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Chapter 3 by Emptyplanet Emptyplanet

Which option do you choose?

Spend time with Stacy (Angelica Route)

You decided fuck it, your grades were good enough now to skip one class. Holding Stacy by the hands you smiled mischievously at her and lead her to a different part of the campus.

"What? Where are we going baby?" Stacy asked perplexed at to your sudden change of plans.

"Let's go to the student union bar! We can afford to miss one day of class now that our grades have been pumped up." You grinned cheerfully. Giggling Stacy caught up with you and looped her arms around yours again as she practically skipped at your side.

"That sounds like fun!" Together you made your way over to the students union bar which stood just at the lower end of the campus grounds, still attached to the main campus building but was separate from accessing the rest of the campus interior. Making your way inside, you opened all doors for Stacy to enter, giggling each time you did so, offering you a playful kiss as a reward at the final door

Now inside you could see the room was sparsely packed, there seemed to be a few cliques that had formed here or there but off in the corner sat a solitary brunette all on her lonesome nursing what appeared to be a glass of whisky. It seemed that just like yourself; Stacy too had spotted the young woman.

"She looks sad." Your girlfriend pined empathetically, which of course you loved her for.

"Maybe she's waiting on someone?" You offer considerately.

"A student drinking straight whisky on a Monday morning?" She shot back, you couldn't argue with that logic. Together you both walked up to the bar and ordered coffee's, Stacy ordered a cream puff to go along with hers but you just couldn't stomach something so sweet this early in the morning and so had yours on its own. Looking for a place to sit, it seemed that a seat close to the brunette was the only vacant spot that didn't get in the way of anybody else.

Nervously you walk over to the brunette who was still swirling her drink absently, not even noticing your twos approach until you cleared your throat to grab her attention. Even then she still stared down into her drink with a blank expression, up close to her now you could see she was quite a short girl, even shorter than your girlfriend you guessed, roughly being 5'2 inches tall at a glance. She had a pale complexion but her skin remained unblemished by freckles unlike your girlfriend, and had no chest so to speak of; being as flat as a board. Finally noticing you both awkwardly looming over her, she looked up with a disinterested look - staring you down with her bright blue orbs.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a hint of snark in her voice.

"Umm, we were wondering if we could sit here? All the other spots are taken." Stacy asked her cheerfully.

"Do I look like the chair police? It's a free country girlie." The young brunette said with a bitchy look to her. Taken aback by the rudeness momentarily, your girlfriend soon fired back.

"Excuse me?-"

"You're excused."

"Listen here bitch, we were just trying to be polite, there's no need to be such a cunt." Your girlfriend took you by the hand and was about to lead you to someplace else when the young woman called out to you both.

"Damn ginge, didn't know you had it in ya. You're right I was being a brat, sorry if I offended you. Come take a seat next to me so we can start again." She motioned with her outstretched palm to the seats at the opposite end of her. You and your girlfriend shared a look for a moment before she gave in and gingerly sat down, with yourself following suit not soon after. There wasn't any other seats available so I guess you had no other choice.

"My name's Angelica, the campus drunkard if you believe the rumors" Looking at her glass of whisky you felt that you needn't need too much convincing for that claim. "What about you pair? Don't reckon I've seen either of you on campus before." She looked back and forth between the two of you with a discerning way about her.

"We're new here; we just transferred from the sister University." Your girlfriend explained, stirring a few sugars into her coffee.

"Softwood, hah!" She chortled at the mention. "He certainly looks the type." She motioned to you as she said it.

"What does that mean?" You ask indignantly

"Fanciful, studious, artistic and light on your feet. Forget it, it's the spirits talking." She giggled, throwing back another mouthful of hard liquor. She made herself sound aloof but you couldn't help but feel like she was in total control still.

"Thanks for the compliment?" You say unsure still if it was meant as one.

"You're more than welcome sweetheart." She said giggling still. "You however, you look like you've put up with a lot of bullshit in your life, am I right?" She suddenly turned on your girlfriend, who responded slowly with a nod.

"I guess you could say that, my grand parents have been a real chore lately." Your girlfriend admitted.

"Yeah I can tell you've put up with a lot of weak ass shit in your life, especially recently I would say." She said that part looking right into your eyes. "A lot of little problems to worry about, problems you shouldn't have to deal with I bet." She carried on, her look lingering into you to the point where you had to break it.

"Yeah tell me about it! They can be so overbearing sometimes, there've been many mornings where I've just wanted to turn my phone off." She began to vent to this stranger who had only now turned to look back at your girlfriend.

"You could always dump them, move on to bigger pastures and live a life you will enjoy, rather than being **** to live according to someone else's subpar desires." She said with a slight smirk curling its way onto her lips, then looking back to you. "Wouldn't you agree? Doesn't your girlfriend deserve better?" Resting her chin onto her hands she looked up at you with a knowing smile. Something about the look she was giving you made you feel very uncomfortable; but looking back at your girlfriends expectant face made you answer to the affirmative.

"Yes, of course I think she deserves the absolute best." Hearing this your girlfriend squeezes your hand gently as she intertwines her fingers with yours, sending you a lovestruck look that you return with a loving smile.

"That she does champ, that she does." Sitting up the young woman reaches into her purse to retrieve a mini notepad and pen. Jotting something down into it she rips the paper free from the binder and hands it to your girlfriend. "There, if you ever need to talk about anything feel free to give me a call, if there's any problems with your relationship" She makes an effort of gazing over to you before returning her look back to Stacy. "I'll be sure to comfort you." She said with a smile before packing up her things and excusing herself.

"Thanks Angelica! It was nice meeting you!" Your girlfriend waved to her as she left, the brunette sparing one final glance at you before she exited the student union bar. "Well I think I definitely misjudged her, she seemed really understanding once I got to know her better." Your girlfriend said happily, taking a big gulp of her coffee right after. Smiling at her you couldn't help but think back to those looks she had given you, why had she unnerved you so? Maybe your girlfriend was right, maybe she wasn't such a bitch after all. Then why was your heart beating so fast? You chalked it up to the morning coffee and just tried to enjoy your spare time with the love of your life.

What's next?

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