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Chapter 3 by marshall626 marshall626

What's next?

Taking stock

I shook Alice, "Ten more minutes," she groaned.

"Alice, wake up!" I yelled while shaking her again.

"What?" she grumbled rubbing her eyes before they shot open and she looked down at me with panic, "Ohmygodareyouokay?"

"I... What?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "Alice, why are we tied together?" I asked.

Alice looked around frantically, half-dazed from being **** not too long ago, "I... uhm... you... Fell... Uhh... I," She said before shaking her head and looking into my eyes, "You fell overboard when everything turned to shit. I grabbed this backpack thing because it had an inflatable thing on it and I managed to pull you up to the surface and strap you to my chest before the thing inflated on its own, I tried swimming back to the yacht but the waves carried us further and further and I think the others were too panicked about the fire to notice us go over," she explained, I could see the expression on her face, she looked like a confused and scared puppy.

I took a deep breath and let me head slump back into the soft sand, "Okay, first things first, we need to stop being conjoined siblings, I need you off my chest before all my organs explode," I laughed, trying to lighten the mood, in all honesty, I have lifted her up many times and she is far from heavy.

She looked at me with feigned shock, "How very dare you! I am as light as a feather and on top of that I saved your life!"

I laughed more and wrapped my arms around her, unfortunately, it was a little awkward with the backpack in the way. She struggled a lot before I heard a clip noise and she rolled off of me. As soon as she rolled off I made a gasping noise and she slapped my chest causing us both to laugh, "Alright get that backpack off, I assume it's more than a life preserver, I saw a few of them on the yacht and I'm pretty sure Jake opened one up and was playing with a knife so I'm hoping it's got a bunch of survival shit in it," I explained.

I helped Alice up and we unhooked her and then moved to a grassy area just before the palm forest.

The first thing I pulled out was a mini shovel which was attached to a canvas bag, opening it up showed that there were 4 pole extenders which all seemed to have extra tools hidden in them, as well as a shovel there was a knife, telescopic fishing rod, and a mini survival kit which included a firestarter with tinder, mini compass and some medical balm, there was also an axehead included which seemed to be able to be attached to one of the pole pieces.

Next Was four paracord bracelets with a compass, emergency whistle, and flint and steel. After that was eight carabiner multitools, it had a blade sharpener and mini box cutter.

"Like I can't fucking guess who the fuck put this shit together, everything seems to be a damn multi-tool," I groaned, "It's like Tim just looked online for survival shit rather than actually doing research."

Next was the knife I'd seen before, it had a strong-looking sheath and looking at it one side looked like it had some kind of mini whetstone on it, as well as a flint.

"Well, at least we won't struggle to make fire, everything in this thing can make fire," I shook my head, Alice had been silent and just continued looking over everything.

The next thing was a cylindrical bag, opening it up I was surprised to find that it had a mess kit inside, a good-sized pot, kettle, pan, and four sets of plates, splayds, knives, cups with thermal sleeves and two washcloths.

Again Tim surprised me with more sensible things, a 20L camp shower bag with a big jar of soap flakes. Next was a big medical kit, then eight 1L glass water bottles, eight lifestraws which purify water and finally was some kind of tarp rolled up.

"Huh, I guess he isn't completely useless after all, eh?" I asked, looking over to Alice.

She gave me a weak smile, "Yeah, hopefully, this stuff will be enough to keep us safe until help comes... help is coming right?"

I hugged her, "Of course, I'm sure as soon as the others get on the radio they will have the coast guard or someone out here looking for us. We'll be here a few days tops, but we should make sure to try and conserve things as much as possible just in case it does take them longer to find us than we hope," I reassured her.

I grabbed the tarp and unrolled it to find it was a small tarp, some rope and a single hammock.

"Tim... you fucking idiot, you set the bag up for like four people and only included a single hammock? It's fine we will figure something out later. Should probably check the pockets for rations and stuff." I thought out loud.

Opening up the pockets I was annoyed to find a field guide to edible plants, a print out of like 10 survival hacks and a single pack of twenty-four-hour rations for four people.

I sighed again, "Hey, I just realised that we might not be on an island but we could just be out of the way on the coast, let's pack all this stuff back up and get walking, what do you say?"

What's next?

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