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Chapter 3 by Dareni Dareni

Where am I...?

The Pantheon

The Pantheon of this world is rather simple; Almost every race has a Patron Deity, who created them in ancient times.

Deities are rather selfish and only care for their race, often inspiring zeal and a "Might makes Right" mentality among mortals so that they become the ones most worshiped and, therefore the most powerful. However, They portray themselves in a spectrum from Light to Dark, not "good" or "evil" as there are Dark gods who do good and Light gods who do evil.

The main separation began when Humans came about. As a Godless race, Humans began to worship them, great holy wars were fought in the name of Divinity, and eventually, the victorious humans and their allies created the separation based on prejudice and hatred for the "Dark" which eventually led to the "Dark" to become prejudiced and hateful toward the "Light" in a self-fulfilling prophecy of hate and distrust between the two sides which lasts to this day.

The gods exist in a place called the Heavenly City, where all gods have their own established "DeathRealm" that no other can enter unless invited. This is where dead souls go to and live out their "Afterlife" until they reincarnate in the world. The Heavenly City continuously expands as new souls are created by mortal reproduction and every "DeathRealm" has a different aesthetic, from Great Cities to Forests and Oceans of sheer serenity to even massive Mead Halls where Fighting and Fucking happen at all times.

Here is a list of deities and what their DeathRealms look like, ordered in the same order as they are mentioned in the main story.

Malzar of The Virtues

Religion name: The Virtuous.

Living Saint: None.

Ranking of Worship: #1

Allegiance: Light.

Malzar is simple to understand, he is a prudish god who values the virtues of hard work, family, and staying away from any form of pleasure that doesn't come from, in his own words, "Pure ways". He's a conservative old grumpy grandpa who can't enjoy sex, ****, and booze; so no one should.
He is the most worshiped god amongst humans, and since humans are the most populous species in the world he is the most worshiped god.

He is always portrayed as a tall, but thin nearly decrepit old man with a large floor-length white beard, and his face is completely obscured showing only two glinting orbs that are his eyes. He always carries a harvesting scythe to inspire mortals by saying "Even gods work hard" and he is portrayed as being in the act of harvesting or looking over the fields with the scythe which always seems to be a focus of any painting or mural of him. He wears peasantry cloth that reveals absolutely no skin to commemorate the virtue brought by celibacy and self-control brought by hard work.

He sees mortals as stupid youngsters who need direction only he can give, purpose only he can instill, and this is one of the many reasons he has no use for a Living Saint even though all other gods have them.

His DeathRealm takes the form of a rural town in rolling hills for the souls to work, earning their "Pride in hard work" once more. This however exhausts souls so much, that often they deliberately choose to reincarnate as a different species to worship a different god so they aren't worked day and night by the "Virtuous" grandpa once they die again.

The Twins, Pan the Sunny, and Nan the Brooding.

Religion name:
Pan = Bathed in the Sun, or the Solan.
Nan = Bathed in the Moon, or the Lurian.
Secret third following = The Manhunt.

Solan Living Saint: Dura (Light Aligned)
Lurian Living Saint: Kir (Light Aligned)
Manhunt Living Saint: Grimhorn (Dark aligned)

Ranking of Worship: Pan #3, Nan #4, Manhunt: Dead-Last.

Allegiance: Dark (But disguise themselves as Light)

The twin goddesses of the Sun and Moon, Pan, the Goddess of the Sun is an optimistic woman who acts like a "Gyaru", while Nan the Goddess of the Moon her younger sister is a bratty goth who gets on people's nerves.

Pan is always portrayed as a tall woman with tanned skin, floor-length green hair with Marigold flowers decorating its length, and incredibly large breasts that always seem to be a focus of any painting or mural of her. She only wears what is essentially an "Algea Bikini" that reveals plenty of her skin to commemorate the freedom and fun brought by the sun and its warmth.
Nan on the other hand is always portrayed as a short woman with Pale skin, shoulder-length black hair with a single White Lotus flowers decorating the left side, and incredibly wide hips and a large behind that always seem to be a focus of any painting or mural of her. She only wears a simple hooded and thin robe that reveals plenty of cleavage and legs to commemorate the chill and mysteriousness brought by the moon and its glow.

While visiting and speaking to other gods they act prim and proper to disguise the fact they hate Malzar, the de facto leader of the Light, but as soon as they are freed from the eyes of other Gods, they descend into slutty, whorish women who love dick more than anything.

Pan is incredibly submissive to the male souls of her DeathRealm from the get-go not hiding the fact that she wants to be filled up to the brim with cum, while Nan acts like a brat, teasing and prodding at the male souls of hers to make them snap and fuck her brutishly and roughly like the masochist she is.

However, they have always hidden their third and fourth domains, which they share: The Hunt and Beasts (The beasts playing the role of a godless group of races under the instruction of their Goddesses of course). As they represent the wild itself, they have created a Living Saint to uphold all their Domains in the mortal realm, his name: Grimhorn.

Pan's Deathrealm is a sunny and warm beach with a palm tree forest at its edge. It always has drinks, parties, and good food at the ready. It also has a secret mansion in the forest for "Pan's Many Men Orgies".

Nan's Deathrealm is a gigantic manor with a roof that is entirely a skylight to show the Moon always no matter what time it is. Nan gives a special key to all the men of her Deathrealm which teleports them to her room, which is why she teases them discreetly at all times to make them use the key so she can have fun getting slamfucked into unconsiousness when she returns.

Makira of The Vices.

Religion name: The Sinful

Living Saint: Currently Unknown Woman.

Ranking of Worship: #2

Allegiance: Dark.

Often called Shedevil, Makira is the former lover of Malzar and is similarly powerful to him, they were the first gods ever born and are theorized to be the Mother and Father of the other gods, this is only partially true.
She is the Goddess of Sin, her Domain is anything that can bring any form of pleasure that Malzar deems unpure such as Booze, Sex, ****, Adrenaline rushes, etc...

Makira is portrayed as an average-height woman with red-ish tinted skin, ass-length charcoal-black hair, and four horns that curl into a "Crown" where a blue flame burns above her head, she has ludicrously large breasts and ass. She is always portrayed as having her mouth open with her incredibly long tongue lolled out while wearing nothing at all, her horn crown and the blue flame seem to be the focus of any painting or mural of her.

Being one of the two oldest gods around Makira has a healthy following only beaten by the worship of her old lover Malzar. While he represents virtue, prudishness, and close-mindedness, Makira is far more interested in expressionism, being completely open to all experiences and open-mindedness.
This is what eventually led to Malzar and Makira's bitter separation and even more it is what led to their sour views on one another's faith and worship, with The Virtuous being disdainful, rude, and even hateful toward The Sinful and The Sinful thinking of their rivals as poor unenlightened souls who need to be shepherded into the warm embrace of Sin.

Sin includes:
Art for the sake of Art; Fiction; Consumption of **** outside of religious rites; Use of recreational ****; Eating for more than sating hunger; Parties for the sake of fun; and most puzzling of all: Sex for more than procreation.

Sin and Virtue are opposites in this world, but unlike ours which condemns sin as evil, this world doesn't and instead sees it simply as another way of living, different but not "evil"

Makira's Deathrealm is a sprawling city full of Brothels, Casinos, and Bars with whore-angels at every corner. Her realm is specifically tailored to give the dead souls a pleasurable, hedonistic "Afterlife" so that they might be reincarnated without ever feeling like they missed out on any pleasure they never got to experience. This ironically works out well, letting souls deliberately choose to be born as another species to live lives with slightly less Sin in them, which Makira enjoys as it shows they will seek something new, instead of stagnating.

Kincur, Ruler of Strength.

Religion name: Kindred.

Patronee Species: Giants.

Living Saint: Currently Unknown Man.

Ranking of Worship: #5

Allegiance: Light.

Kincur is an honorable barbarian-like god of strength, sport, battle, and war. He is not hateful, he is not prejudiced, he is simply a warrior who loves to do battle, and loves to do it against worthy opponents. He is Malzar's son with Makira, in fact, their only male child. Because he was pampered by his father, when humans branded his mother as the leader of the Dark Gods he decided to completely cut ties with her and become a member of the Light Gods, therefore solidifying Makira and Malzar's separation for good.

Kincur is portrayed as a truly humongous male towering over all things, houses, trees, giants, and even mountains, every depiction is made with a bald head and literal fire for eyes with a short and well-kept beard of flames, with sculpted herculean muscles. He is always portrayed as having several runic tattoos of his many conquests and adventures from before he was **** to stay put in the Heavenly City and wearing only a Lion Pelt for a loincloth. His tattoos always seem to be the focus of any painting or mural of him.

Kincur is truly an honorable god, who is regarded as a hero for his time in the mortal realm, a time when he demoted himself to demigod instead of full god to have a more challenging time in his adventures. During this time he found many women he lusted for, but being a god he did not understand consent, so he **** them all, giving rise to the warrior species of Giants. However, because of the fact they are **** babies, Giants resented their ancient father openly rejecting him for hundreds of years before they allowed themselves to worship him.

Now those who worship him are nomadic, hunting and killing the largest monsters they can find to exalt their father. Their adventures and quests often lead them to expand the tribe, which allows anyone to join so long as they are deemed worthy of Kincur's strength. Women and Men are treated the same, and adultery is strictly forbidden. Because Kincur is a son of Makira (Even though he severed ties) the Tribe often has specific days of the year to indulge in Sin (Kincur hates these Sinful Holidays but keeps his mouth shut)

His Deathrealm is an Arena where gladiatorial sport-fighting takes place, with the victor of 100 consecutive battles being allowed to reincarnate early if they so desire, many don't but many more become tired of endless battle and choose to wait it out without fighting, to choose a different race when they die so that they might not have to continuously fight in their afterlife again.

Gobluniet, Mother Goddess of Goblins.

Religion Name: No one centralized religion, therefore no name.

Patronee Species: Goblins.

Living Saint: Cram.

Ranking of worship: #10

Allegiance: Dark, but really doesn't care about the allegiances.

Gobluniet is a rather simple goddess, some might even call her gullible and stupid. She only cares for her mortal children and their freedoms, nothing else. This is one of the reasons why she allows them to be so violent to each other, she simply does not understand mortals but understands that serfdom or slavery was not something she wanted for them, and so, as long as they keep away from orcs they're allowed total freedom.

Once married to the God of Orcs she was tricked by him into creating the ancient goblins, a solely female species that could only birth Orcs and Goblins with an incredible bodily flexibility that allowed them to be penetrated by beings twice as big as them, and birth babies nearly half their size. This abusive relationship of Goblins being treated as nothing but Spawning beds for Orcs eventually led her first Living Saint to rebel, and beg her goddess for freedom, this is what eventually led to goblins being freed from orcs, goblin males being created and Gobluniet divorcing the god of Orcs and entirely hating the other green skin species.

One might wonder how she is worshiped if there is no centralized religion or temple, and it is scarily simple: Gobluniet is worshiped by the simple fact goblins are free. Their very freedom is what counts as worship for her, and therefore is why she is still around even though almost no one prays to her. However, if she's still worshiped by their freedom, why is she so low on the totem pole of ranks? Exactly because she is not directly prayed to enough.

Her Deathrealm takes the form of a recreation of Throatsdeep's luxurious Marble Steps. Goblin souls born both in the Ghettos and the Steps enjoy great food, ****, and sex with her angels as they are allowed to simply indulge in the decadence of the Marble Steps for once, without worrying about the ****.

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