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Chapter 2 by HeirAscendant HeirAscendant

What word did you learn, and who are you?

Relax, Kiyoshi Nakamura, Student Council Vice President

*Author’s Note: Hello everyone, HeirAscendant here! A few things I’d like to mention before you keep reading. I’m a fairly new author and very new to erotica writing, so please point out any mistakes I make. Secondly, while this branch is set in Japan, don’t expect to need to know any vocabulary or context you wouldn’t find in an anime (because that is where my knowledge ends as well). For those familiar with Japanese culture, please correct me if I make mistakes in that regard. With that aside, have fun!*

“…and then there is the matter of the School Festival,” I said slowly, looking up from the budget reports in my hands. The secretary, Emi Hirata, met my gaze nervously. She must have noticed too.

“I am aware that we’re short on funds for the festival, but we can’t just cancel it, Nakamura-san,” Kaori Kirishima, the student council president, said coolly, face composed. Her long dark hair was immaculately arranged, her posture perfect. She was a role model for the entire school.

“But, President! How are we going to raise enough money?” Emi asked, fidgeting in her seat. She was good at managing the council’s finances, but not in a high tension environment like this.

“Nakamura-san and I will propose a solution at the next council meeting,” Kaori replied, her eyes briefly making contact with mine. I nodded silently and the rest of the council left their seats after a wave of dismissal.

Kaori maintained her composure until the last council member left before letting out a weary sigh. We sat in silence for a few moments until I decided she needed some encouragement.

“Kirishima-san, you are the most dedicated person I know. You’re always trying your best to run the council - I couldn’t do half of what you can. But even you aren’t perfect. You need time to relax.”

Something seemed different about the last word I spoke. Maybe it was the way the tension in Kaori’s shoulders melted in an instant. Maybe it was the way a faint smile crossed her face - an expression I had never seen before on her. Maybe it was the wave of exhaustion that accompanied my speech.

“Yes, you’re right. I just need to relax,” she said, previous stress erased. Her entire demeanor had changed from a simple word. I hid a growing smile, wondering what else I could do. I respected Kaori, I did! And yet, I couldn’t deny my attraction to her lithe and curvaceous body.

I slowly get up, moving behind Kaori. She barely seems to notice, content to ‘relax’ as I suggested. It was uncanny, seeing such a blissful smile on the normally stern president’s face.

“Kirishima-san, you don’t mind if I help you relax, do you?” I regretted my words almost immediately, boneaching fatigue overpowering me for a moment. I collapsed to the floor, vision flickering. My thoughts seemed slower…slower…what was slower? I couldn’t focus. Who was I-

Kaori’s response pulled me out of my stupor.

“I don’t mind at all, Nakamura-san! I’m thankful you’re here to help me relax.”

Slowly, arduously, I rose from the floor, vision blurred and gait unsteady. Somehow, I knew trying that again would kill me. I decided not to doubt that instinct. Gently, I reached out to Kaori, massaging her shoulders expertly. My sister wanted me to do it all the time, so I knew just where to knead.

“Ahh, that feels nice,” she murmured, a faint purr vibrating in her throat. Her body was perfectly malleable to my hands, muscles relaxed and breathing even. I kept going, amazed that a few words could give me the power to place one of the most beautiful girls in the school under my power.

The thought of that terrible tiredness dampened my enthusiasm somewhat. I couldn’t use this odd ability whenever I wanted - not unless I wanted to put my life at risk. Thus, I tried to focus on the girl I was massaging at this very moment.

Another instinct emerged as I continued. I wanted to continue. I wanted to touch the divine body in front of me. But the instinct told me Kaori wasn’t ready for that. Another stark reminder that my new power wasn’t ultimate. Seeing her naked body would remain firmly within the realm of fantasy…for now.

Eventually, my arms began to tire, and I gently withdrew, eliciting a sigh of disappointment from Kaori.

“I’m sorry, Kirishima-san. That’s enough for today.”

“Right…thank you for helping me relax, Nakamura-san.”

“About the fundraiser…”

As soon as I spoke, the placid look on her face hardened, but never fully returned to what it had been before. I had expected her to be outraged at my massage, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

“Yes. Back on topic. I had several ideas, though I was looking for your thoughts.”

“Understood. What did you have in mind?” I asked, lustful fantasies banished. At that moment, I saw Kaori as the student council president and nothing else.

“It’s springtime, and I noticed the Sakura trees were scheduled to bloom a few weeks before the festival,” she paused, “So I thought, why not do a senior trip to the provincial park around then?” Kaori smiled, her eyes shining with conviction. It was amazing how a few minutes of relaxation had rejuvenated her.

“That is an excellent idea, Kirishima-san…but won’t such a trip cost a significant amount of money as well?” Kaori clearly believed in her idea, but I wasn’t convinced.

Kaori frowned, before speaking with slightly less passion, “You are correct that such a trip would cost a significant amount of money, but I noticed our festival budget deficit wasn’t terribly large. If we charged slightly higher than what we normally would…” she trailed off, giving me an expectant look.

“…we could accumulate more than enough to fund the festival. It would be the first senior trip of the year, after all,” I finished.

“Astute as always, Nakamura-san. Now, let’s hash out the details for our proposal to the council…”

By the time I walked out of the council room, the sun had already begun to set. Yet, the knowledge of this new power I now possessed was more than enough to fill me with energy. After a simple dinner affair and easily completed homework, I laid in bed for several minutes.

Kaori filled my thoughts. Having her under my control like that had felt…good. When I finally fell asleep, my dreams were of a different Kaori from reality…submissive and devoted. No matter how much I respected her, aspired to be like her, having that kind of power over her was intoxicating.

She would relax, and in the end, she would obey.

But how to go about it?

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