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Chapter 4 by ChocolateAxek ChocolateAxek

What's in store next for our MC?

Waking Up Late in Bed

Ben wakes up and instantly realizes that he forgot to set his alarm clock as he rushes to put on his clothes and get ready for school. Ben knows that there wasn’t any time to make breakfast, so he grabs an apple as he heads out the door. Ben doesn’t live too far from the school, so he ran towards the school gate as fast as he could. Ben looked at his watch to see how late he was only to realize that it was still broken, and ignored it as he made his way to the school gates.

Ben looked at the open gates and realized that it was still open meaning that he wasn’t past the thirty-minute mark before they closed the gate. Though Ben knew that he was really late as there wasn’t anyone left in the main courtyard as he made his way up to his first class of the day with Mrs. Parker teaching World Literature. Ben could already hear himself being yelled at by Mrs. Parker as soon as he got to the door. Mrs. Parker was a very strict teacher that followed the rules like gospel. It didn’t matter if the offense was small or major, it was all the same in Mrs. Parker’s eyes. She punishes all offenders to the rules with serious punishments. Mrs. Parker gave the last person who came a minute late detention for two days. Ben also knew that Mrs. Parker wanted everyone to be as she put it, productive members of society which meant absolutely no sleeping in class and looking at her inappropriately. The last person who wasn’t subtle about looking had to write a book report on respecting women with 10,000 words. Ben knew how hard it was to keep himself from staring at her inappropriately. From sneaking peaks now and then, Ben could tell that Mrs. Parker had a sexy body that she hid under her professional attire, but it didn’t matter much since he would never get an opportunity to get a good look without digging his own grave.

Ben decided to bite the bullet and get detention for being late. Ben walked up to the door of the classroom and could hear another student already being chewed out by Mrs. Parker.

“I’m tired of students not taking anything I say seriously. When I say to be here on time, I mean it. You have detention for a week and I’m going to have a serious talk with the football coach to have you kicked from the team.”

Ben took a step back from the door thinking that maybe it wasn’t too late to run away and hide until his next class, but where would he go? If he got caught, then things might end up worse for him than simply walking into the room. Ben struggled with the decision and decided to sneak inside and hope she didn’t notice. Ben tried to open the door quietly, but it made a loud squeaking sound that would he knew Mrs. Parker would hear. Ben walked inside and turned toward Mrs. Parker who was currently rubbing her temples. Ben stood frozen as he watched Robert slowly walk toward his seat, no doubt contemplating his life right now. Ben watched as Mrs. Parker looked in his direction but quickly turned back toward her desk like nothing happened.

Ben thought that maybe Mrs. Parker was so upset with Robert she didn’t feel like punishing him, but that was impossible. Mrs. Parker always punishes people, so something must be wrong. Ben made his way to his seat and got his supplies out as Mrs. Parker began her lesson without even acknowledging his presence. Ben felt that something was seriously wrong, but nothing about him had changed except for his new watch. Ben looked more closely at the watch and the symbols on it. The watch was set to 6:15, so the big hand was pointing toward the face of somebody with a neutral expression and a grown adult while the little hand was pointing toward the faces of two people laughing and a planet. Ben figured that picture of someone with a neutral expression was what caused Mrs. Parker and his aunt to ignore him. The big hand was pointing to it, so it must be what it was affecting. Ben guesses that each hand affects something different and that the small hand goes with the other pictures. However, Ben has no idea what the picture of a planet, child, or adult mean. Ben could only guess what it could mean. Ben decided to change the small hand from planet to adult because he was worried that he might change the whole planet if he wasn’t careful. Ben looked at the different options for the big hand and changed the dial to the face that was smirking.

Ben decided to take a risk and do something he would normally never do and leer at Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Parker was wearing her standard black pants suit to work which wasn’t surprising. She currently was looking over the class explaining the hidden meaning of a famous poem. For once Ben wasn’t listening and was focusing his attention on Mrs. Parker’s body as he examined her breasts, thin waist, and the times she turned around her ass as well. Ben always wanted to go up and smack Mrs. Parker’s ass, but maybe with this watch, it was now a possibility. The lesson continued as usual despite his staring, which he was sure was noticeable after a certain point. Ben decided to push things even further by taking out his phone and snapping some zoomed-in pictures of Mrs. Parker's assets. This would normally cause any person in her shoes to flip out. Instead, Mrs. Parker smiles in response and goes back to teaching like nothing happened.

Ben looked at his new watch in awe at what it was capable of. If taking pictures were okay, what else could he do with this power? Of course, as Ben was thinking about this, the bell rang, and everybody was quickly packing up and heading to their next class. Ben went over to Mrs. Parker and slapped her ass. Ben watched it jiggle in response as he looked up to Mrs. Parker.

“Did you need me for something?” asked Mrs. Parker as Ben reached his hands up to her chest.

“Yeah, just stay still for a second,” said Ben as he groped her breasts through her clothes like it was perfectly natural. After satisfying his curiosity, Ben left the classroom.

Mrs. Parker watched as Robert walked through the door late again. These students were always causing her trouble and not doing what there supposed to do. Mrs. Parker was sick and tired of them not taking this school and this class more seriously. Robert would be a prime example of what would happen if you stepped out of line. Mrs. Parker gave him detection for a week and decided to talk with the school’s football coach, Mr. Parker about kicking him off the team. It helped that she was married to him and could get him to see reason thankfully he wasn’t the star of the team or anything.

Mrs. Parker looked toward the door and saw that Ben walked in, but it doesn’t matter. Mrs. Parker didn’t bother spending a second thought on him as he walked toward his seat. After gathering her stuff, she began to teach her lesson as usual. In the middle of the lesson, she noticed that Ben was paying more attention to her body than the lesson. Mrs. Parker noticed the way his eyes lingered on her breasts when she teaches, and she was sure that he was looking at her ass as she turned around as well. If any other student did this, then there would be hell but since it was Ben, it was perfectly normal for him to look. It didn’t take long for him to take pictures of her as well. Mrs. Parker thought that he should get her good side if he was taking pictures, so she smiled in response and kept on teaching her lesson. Eventually, the bell rang, and students flooded out of her room. Ben, however, walked to her and slapped her ass. It didn’t matter to her that he slapped her ass, only the fact that he must have wanted something from her if he touched her to get her attention. It didn’t matter that it would be completely inappropriate and disrespectful if anyone else did it. Ben then proceeds to grope Mrs. Parker’s chest, and it didn’t bother her at all because it was perfectly normal. Mrs. Parker was glad to have students like Ben who did what they had to do and leave.

Does Ben go to his next class or go somewhere else?

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