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Chapter 2 by gibi-asmr-cuck gibi-asmr-cuck

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You got to your room to film the video.

I turned on my camera and filmed myself eating. I tried to talk to the camera as if I was talking to Gibi but it was harder than I would have thought. It felt super awkward and weird. “ So how is your dog?” I asked the camera awkwardly, still acting like I was talking with Gibi. I had never done a video like this before. My videos were mostly just me making noises with my mouth and taping on things. It was actually quite rare I spoke in my videos at all. I was still able to make the whole video. As soon as I was done filming I went to edit and upload my video. When I was done it was midnight and I went to sleep soon thereafter.

I woke up feeling bad. I skipped out on dinner with my mom yesterday. So I decided to spend all day with my mom today. I didn't even bother checking my video. I was scared to check it. ‘ Gibi would never pick my video anyways’ I thought to myself. So instead of checking on my video, I spent all of the day with my mom watching TV.

On Monday I had to go to work. When I came home from work. I wanted to check on my video. I thought maybe Gibi would pick my video. Just maybe. The rules of the contest said that she would send you an email to you if you won. So I logged in to my email, expecting to see nothing but spam emails from ‘Nigerian royalty’.

To my surprise the email on the top of the list it did not say “ From Nigerian prince Abdul Mohammed”. But instead said “ Contest winner: From Gibi-Asmr”. I could not believe my eyes. I had to read it again, just to make sure I read it right. It still said “ Contest winner: From Gibi-Asmr”. That can’t be right, I thought, so I read it a 3rd time, and it still said “ Contest winner: From Gibi-Asmr”.

I slowly clicked on the mail as my hand was shaking. “It can’t really be from Gibi can it?” I asked myself.

“ Hello and congratulations on winning the contest. I really loved your video, it was a simple and yet wonderful video. It came off as very real and sweet. Out of all the videos I liked the best. You have a wonderful style. “

“Gibi thinks that I have a wonderful style.” I say feeling very surprised. I find it hard to belive still. I double check to make sure it is not a prank email from someone, but when I check the email. It's Gibi’s real email.

I continue to read Gibi’s email “ You have a wonderful style. I really like to film something as soon as possible with you. So what do you say about starting filming this weekend. I understand if you are busy then. But I’d really love it to get this done as soon as possible. I could book you a flight this friday and book the return flight on monday, giving us two whole days for filming. Please get back to me as soon as possible. “

“Did she really just ask me if I could film this weekend? “ I ask myself. I wanted to see her as soon as possible so of course, I’d like to film then. I wasted no time to call work and asked for Friday and Monday off. I told my boss I’d be happy to work on the weekend next week to make up for it. My boss was happy to give me the days off. I knew he was always in need of people to work the weekends. So he was more than happy to do the trade.

I sent an Email back telling her that I would be more than happy to film on the weekend with her. I gave her all my personal information she needed to book the flight for me. I would be happy to pay it out of my own money. I of course did not tell her that, I thought it would maybe come off as **** if I did.

So I pressed send and waited for the return email. I did not move one inch after pressing send. I just waited to hear her reply. I must have sat still for almost an hour just smiling and staring at the computer screen.

I saw my screen change, I had gotten an email back. It mostly just had my flight ticket and told me at what time the flight was, and that I could sleep in her guest room. This black nerd would finally get the chance to meet the woman of his dreams.

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