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Chapter 2 by Adventive Adventive

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RE: Worsening Condition

Bureau of Unusual Activities

Anom #: ENF-025

Risk Level: Updated to Twilight

Description: ENF-025 is a recurring phenomenon that affects all clothes worn by individual Kaylee Lewis (designated as ENF-025-2). Clothing affected by ENF-025 are referred to as ENF-025-1 instances and have been noted to behave similarly to flying animals depending on the garment.

When ENF-025-2 tries to put any clothing on, the clothing will stop either in the thigh area or above her neck and **** itself out of ENF-025-2’s body and become airborne. It’s unknown if ENF-025-1 is sapient but has shown to have a “flying” period and a “resting” period. An ENF-025-1 instance will cease all anomalous activities if it is damaged in any form*.

*Note from the Bureau of Unusual Activities: This includes cutting, burning, and freezing. However, if ENF-025-1 is repaired and ENF-025-2 tries to wear the repaired clothing, ENF-025-1 will reanimate and resume anomalous activities.

ENF-025-2 is a human female, who is 26 years of age as of 08/15/2018. ENF-025-2 is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 54.5 kilograms. It is noted that since ENF-025’s effects, ENF-025-2’s wardrobe consists of hats, shoes, and corsets as these types of clothing don’t trigger any ENF-025-1 effect. Investigations regarding the origin of ENF-025 have yielded no results except for ENF-025-2 mentioning that she bumped into a “goth-looking chick” prior to ENF-025.

Standard Procedures: Manifestations of ENF-025 are to be stored in Room 65 of Site 14. All ENF-025-1 instances are to be logged by Dr. Wellers. Researchers are to continue experiments on ENF-025-1 to see if they react to any stimuli. ENF-025-02 is to be contacted once a month to see if ENF-025 is still in effect.

ENF-025-2 is incepted with the idea that she is a nudist that must remain nude at all times and that she's allergic to most clothes. ENF-025-2 is to be monitored through social media for any signs of any changes in inception.

Interview 025-02

Interviewed: ENF-025-2

Interviewer: Dr. Wellers

Preface: ENF-025-2 had been intercepted following Incident 025-01.


ENF-025-2 (covering her chest with her arms): Well this f[REDACTED]king sucks.

Dr. Wellers: Please Ms. Lewis, could we try with less profanity?

ENF-025-2: No, f[REDACTED]k this! My life is ruined. Do you people even know what happened to me?

Dr. Wellers (sighs): Unfortunately, yes. We had to incept the entire workforce that due to the heavy workload, you stripped out of your work clothes and quit on the spot.

ENF-025-2: There you go again, people have to remember me as the Lady Godiva!

Dr. Wellers: Trust me, there are worst things to be remembered for.

ENF-025-2: Like what?

Dr. Wellers: There was a U.S. governor of a Republican state that found himself in a tight spot. Apparently, when he felt positive, he was himself. But when he felt negative, his body underwent a change in gender and personality. He resigned from politics.

ENF-025-2: I don't think I remember hearing about that.

Dr. Wellers: The state was made sure not to mention governor. Was there anything that changed since the last time we've met.

ENF-025-2: No, one minute I'm wearing my dress, the next minute, it's flying in the air like it's no one's business. I only had my bra left on me. I'd imagine some of the guys were suspecting that I stopped wearing panties a while ago.

Dr. Wellers: Hopefully we can conduct further interviews and investigations to ascertain why ENF-025 has worsened for you.

ENF-025-2 (throws her hands to air before quickly covering herself): So this is my life? I can't wear clothes without them flying off of my body?

Dr. Wellers: We'll just go inside your mind and implant an idea as we did before.

ENF-025-2: Do I have a choice?

Dr. Wellers: We're in the business of giving you a life, hopefully a life with clothes.

ENF-025-2: Fine, just make sure it's nothing embarrassing.


Opening Incident 025-01

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