Sticky Stick

A stick has sticky properties (and potentially more!) Who finds it, unlocking it's infinite power?

Chapter 1 by nothatperson nothatperson

When the universe first had the spark of existence, the first inkling of anything more than total, unending nothingness, a rod was formed from the ashes of a lost world.

Barely a few hundred billion atoms long, this rod held a power from the universe before; a power from a universe whose laws of physics were entirely different from the universe following.

The rod was powerful. The atoms gluing it together were virtually indestructible. More than that, they held the power of creation, devised by a race lost to the expansion of space-time.

A race centered around love.

Permanent, unending love.

Love so strong it took the end of the universe to finally break it.

The rod travelled through space for an eternity. Billions of years passed it by. The construction of a billion galaxies, a trillion stars, a near infinite supply of planets and asteroids and debris.

It found itself inside exploding stars; on planets burning alive; on worlds so cold the only movement could be found in asteroid strikes every few hundred years.

Eventually, the rod travelled to a new system. This time, though, it found something.


In its infinite travels, the rod had developed a consciousness. A mind.

A curious mind.

It altered it's trajectory slightly, so it might hit the planet.

It landed.

In it's memories, it remembered tales of a lost race. A race who'd glue themselves together with unending adhesives, fuse themselves together by their very flesh so they might never be alone; that they'd never have to experience such a pain as loneliness.

That was a curse worse than ****, it remembered.

That's what the rod decided it would do, then. It would bring this gift to this new world, two people at a time.

The rod has 4 main abilities, all centering around people being stuck together.

Conjoinment; People are fused together by the flesh.

Glue; People are sealed together with the use of hardening chemicals.

Object-based bondage; People are locked together with the use of objects locking around their bodies.

Invisible attraction; People are stuck together with no object, but rather an invisible **** acting upon their bodies. This may be merely attractive or strongly locked.

All of these may be permanent or temporary. New abilities can be written; these are not rules, but rather suggestions.

The rod has a mind of its own. It can choose to let its user control it, or it might choose to control itself. It might also decide to influence those around it to use it, using any means necessary. This isn't required.

There is no limit on the number of people that can be stuck together at once. Neither is there a requirement on the perspective. First person, second person, and third person are all allowed.

I also ask that you keep your chapters in the realm of togetherness and/or bondage. It'd be nice to stay away from stranger fetishes. Steer clear of dirty stuff (vore, scat, etc.)

Lastly, you are required to stay away from underage involvement. All characters must be 18 years or older. Additionally, stay away from settings that include underage characters, such as high school. It's strict, but I feel it will help to keep Pandora's box closed. If you write a chapter involving underage characters or related settings, I'll message you to ask you to rework it. If this isn't possible, I'll have to remove the chapter.

Write away!

Where does our story begin?

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