Public Nudity: Taboo but Legal

Public Nudity: Taboo but Legal

Public nudity is made legal... but it's still not a common or mundane sight.

Chapter 1 by Cyberweasel89 Cyberweasel89

NOTICE: I have officially left this site. This story has been locked and will not be continued.

In June of this year, a mere two months ago, the United States Congress ruled in favor of a new amendment to the constitution. This amendment made it completely legal in all fifty states for people of all ages to be fully naked in public, anywhere in the country without any legal repercussions. This new right is strongly enforced and upheld, with it being just as illegal to **** someone to put on clothes if they don’t want to as it is to **** them to disrobe if they don't want to, even on private property.

It was a landmark decision that shook the entire world. Originally, it was brought to Congress by some well-meaning nudists and naturists looking for an expansion on nude hiking laws and some feminists who wanted the expansion of equal-rights topfreedom to cover more than just cities like New York. The bill was written up partly as a joke expected to get shot down and partly to please these groups and put the matter to rest for good. No one expected the simple little expansion to topfreedom and nude hiking laws to not only pass both the Senate and House, but become the 30th Amendment to the United States Constitution, officially legalizing public nudity across all fifty U.S. states.

While public nudity is now legal everywhere in the United States, officially overturning any and all local indecent exposure or felony exposure laws at the national level, there are no federal laws restricting any sort of sexual acts in public, including anything from masturbation to full penetrative intercourse. These laws instead are left up to individual states to decide in regards to government-owned properties (such as roads, public parks, public schools, state colleges, etc.), and for the owners of private property (such as stores, office buildings, private schools, universities, etc.)

As the laws have only been altered just two months ago, public nudity may be legal, but it's still considered extremely taboo and so very rarely practiced by the public. Reactions to the law and the people who choose to walk around naked in public vary wildly.


The more old-fashioned and conservative members of the populace will likely react the same way as many people would react now. They would think it's gross, shameful, or disturbing to the public morals. They may quietly call you a degenerate or yell at you for having your junk swinging around in the open. You can expect many of the elderly and middle-aged to fall into this category.

More liberal, open-minded people are much more likely to accept it, albeit to varying degrees. You can expect most younger people to fall in with this group. Many of them recognize it's an incredibly bold and totally shameless act, but they may love it because of that. Public nudity can be considered a brazen way of building body confidence, but more importantly, displaying body confidence. Some of the more free-minded may even see it as a new and daring form of self-expression that could take the world by storm. These people may find the publicly nude to be an amusing or entertaining sight just because of how crazy it is, reacting with cheering or praise. Others, however, may react with laughter or ridicule towards anyone they feel is foolish enough to walk around in the buff.

Not everyone is going to immediately lean to an **** black or white view, though. There are lots of people who are still trying to adjust to these new societal norms and aren’t sure how to react, even if they are generally open-minded. They may just be accepting of it, viewing it as a lifestyle others have that doesn't hurt them or just a form of healthy living. They may be shy and flustered about the naked people due to a lack of sexual experience or modest upbringing. They may be asexual or sex-averse. They may think it's weird, but just shrug and treat the public nudist's reasoning with empathy and understanding. They may be uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean they don't understand the reasons for it. And they may be just as likely to avert their gaze and blush as they will be to find they can't tear their eyes away.

Regardless of the personal opinion of the individual onlooker, people who choose to go naked in public can expect reactions all the way from religious street criers calling them the spawn of the devil to students walking across their college campus whooping and giving catcalls. They can also expect anything from the shy young lads getting flustered at the sight of their boobs to the inexperienced but interested young ladies being unable to tear their eyes from their dick.


For most people, it’s impossible to ignore the inherent sexual-charge that comes with someone strolling around with their cock and balls or tits and pussy completely out in the open. Er, to put it bluntly.

Try to think of the sexual reactions onlookers feel as just a more **** reaction to a sexy or revealing outfit. Not everyone is going to get instantly turned on just from seeing a naked person walking around, but many are still going to. Some are definitely going to fetishize it. There's already websites online for collecting photos of people exercising their right to bare their bodies, though fictional media hasn't really caught up yet aside from fan fiction, online erotica, porn artists, and a few novels on Amazon.


Public Displays of Arousal, or PDA, is the term for the inevitable occurrence or the publicly nude being aroused from their own public state of undress. While not universal, some who head out onto the streets in the buff are very much aroused by some aspect of it (the embarrassment, the reactions, the exposure, etc.), whether they want to be or not. This can include such sexual displays as raging erections that leak precum, nipples erecting, or women's pussies getting wet.

The more **** negative reactions to this from onlookers range from calling the naked person a sex offending menace to pointing to it as proof that the new laws were intentionally made to pollute public decency. The more positive reactions can be anything from belief it's all about what being naked in public was meant for to thinking it's incredibly sexy to see. The more neutral responses tend to range from just seeing it as a natural consequence of the act or sympathetic to what the naked person is going through. There may be some who are fine with people being nude in public but see the rock hard stiffies and sopping wet cunnies to be a step too much for them to be okay looking at. And of course, you can imagine the shy and sexually inexperienced to be particularly flustered by the sight of a bouncing hard-on, precum oozing with the errant cock's tumescent throbbing, or dripping box.

Being a gray area between sex acts and nudity, PDAs are treated with the same legal discretion as public sex acts, though it's allowed in more states and towns than public sex is. That said, in locations where it's illegal, it's typically little more than a slap on the wrist due to how accidental it can be. In locations where it's as legal as public nudity, you have just as much right to be hard as a rock/dripping wet while nude as you do to not wear clothes, but you can expect more **** reactions to it.


Unlike the blanket legality of nudity, the legality of public sex acts is left entirely to the discretion of state-level governments and property owners. For locations where it's legal, it's generally going to be reacted to with the most polarizing reactions, and it's going to be something few will want to do without having their decency as a person questioned. If one wants to engage in public sex, they'll need to make sure it's actually legal in the state or private property they're in, and gauge whether the potential hit to their reputation is worth it. Currently, some entrepreneurs are looking into making businesses catering to public sex enthusiasts, but so far none have come to fruition beyond the increased promotion of "love hotels."

-Cover Image: Kelsey Berneray
-Original Story Concept: Gamerman1989, rewritten with permission
-Story may contain LGBT characters and polyamorous relationships at individual author discretion
-Kinks may include things like lactation, BDSM relationships, sub/dom dynamics, and other non-vanilla kinks at author discretion
-No ****, **** (dubcon is fine), or cuckoldry allowed

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