The  Island

The Island

A vacation to the island of Naruda, where slavery is legal

Chapter 1 by Recreate Recreate

Author's note

The story is a work in progress, and doesn't have the same level of editing as I would go through for my usual writing, so please point out any mistakes in the comments and I will correct them.

The story is in 1st person for the most part, and should be in present tense, but any of Naomi's chapters are in 3rd person limited, I'm trying to decide whether to put them in past or present tense, so you may see a change from time to time.

P.S Thanks so much to mr_hyde_06 for the cover

Chapter 1

It’s coming to the end of summer, and you managed to book a week off work for the first time in a while so that you can go on vacation with your girlfriend Naomi.

You looked around all over the internet but everywhere is just too expensive, even with last minute deals. But then you see something cheap enough. The Pacific island of Naruda. You’ve never heard of it, but the pictures look great, and the price looks even better. Without consulting with Naomi, you decide to book it for a week, the flights being in a couple of days’ time.

Naomi doesn’t ask a lot of questions, she’s just happy to be going somewhere warm with a beach; it’s been a couple of years since you last went on vacation. She looks at pictures of the beach, the hotel and the pool and seems happy with it. You both pack summer clothes and head to the airport, taking the long flight to Naruda.

On the flight there, you see a couple of girls wearing leather bondage collars, but you think nothing of it as it seems to be more of a fashion thing lately anyway.

When the plane lands, you grab your bags from the overhead compartments and head off the plane. There’s the usual body scanners and waiting around for your other luggage, but after that, you start to see more and more people wearing bondage collars, not just girls either, there are some men too.

Then you notice the sign up on the wall: All slaves must wear collars.

Naomi sees it at the same time, and her eyebrows raise. She gives you a peculiar look. Her long blonde hair is permed; her blue eyes are so bright and her face is small and round. She used to take part in beauty pageants when she was younger, but she hasn’t done that for a while, though she still has the body for it.

You both freeze when a couple of security march towards you, pistols at their hips and wearing dark military-looking uniform.

“Why is your **** not wearing a collar?” a woman asks you.


“Follow us,” she says.

Naomi gives you a worried look as you follow the security into a back room. Inside is a white table, with a couple of chairs on either side.

The woman asks for your passports, then snatches them off you. She looks up your hotel reservation to see the details. When you booked it, you put yourself down as guest one, and Naomi as guest two. The security woman explains that in Naruda, guest one means master, and guest two means ****.

Naomi’s mouth opens wide in shock.

“I see you’re both new to Naruda,” the security woman says. “Everyone here must have a ****, at least one. If you wish to enter the country, that’s how it must be. She must wear a collar.” She took a leather collar from her belt and placed it on the table. “Your **** must put this on.”

What does Naomi do?

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