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Chapter 2 by JakeSnakeCakes JakeSnakeCakes

What's next?

The magic the gathering club wins the championship

"Mulligan" Frank said. He shuffled quickly and drew five new cards.

"Fuck's sake" he muttered. One land. Manafucked again. He drew his switchblade comb from his trenchcoat and brushed his greasy pompadour.

Bridget and Toby snickered. Someone knocked at the door.

"Did someone order pizza? You're supposed to tell me." Al whined.

"We didn't order pizza" Bridget said.

More knocking, rapid and impatient.

"Someone get it" Frank said.

Toby shoved Wayne, who was still sleeping. He had been popping pills to survive both his exams and the tournament. Now, Wayne was nothing more than a corpse. Toby rolled his eyes and got up.

The knocking got obnoxiously loud.

"Who the fuck is it?" Toby said, opening the door to see ten beautiful women in cheerleading outfits. Toby froze.

"Hi, is this the Magic Gathering Team?" the leader said. She was a redhead, skinny, but with large breasts that strained against her tight top.

Toby stuttered awkwardly. Bridget looked at them from the couch. Toby recognized her. Marina Ronan. The two of them had went to high school together, and she had been the subject of many of his masturbation fantasies. They had never interacted, aside from a few papers he had sold her.

"This is the University Magic the Gathering Club, if that's what you're asking" Bridget said, glancing from the couch.

"Okay, don't care. Were you the ones that won the tournament?"

Bridget nodded.

Before Marina could speak, Marta, a latina with short hair stopped her. She pulled her and the other girls into a huddle.

"Do we really need to go through with this? They don't even know what's about to happen. And, look at them."

The cheerleaders looked at the group of nerds.

There was Frank, a skinny edgelord who wore fingerless gloves and a trenchcoat. His hair was greasy, and then they saw the braided rat tail that was resting on his shoulder. He was staring intensely back at them. He slowly started to smile, an expression the cheerleaders found ominous.

Wayne looked like a corpse. His chubby asian body was completely relaxed, and his eyes were covered by a pair of thick black glasses. He wore cargo shorts, and a tank top featuring Sans from Undertale and Goku. His face scrunched let out a loud snrrk, as if to prove he was still alive.

Bridget was still staring as if she was judging the cheerleaders. She was a short, butch woman with a dyed pink skin fade haircut. Her face was covered in piercings, and she wore an unflattering black top and ripped jeans. Her skinny arms were covered in tattoos. She wore thin-rimmed glasses.

Al was smiling at them. Looking at him, it was clear that he didn't know anything about fashion. He wore a grey t-shirt with a faded anime character on it, and a pair of gym shorts that hardly covered his pale legs. To put it bluntly, he was also very fat.

Finally, there was Toby. Toby wore a button up shirt, a bowtie, and a pair of slacks. He could not make eye contact with any of them, or even say a single word. His posture made him look uncomfortable in any position.

"It's our duty. We knew what we were signing up for."

"I signed up to get pounded by actual athletes" Tara said. She was black, with curly hair.

"They're kinda weird. Do they even shower. Plus, how would people even know?" Lynn said, glancing at Frank.

"It's unlucky. I don't want to be responsible for causing the real teams to lose. You know what coach is like." Marina said.

The girls murmured.

"Fine. Let's put it to a vote. We sleep with them for a weekend, or we leave them."

"Or, we draw lots. Doesn't have to be all of us that make the sacrifice" Marta said.

Marina nodded.

What do they vote for?

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