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Chapter 3 by Ankoino Ankoino

Waking Up

The Sound of an Adventuring Party

All at once you snap into consciousness of your surroundings. It's a disorienting experience waking up not just in a strange, dark room but immediately you can tell you're in a body not like your own, you fell massive and powerful. This moment would likely have thrown you into existential dread if it wasn't for the faint whispering of voices from behind double iron doors in front of you.

"I don't know, I'm not a fucking rogue." A feminine voice whispers loudly, clearly frustrated.

"Shut up Dro there could be a monster guarding the treasure." Another female voice whispers just as loudly.

With that you stand up and look around for the first time. You're in a stone walled, windowless room lit by torches. You were laying in a pile of fur pelts, the only other thing in the room is a massive treasure chest on a small pedestal. I guess I did ask for a dungeon. You think to yourself. I must be the final boss, and this treasure is what they get if they kill me.

"Fuck it, just open the door. If it's trapped it's trapped." A third female voice says, not even bothering to whisper.

The steel doors fly open and an all female party of four stumbles into the room. Just looking at them you can tell they're low level adventurers. There's a dwarf with no armor and a short bow, a half orc in chainmail with a wooden club, a halfling in simple robes, and strange tall woman with glittering skin wearing leather armor.

"Shit! A minotaur!" The halfling screams.

"Kill it quick!" The half-orc responds.

You try to tell them you don't know what's going on here but when you open your mouth a guttural series of booming grunts is what comes out. From the fact the party is taking battle stations you assume they can't understand you.

Then the half-orc charges you, smashing her club against your hide flesh (Physical defense result 225). The wooden weapon shatters against you. Completely unfelt. Annoyed you swing your fist into the green skinned woman (Physical offense result 30). You move awkwardly in this new body and you're certain a more adept adventurer would have deftly avoided the blow, but your fist strikes her center mass and she falls to the ground, screaming in pain before falling ****.

The dwarf makes the next move firing two arrows your direction but they both miss (Physical Defense result 200). The halfling waves her hands and shouts something in what sounds almost like Latin as a stream of fire shoots from her finger tips, but the flames do nothing but singe your hair (magical defense 64). Wide eyed and **** the unidentified woman puts her fingers against her temples and stares at you but then falls into a limp stupor for reasons you don't understand.

"Fuck! Esme's wild surge backfired!" The halfling cries out. "Grab her and retreat, we can't win this!"

Before the dwarf can respond you're on her. The halflings talk of retreat fills you with a strange sense of disgust and hate that emboldens you to charge forward, slamming into the dwarven woman (Physical attack result 42). She goes flying into the stone wall behind her and she falls limp after a sickening crunch of bones, blood pooling beneath her.

"No!" The halfling screams in despair and falls onto her back, trembling in fear as you easily pick her up in one hand. Using your free hand you drag the still comatose woman to your pile of furs and throw her down on it unceremoniously. When you pull your loincloth to the side exposing your massive, barbed cock the halfling starts to frantically beg. "Please not that. It's too big. Please have mercy. Mercy!"

You look at the small woman, admiring her pretty face and short dark hair briefly before ripping her tiny robes off. Her body is toned and soft, a patch of tangled dark hair above her little pink slit. You waste no time in quickly gripping her tight in your fist and pulling down onto your throbbing cock. She lets out a shrill scream then goes limp as you tear her insides apart. This is what you get for trying to kill me cunt! You think as you working her tiny body up and down your cock. It reminds you of using your fleshlight back in the other world except this feels a hundred times better. Her insides are warm and wet and hug you tightly, wildly spasming at your invasive penetration. With a triumphant growl you unload into the halfling who is now staring vacant eyed into the middle distance completely broken. When you drop her on the ground cum is spewing from her tiny body.

"Oh god." You hear a soft voice utter next to you and turn your attention to the sparkly beauty beside you. She has long blond hair, the face of a model and large breasts exposed slightly by skimpily leather armor that leaves her long smooth legs bare. Veins of the glittering blues and purple run under her exposed skin and even having just dumped a load in the halfling you're ready to have a go at this beauty as well.

Seeing your cock growing she gets to her knees and looks up at you, batting her eyelashes at you but unable to hide the terror in her expression. "You don't have to kill me." She whimpers. "You're horny right, I can make you feel good w-with my mouth."

***250 Class XP gained 1250 Monster XP gained. Monster level up!***

Level Up And Decide If You'll Take Her Offer.

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