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Chapter 2 by SG SG

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Volitional Entropy

Volitional entropy is a condition which causes a rapid decay in volition, i.e. motivation, over time. Effectively, the person with this condition can only be motivated to act by external stimuli.

Suppose Carl has volitional entropy. Carl's wife asks him to go to the grocery store to get more butter. He'll agree to do it and go to the store just like normal. At the store, he'll find the best deal he can and take it to the register. Carl will smile at the cashier, or, if he's in a bad mood, he'll just grunt and swipe his card. On the way home he may laugh at a joke on the radio or swear at a driver who cuts him off. He'll get in and put the butter in the fridge.

It's important to note that none of this was faked or artificial. Carl really did think, feel, and do those things. Now that he's home, though, he no longer has any external motivation and therefore no volition. Carl will close the refrigerator and, his task accomplished, stare at the refrigerator door. This thoughts will slow, then stop. He will no longer sense time passing or the signals his body sends to him. If left alone, he will slowly grow malnourished and dehydrated; eventually he will collapse: eventually he will die.

Two things to note about this condition:

  1. Carl still has free will. He does not blindly follow orders. If his wife tells him to step into traffic, he becomes active long to tell her to shove it up her ass, then falls back into torpor.
  2. Carl is aware of his condition and takes measures to protect himself. He is not a robot, blindly acting on orders until his purpose is fulfilled. He is a fully aware, sentient person who simply cannot act without external stimuli.

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