

The Steel Empire

Chapter 1 by Storm Chyld Storm Chyld

On the edge of the galaxy an interstellar species known as Terrans continued to explore and expand their reach. Calling themselves the Steel Empire, or SE for short, they have vast technology, and ambition. Their home world now known as Steel Crown, is the origin of the **** Knights. Gifted among the Terran People for their ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe.

Only one in a hundred thousand Terrans are born **** Knights, and they form the ruling class of the SE. The **** Knight's have five distinct traditions. The tactical Steel Lords, the aggressive Hell Knights, the vicious Frost Knights, the loyal Blood Knights, and the elusive Shadow Dancers. Though the traditions once waged war against one another on their home planet, the Steel Lords managed to bring them all under one banner. With that, came the first steps into the stars.

Though the Steel Crown remains the seat of power, each tradition now has their own home worlds, including the Steel Lords, whose royal bloodline reside on the planet Steel Haven. Despite this, the SE remained one body, and continued to push out into other solar systems looking for resources, and places to build homes for their growing population.

Though each tradition holds its own navy, planets and systems, they all contribute to the greater SE, with ships, and skilled workers. **** Knights in particular are required to travel to academies where they train with other traditions, to learn the strengths, weaknesses, and view points of their rivals, and comrades.

Though each tradition has one greater house of nobles, there are lesser nobles as well. Most **** Knights are born to one of these noble houses, though a few are born commoners, as no one has figured out the deciding factor that creates their kind.

The SE is a patriarchy, with highly sexists attitudes toward their women. Though women can fight alongside men, and hold positions of power, they are always considered a step below anyone in the same position, and subjected to the sexual desires of their counterparts. Because the only way to gain a modicum of freedom from the constant sexual antics, many women try twice as hard to find positions of power, including joining the military. However due to the sexist nature of their system, often only the beautiful women, are selected. This creates a selective system that has led to a bounty of beautiful women serving in the SE Naval Forces.

Perhaps in nature's attempt to find balance, **** Knights are more often than not born women. Nearly five to one in fact. Despite this men still hold the power, and to make matters more complicated the system is generally accepted by all people, including the women. Often they believe that the men have a right to them, as that has always been the way. Still some resist, some with subtlety and some with overt action.

Though women are thought of as sexual objects children are not. Touching a child before they reach majority is a crime punishable by ****. **** Knights are even luckier, no man can take their cherry till after they graduate the academy. Still they are taught how to serve men with other methods, though these instructions are often more gentle than the abrupt nature of commoners.

Though the SE has explored a vast amount of space, there is much they have not encountered.

Whose story unfolds?

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