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Chapter 2 by Murakami Murakami

What to do with infinite power?

Side Effects

John was having trouble collecting his thoughts. There were so many possibilities that his head hurt. Also, there was some annoying bird that kept chirping.

The bird just kept getting louder and more annoying, preventing John from concentrating. 'I wish that bird would go away so I could could think.'

"Would you like this areas cleared of birds?" the voice asked.

"Yes," John replied. He waited a minute, and saw a coupe birds take off into the evening, but the the ringing was getting louder. He realized that he must have been sitting here awhile, since it was starting to get dark. It only been 3 when his Gym class let out.

He stood up and nearly swooned, sitting back down heavily on the log. His head hurt and he could see the sun above the treetops. 'Wait, if the sun is up there, why is it so down here? I wish it were brighter, then maybe I wouldn't have so much trouble finding my way back to the campus.'

"Would you like this area to receive more sunlight?" The voiced piped in once again.

'For the love of...' "Yes, I want it to be lighter already!" John was having trouble concentrating and this stupid voice wasn't helping. Above him, most of the cloud cover evaporated, and the treeline retreated around him, the small clearing becoming a large open area in the woods. Some sweat got in his eye, and he reached up to wipe it away. His hand came back deep red.

"Holy crap!", John yelled. "I'm bleeding! Goddammit, that's my blood! I must have hurt my head when I fell!" The headache grew more acute as John panicked, his pulse going through the roof, and the blackness went from a dimming to a curtain coming over his vision from the sides. "I need help!" John screamed at the top of his lungs. "Hello, can anyone hear me, I" John coughed, but didn't bother to look down and see if it was blood. "I need help here!" he cried desperately, fighting to stay conscious.

"Would you like to receive assistance?" asked the voice calmly.

"Yes, damn you, you stupid annoying piece of crap!" John yelled. "I need help. Stop asking me these stupid questions and fucking do what I tell you. Just"

The world turned black.

Whoa, John's in a bad spot. What happens now?

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