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Chapter 3 by Mr Nice Guy Mr Nice Guy

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The Problem

Alex stared in bewilderment at the readings on the monitor before him. He had been so excited as he headed back to his basement lab. Amanda, his beautiful, intelligent, and most of all observant girlfriend hadn't noticed a thing. Despite the fact that he had transformed his body into that of a barely clothed blonde woman with huge tits, she had looked at him as if he had always been that way. Even beyond that, Amanda had still thought he was a man!

The differences would be, of course, completely obvious if it weren't for the reality field. The ideas for both the transformation matrix and the reality field had come to come to Alex on the same night. He hadn't been well, his temperature was high. Laying in bed, he slipped into a fever dream, but one like no other he had experienced before. In it he began to make conceptual connections, ideas for innovation, sketches of schematics. By the time he woke, his bed was soaked with sweat, but he was inspired. Frantically he transcribed everything he could remember, which was a surprising amount.

The funny thing was that his new inventions, compared to the other projects that he had worked on, were quite simple. It wasn't the mechanisms that made them work, but rather the energy. He had found a way to tap into the chaos energy of creation, the energy behind the veil of our reality, and bend it to his own will.

Or so he though. Alex's French nails once again flew across the keys of the console, working his numbers again, rechecking his readings. When he had programmed his first transformation, the one that had placed him in this new body, Alex had made sure to carry forward the skills he would need in case something went wrong. Sure, he kept the mannerisms and abilities that he thought a blonde bombshell should have, the ability to walk on ridiculously high heels, the ability to show off his new body unconsciously, the ability to do his make-up, hair, flirt, dance. But he had kept his computer skills, the ability to type quickly, even with his long nails, the ability to solder cleanly, things he didn't want to lose muscle memory for in case something went wrong.

And now it seemed that something might be going wrong.

Alex adjusted his tits in his bra. He had chosen such huge ones for the same reason he had chosen this whole body. It was supposed to be a joke. A small part of him had hoped that the reality field had failed when he visited Amanda. Being the only one who could actually see his transformation, acknowledge what he had accomplished, felt more than a little lonely. If she had been able to see through the field, even just a little, she would have appreciated the humour. Amanda's big titted bimbo-looking boyfriend. They would have laughed and laughed.

Well Alex wasn't laughing now. The numbers on the readout returned, and again they were all wrong. They didn't make sense! All of his modeling, all of his test runs on the equipment, nothing had given him results like this. Alex had programmed in a failsafe for when he wanted to return everything to the way it was, a quick way without having to reprogram reality perfectly. Reprogramming reality manually was a task beyond what Alex was confident to do. He could try, but he was sure that he'd miss something, and the results would not be great. But now the failsafe wasn't responding! He had run the command code over and over, but nothing was happening! It was almost as if...

Then it hit him.

The one thing he had done differently this time compared to all of his test runs was that he had run the reality field on himself, not a lab rat, not an inanimate object. On him. The user.

The failsafe couldn't work, because it couldn't recognize that anything had changed. To the machine, Alex had always been a man in the body of a big-titted woman with long smooth legs, puffy lips, and a penchant for skimpy clothes. Pushing himself back from the desk, licking his lips while he thought of the daunting task ahead of him (looking far sexier than he meant to), Alex felt his heart drop. What had begun as a fun experiment was now turning into a life-altering problem. He only hoped that he was up to the task.

What's next?

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