaban)

8 snape ahsoka wakes up and get the clothes for her that is on the ship and steps on the teleporter saying snape classroom of course snape doesn't recognize her and demand to know who she is and where she came from and if she think to even lie he will **** her and so she begins to explain all to him he thinks she is crazy but then he remembers an old paper he requested from the goblin's an inheritance test dropping a few blood drops on it and he sees what albus has done to him he tells her to come with him they apparated to his private apartment that he kept secret from albus as he will take a purge potion and he will be out for 1 to 6 hour's and she should stay close until they both can go to Department of Magical Law Enforcement what he doesn't tell her is that lily felt bad for him and put a marriage contract with him and ahsoka with he never denied for he didn't know of it until the test paper with he took with him to the apartment with her being her true self she start looking at snape quite different from before as the purge potion work it magic he start look a bit younger and his pants start to break cause of his dick is no longer under any magic from albus as he wakes up he fells something wet on his cock and sees ahsoka giving him a titjob and blowjob when he demands what she is doing she explains that saw his cock destroy his pants and the test paper so it should only natural for his wife to ensure that he can do his work without worrying about an erection destroying his pants

after here is just some extra idea's most likely not finished

9 albus dumbledore (insane idea) albus felt his spell's over harry was destroyed and he needed to act quick after finding him/her a new plan ploped into his head he would use her womb to create an army for him to conquer the British isle and be worshipped as a God as his plans are in need of some serious remodelling and he was gonna have some fun before he broke her completely (just a crazy idea)

10 yoda on the dark side or cocaine (insane idea) still not correct insane idea

11 ministry of magic

12 area 51

13 watto as Ahsoka walks through the teleporter she get sent to tatooine and between timeline's as well where she is close to watto's shop before anakin is born at-least in the original timeline in this timeline the will be no anakin skywalker it will be annie skywalker the slut **** of watto and ahsoka the broodmother of watto

14 sebulba froze himself in order to disappear after 276 years later he was unfrozen as the people have long forgotten his defeat to anakin he decide to return to pod racing as all the competitor where inferior compared to him and when ahsoka is in town he rember her on the holo net as anakin's padawan

15 darth vader as the teleporter fails ahsoka is sent backward in time she appears in his private room on the executor she sees vader sleeping

16 luke skywalker as the teleporter fails ahsoka is sent backward in time

17 anakin/vader as the teleporter fails ahsoka is sent backward in time after the raid on the jedi temple but before mustafa if she did thing right here than he would be the emperor of the galatic empire

if somebody wants to add their own chapter after this it is open

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