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Chapter 3 by hypocriticalme hypocriticalme

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Studying and magic

After that incident with the vibrator, Selene began to wonder if she should be worrying more about keeping her burgeoning powers in check rather than trying to develop them. She had no idea how she had managed to imbue her sex toy with seemingly magical properties, let alone how to repeat it or change it back. She had never really had much of an interest in the supernatural, and she had no idea where to start with learning how to develop or control her abilities. At the same time though, Selene knew deep down that there was no way that she was not going to keep trying to figure out more. She had already seen too much to turn back now.

After that night with her vibrator, some things did start to come easier to her. She could turn lights and electronics off and on without too much effort now, where before she was struggling with just one lamp. More complicated things like browsing the internet with just her magical will was still just a bit too far out of reach though. Which was unfortunate, because she had been scouring the internet trying to figure out what was happening to her and she could use some help.

So far, her internet searches had been of little use. Selene did not really know anything about the supernatural before now, and it seemed like no one else did either. For every forum post that might seem to give some useful direction, there were a dozen other useless and non-functioning "spells" and "hexes" that did little more than make her house smell like burning sage and scented candles. At least she had learned how to light and extinguish small flames and candle wicks with her magic, for all the good that would do her.

She had not really messed with the now enchanted vibrator either after that night. The first time she turned it on again, the little pink device leaped to life in her hand as invisible fingers hooked around the waistband of the sweatpants she was wearing and yanked them to the floor. By the time she had the wherewithal to turn the device off with her magic, she was already being bent over her bed while the toy tried to nuzzle its way between her legs. A few days later she tried once more to turn it on and control it with some sort of magical command, but she once again had her bottoms yanked off before being bent over her desk as the device tried to fuck her. After that, she locked the toy in a wooden box in her closet until she could figure out what to do with it.

Her last semester of sophomore year had come to a close during this time, and it was a good thing that her class load had been light because this whole magic situation was a constant distraction at the back of her mind. Her literature degree so far had not been terribly hard, but she did have one stressful final project in her history class. With the due date coming up soon for the paper she had to finish, Selene was beginning to wish she had spent less time googling useless spells and more time more time researching the late Gilded Age period she was supposed to be writing about.

She had started writing and researching in the campus library to avoid the temptations and distractions of trying to master her magic at home, and so far it was going pretty well. She was almost finished with her first draft when a surprise visitor approached the table she regularly used tucked away in a far corner of the large library.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but you're in my history class, right?"

Selene looked up with what she hoped was not noticeable surprise. The cheerleader from that party whose skirt she had accidentally blasted up with her magic was standing across from her at the table. Selene had by no means forgotten about her, but she had tried to keep her focus away after that incident at the party.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. Yeah I am. I'm actually working on that project right now." Selene narrowed her eyes slightly as she pretended to struggle to remember the cheerleader's name. "It's...Cindy, right?"

"Yeah! And you're Selene?"

That was surprising. Selene did not expect the girl to even know that she existed, let alone know her name.

"Uhhh, yeah. Yes! Yeah I'm Selene." Selene hoped she was not blushing when she said that. "What's up?"

"It's actually about that history project. Would it bother you if I asked you a few questions? I'm a little lost on what I should be doing."

Selene had actually been on a pretty good roll with her writing, but she could definitely make an exception for this.

"No, not at all! Grab a seat."

Cindy sat down, and the two of them talked over the project for a few minutes. Selene looked over what Cindy had written, and to her surprise it was actually very good, just way too broad. Selene realized she might have been stereotyping the cheerleader a bit in her head. She might not actually be ditzy at all. Selene gave the girl what she hoped were some good pointers on how to shape up her paper, which she accepted with gratitude.

"Hey, I know this is due in a little over a week, but would you want to meet up again at some point before then to look over each other's paper? If not, absolutely no worries." Cindy held up her hands in deference.

Selene just blinked for a moment. The hot cheerleader, who was apparently also kind of smart, was asking her if she wanted to meet up again later?

"Um, sure! Yeah that'd be great!" Selene smiled back.


Cindy's dirty blonde hair swished around her head as she leaned over to put her books and laptop back into her backpack. As she rummaged around, Selene once again took in her body. She was wearing dark pink leggings and a long sleeved white t-shirt that hugged her curves. As Selene stared, she thought back to that night at the party. How Cindy's toned ass had looked when Selene's magic had accidentally blasted up her skirt.

"Here, put your number in and I'll text you." Cindy leaned back up and handed Selene her cell phone.

Selene felt the faintest hint of a flutter in her chest when typed her contact information. Since when did she care about about what some dumb cheerleader thought of her? Of course, she was very pretty... When Selene looked back up from the phone to Cindy, an image of her face buried between the cheerleader's legs formed for just a moment. She tried to quash her horny feelings as she handed the phone back.

"Cool -ooh!"

The tips of Selene's fingers accidentally brushed against Cindy's as she handed the phone back. When they did, Cindy suddenly perked up in the chair a quick look of excitement spasmed across the cheerleader's face for a moment. She barely managed to hold onto the phone before recovering her composure.

"Woah, excuse me!" She blushed and giggled a little as she brushed a hair out of her face. "Got a bit of a head rush."

Selene just sat there blinking for a moment. Had she just caused something to happen to Cindy?

"Oh, well you might want to take it easy the rest of the night. It's getting late and you've probably been studying all day."

"Yeah..." Cindy gave her an odd look for a moment before quickly shaking her head. "Yeah, you're right. I should really get on back home."

The cheerleader stood to leave and Selene once again could not help but admire her body. When her fingers had brushed Cindy's, Selene knew that she had caused some sort of magical effect in the girl. She was still trying to figure out how to use and control whatever her power was, but she was at least getting better at recognizing when she had done something magical. As Selene watched the girl walk away, she tried to think about how she had just caused...whatever she had just caused. She had been thinking of shoving her face between Cindy's legs and eating her out. But it was a bit more than that. It was not just that she had imagined something sexual, it was like she was projecting her sexual feelings and emotions to Cindy. Like she was projecting pleasure.

It had happened when she had touched Cindy's fingers. Selene could almost feel whatever **** of sexual energy she was manifesting pass from her fingertips and into the cheerleader. It was not to dissimilar to what Selene had done to her own vibrator, now that she thought about it. Cindy was already nearing the far end of the book shelf a dozen or so meters away, much too far away for Selene to touch and try to replicate what she had done. Then again, maybe Selene did not need to touch her... Selene casually lifted up her right hand and pointed it at Cindy's back as she reached the end of the bookshelf. Conjuring up similar mental images like before of Selene eating Cindy out, fingering her, making her come, she tried to once again project that energy at Cindy through her outstretched fingers.

This time Selene was paying closer attention to what she was doing. She could almost feel some sort of **** flow out from within her and out of her outstretched limb towards the blonde haired woman. Almost immediately, for a moment, Selene feel Cindy's presence as her energy entered the cheerleader.

Selene thought she heard Cindy gasp as the girl suddenly stumbled to a halt. Her arm reached out to the side to grab the bookshelf for support as she bent forwards slightly with a shudder. After a second of this, she quickly stood back up and tried to compose herself. Her head looked around furtively, and when she glanced back at Selene she had already put her head back down into her notes to pretend that she had witnessed nothing. Cindy then quickly walked away out of view.

Selene's heart was beating fast. She had just done that! Intentionally! This was way past flicking lights off and on, this was more like what she had done to her vibrator. She still was not sure exactly how she had enchanted that thing or whatever, but she had much better understanding of what she had just done to Cindy. She was not sure exactly what she had done to the cheerleader, but she knew that it was something pleasurable between the girl's legs.

Selene began to pack up her things. There was no way she could focus on her paper now, that would have to come later. She was heading back home. After what she had just done, Selene knew she had to try and master something else. Something a bit more...intimate.

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