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Chapter 3 by mr.z mr.z

What Causes Sally's Transformation?

Violets Turns Her Violet

"Well what causes this?" You ask as Sally's skin changes from a sky blue to a deeper one. Making it look like she is **** or something.

"It's just an allergic reaction to violets. Its rare but not a big deal." You nod as this new information settles in your mind. The odd thing is how Sally is acting about it. You've never seen this happen to her before but she acts like you've have and no way is this something that happens in real life, no matter how rare it is. Could that old hag from yesterday have anything to do with it? "Hey, Steven are you alright. You're blanking out on me."

"Oh, no I'm fine... So you're blue. No big deal." You smile and shrug off this strangeness. "It's not like you're ballooning like that chick in Willy Wonka."

"Well, getting a sniff of one won't do that. I just turn blue for a while. Now if I got a face full then that wouldn't be good." As if on cue, the door to the flower shop you two are in front of opens as someone with a bouquet of flowers rushes out and accidentally bumps into you two. The thin man trips, you catch him but Sally gets a face full of the flowers he is carrying; roses, daisies, baby's breaths, and violets.

"Oh sorry, my bad." The thin stranger says as he rushes off. You look back at your girlfriend who is having a bit of a sneezing fit.



"Thanks." Your British gal turns a dark navy blue as she clears her nose. You notice that her hips and stomach area is expanding outward. "We should probably get back to my house. I have medicine there that'll stop me from looking like an over inflated smurf." You nod and take her to her parents car. Driving carefully out of Happy Village you can't help but look every now and then to Sally who's blue belly is pocking from under her horizontally stripped shirt.

"You're sure you're alright."

"Just keep driving. The sooner we get to the house the better. I don't want to be stuck in the car again." There she goes talking like this has happened before. You keep your eyes on the road but get stuck on a red light. Looking back you see Sally starting to inflate like a balloon. Her torso getting rounder like a ball as her seat belt gives way and swings off. Most people get rashes, or itchy, or just sneeze when they get allergies but turning blue and growing like a watermelon isn't normal. This is definitely a curse you think. "OOohhh." Sally moans in pleasure as her boobs swell like water balloons on top of her round stomach. They expand but don't keep a round shape, instead they look more like man boobs on a fat guy, keeping up the round shape of her body. "I hate when this happens but it feels so good. My skin gets so sensitive that I can feel the fibers in my clothes rubbing up all over me." The expansion moves to her arms as they expand in mass from the biceps down to her forearms and to her hands, looking like something from a cartoon as her fingers blow up one by one like balloons.

"Lights green." You say as you quickly zoom out of the intersection to get back to Sally's in a rush. You're focused on going fast but not too fast to get a ticket, you're eyes then dart to her legs which blow up in her blue leggings. Her slip on shoes pop off as her fat feet grow in length and width. Her toes pop up starting from the small toe to the big one. You're vision is then blocked by Sally's blue stomach as it reaches the car's dashboard. Looking back up you turn onto Sally's street. So close to her home but you feel something rubbing against your right arm. "Sally move over."

"There's no space." Sally's head is bent over from the roof as she is quickly outgrowing the car.

"I can't drive like this."

"Then give me the wheel, we're almost home Love." You open your mouth to object but only get blue warm flesh in it as Sally's side fat is squashing you against the car door. You feel Sally's blubbery hand take the wheel and her over sized foot push yours out of the way to work the pedals, good thing the car isn't a stick shift. Every space is covered with Sally's blue flesh as she grows, you sink into her body like a rub on tattoo. It looks like she's full of air but she feels like she is full of juices. You look up and see that her arm pit is in your face, blue sweat leaking out and splashing on your face. You struggle to breath but the air is getting blocked by fat. You shift around to get out but you can't tell up from down. You get shifted as you feel the car come to a stop. "We're home but I can't reach the unlock button. Can you get out?" Looking around you try to figure out where you are and see that you're...

Where Did You End Up?

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