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Chapter 3 by Arthor Thomarius Arthor Thomarius

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Summoned By a Coven of Co-eds; or Welcome of Fordhart University

“KIDS! Gracious Goodness. What have I told you three about screwing around with my magical worlds…”

I felt my very being torn to shreds by the **** of those words. A God of Gods had spoken, and it was most displeased. I cannot say how long I sat in an empty void with nothing but a terrible migraine, but eventually I heard a voice.

"Administrative override engaged. ECR modules unlocked. Reformation complete. Hybridization accepted. Blessings given. Domain Constructed. Emanation assembly processors ready. Miracles & Monster powers integrated. Ariel's binding confirmed. Tachyon compression protocols installed. Oath terms integrated, proxy definition balance expansion ECRV1b4g. Sacred Grounds defined. ECRV118B race initiated. ECRV119Z class initiated. Race: Nephilim LOCKED. Class: Isekaidjinn LOCKED. Initializing Arcane-Resurrection.EXE"

I felt myself plummeting through emptiness. I could hear a voice screaming as I fell and I was sure that it was not mine. Someone was falling alongside me. The darkness filled with a great burning nebula which I thought looked awfully similar to an eye. The luminous gas enveloped me and for the first time since I was murdered I needed to breathe. I felt my lungs fill with magical energies as the motonic particles swirling around me flowed into my core to become the materials from which my new body was to be constructed. The clouds of mana-charged particles filled me up until the swirling nebula had vanished and I was left standing in the middle of a summoning circle.


"It worked! I told you we could summon a sex demon." I heard a bubbly young woman say. My new eyes were drawn to the vivacious beauty hopping up and down in triumph. "And you said that the spell was too advanced and that my lure harmonics were off." The girl had pink hair with blonde streaks said before sticking her tongue out at a pale girl with a subdued expression.

"Your lure harmonics were off. Arthor's sack. I checked those calculations three times and I am telling you that we should have pulled up a glitch. There is no way that this thing came from a libidinous plane." The raven haired girl said before taking a hit off of a vape. The way that she looked me over I would have said that she was undressing me with her eyes, but I was not at that time wearing anything. Though they could be forgiven for believing that I was wearing some sort of loincloth made of pure light when their gazes were drawn between my legs. "He does not look like any of the sex demons from Professor Felbut's class on the subject. Maybe you should banish him, before he tries to break through to our side?"
"Come on. We have to at least try to put some bindings on him first." The perky pink haired girl said holding up some golden rings.
"Don't be such a scaredy neko, Arna." Said a third young woman, this particular nubile had royal blue hair with waves of red. At the mention of 'scaredy neko' the three young women's gazes all fell on a scantly clad youth who's feline ears twitched and his tail swished nervously. "Ishla is right. We have to at least try to bind him. We can always banish him if the **** bands do not take. Besides, look at him." The three co-eds had a peculiar look in their transfixed gazed which made me really wish I had had a mirror.

It was at this point I decided to take in my surroundings and see who whom I was dealing. Discounting myself the room had six occupants. The three girls who had been talking had the telltale pointy ears and glittering skin of elves. They were dressed not too differently from the college girls from my own world, albeit with a bit of a Renaissance Faire look. The other three were wearing more jewelry than clothing. Besides for a loincloth with their owner's glyph printed on the front and back, the three slaves were basically naked. All three wore a collar around their necks with some of them sporting armlets anklets, bangles, and rings on their fingers, toes, and in two cases, tails.

An orc woman stood behind the three elves cooling them with a fan of blue feathers. I could feel the miniature arctic gale emanating from the enchanted item. Next to her stood the neko youth, his body was oiled and glistening, he stood resolute with his tray of urdlings. The baby goblinoids struggled against the tray's **** field holding them upon their prison where they waited for one of the elf women to grow peckish. I almost did not see third ****, but when the elf woman said 'look at him.' the footrest underneath the dark haired girl's boots turned and looked in my direction. The sweet looking inu-girl smiled weakly as she wagged her tail. The **** young girl had a sweetness about her that reminded me of my own girls. She looked at me with such sadness and despair that it tore at my heart. Then the blue haired girl grabbed one of the urdlings from the tray.

One of my many class abilities as an isekaidjinn is the ability to speak and understand most languages. Goblin AKA low Orcish, is as clear to me as the elvish AKA low Draconic the elf girls were conversing in right in front of me. I did not know if they could understand the pleading cries of the greenskin as she was about to chow down. But I could clearly make out. "Oh shit. Fuck! Oh gods. please I do not want to die like this! Please!!! I am only three weeks old. This really... Ohoahahahahahha!!!!!"

My mane-fire flared red and purple, anger boiled in my blood. I was so piping hot mad that I smashed my fist against the barrier of the summoning circle. The invisible **** field which separated this world from Elsewhere started to crack. The three girls jumped backwards and screamed in fright. Dang thing hurt my hand good and I had to shake out the pain, but I reckoned that two or three more hits with some real effort and I could smash the barrier to pieces.

"Send him back!" Arna screamed.
"No! He is mine." Ishla said with a covetous glee. "Zansa, are you with me?" The bubbly pink haired girl asked the demure blue haired beauty.

The girls nodded to one another then looked to Arna. The raven haired girl hesitated. Ishla and Zansa joined hands and held the rings. The two spoke the spell's high Draconic in unison. """By the power of these rings. I bind you to my will.""" The girl said. Seven glowing rings floated into the air. Time slowed down.

<Master, this is Ariel. I am communicating with you directly core to core. You do not have to even think for me to know what you want me to do. Mom and dad said that I am grounded for an aeon and that I have to start my punishment by being your ****. Thanks to your timefruit powers and my amazingness, we can string together some wicked spellchains and magi-combo techniques to put these witches in their place.> Ariel laid out his plan, it was quite devilish for an angel.

As the binding rings hit the threshold of the barrier I cast Spell Reversal. As the rings wrapped around my arms, legs, and throat I felt their magic drain away from the objects and direct themselves back towards the caster. Before anyone could see that the binding spell had failed, I cast Glamour to give the illusion that the binding rings were glowing to indicate that the enchantments were working properly.

Ishla and Zansa looked at me with confusion. Arna was about to pull the trigger on banishing me, but before she could say the banishing word I got down onto one knee and said "How may I serve you, My Mistresses."

"Ohmygods! We did it!" The blue haired elf girl said before grabbing another urdling from the tray and tossing it into the air and catching it in her mouth. "Well done Ishla! Professor Felbut is definitely going to give us an A when we bring in this...this." The elf girl reached through the barrier and started fondling my crotch. The girl tried to find the underside of the shimmering light that veiled the area between my legs like a burning bush but eventually Zansa settled on petting and caressing the shimmering crotch light which began to transform into tendrils. On reflex my package started stroking and fondling the woman's hand right back. On top of the normal feelings of arousal and stimulation, I felt something else, I have no context for this that a human could understand other than it must be similar to what a keg feels when being filled with beer. <Your reservoir of light energy is being filled by their stimulation. You have enough motons to generate some basic emanations if you desire, My Master.> I ignored the angel's submissive tone and relaxed and let the college girls crank up my power.

"Thanks Zansa." Ishla said, seemingly as oblivious to her spell's reversal. Yet I noticed a tone of doubt and hesitancy which seemed unbecoming for the innocent elf girl. Ishla suspected that her life had suddenly taken a drastic turn. Ishla looked at me timidly and smiled. "Hi. Can I?..." The girl pointed to my crotch. I gave her a shrug and a second elf started giving me a hand job. The girls pulled, stretched, and twisted my crotch tendrils between their fingers. Glowing tentacles of solid light and liquid shadow surged with arcane energies with caused currents of arousal to run through the elf girls' bodies. Within a few moments, Ishla was her giggling elf self again. I felt amazing as my power started to surge. The mana I had expended to enslave these elves was more than recovered with plenty aside to generate a few constructs. But first thing's first. I was still trapped in the space between spaces.
"You should, probably, bring down the barrier and let me into your world." I said. "Mistress." I added laying on the sarcasm a little too thick because Arna perked up and gave me a nervous as I smiled submissively.
"Of course." Ishla said aloud before silently mouthing the word 'master' to herself. With only a moment of hesitation, the girl broke the summoning circle. I felt a waft of magical wind caressing my skin as I stepped into a whole new world.

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