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Chapter 3 by Gluehip Gluehip

What does Rachel do with the stick?

Tries to use wand but it doesn’t work

Rachel pointed the wand at me and waved it a little while saying something under her breath. I couldn’t catch what though.

“There.” Rachel said as she put the wand back in her purse, “now try touching something.”

I gave her a strange look and scanned the room for something. I walked over and picked up the TV remote and looked at her.

“Now put it down.” She said snuggly.

I was very confused at this point. I placed the remote back down in the table and gave Rachel a look. “What was that supposed to be?”

Rachel scrunched up her face and looked very confused as she pulled the wand back out. “What the hell?” She questioned. “It was supposed to stick to your hand.” She waved the wand again and then picked up the remote again herself before dropping it. “Why isn’t it working?!”

“Are you sure it does anything?” I asked her “sounds crazy if you ask me.”

“I’m positive!” She replied, “I used it just last night. My hands were stuck together for like an hour.”

“Well maybe it was just in your head.” I suggested as I sat back down on the couch.

“No way, maybe I did it wrong?” Rachel wondered aloud while waving the wand around.

I watched for minute before pulling out my phone. I was scrolling through my newsfeed before hearing a tear. I looked up and Rachel was bent over in front of me with a rip right down her leggings, exposing her ass very clearly.

I stared for a moment, shocked yet mesmerized by the view I was getting before coming to my senses. “Woah!” I said in a slight panic.

Trying to show some respect I held my hands up and looked away to cover the clear view of her ass hanging out. But suddenly I felt something press against my hand.

I opened my eyes and looked over. Me and Rachel made eye contact briefly before looked down at the same time. My hand was currently pressed against Rachel’s butt. She must have backed up while I held my hand out.

We both blushed and became extremely flustered. “Sorry!” I said very quickly and pulled my hand away.

Or at least I tried. I pulled my hand back and Rachel fell back on me and sat on my lap. “Hi.” I uttered while blushing more.

“Sorry, I lost my balance.” Rachel respond before getting. But as she stood my hand was dragged along with her.

We both stopped and came to the same realization together. Panic immediately began to sink in. “What is going on?!” I asked.

“I told you it worked!” Rachel shouted as she grabbed my arm and pulled, but my hand remained firmly planted on her rear.

“So how do we make it stop working?” I asked as I pulled my hand more, trying very hard not to look at her butt more. “You said your hands we stuck for an hour?”

“I don’t even know what I did. They just came apart on their own.” Rachel explained.

“So what do we do from here?”

What do we try now?

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