Deus Terra: The Land of the Gods

Deus Terra: The Land of the Gods

Yet another high fantasy tale.

Chapter 1 by Fantasy Fantasy

The Gods did not create the world. It was the world that gave birth to magically powerful creatures to watch over it. Every part of it that wished for protection gave birth to a different spirit, and for their immense power, they would later come to be known to everyone as Gods.

They lived along that which they protected, being yet another part of the planet. The Water Spirit swam with the fishes, the Wind Spirit played with the birds, the Earth Spirit nourished the soil and the Fire Spirit kept control over the wild flames.

Times passed, and more Gods were born into the world. They came to settle on a small continent that bloomed with magic. Although they watched over the whole world, they would soon find themselves calling this place "home". The contintent would be later known as The Land of The Gods, Deus Terra.

Over the centuries, life evolved. Some gods took interest in some of these creatures and blessed them with their power. That's how cratures such as elves and lizardfolk came to be. And when humans saw themselves missing the blessings of the Gods, they, too, wished for something to protect them.

But what their wish created was different.

Eventually, the Gods left the material plane in order to indirectly watch over the world. The planet's creatures are now alone. Kingdoms have risen and fallen, races have gone extint and others have thrived.

And though it all, Humans remain. Because for all their faults and weaknesses, they're the most resilient of all.

Author's note.

I'm here now with a high fantasy story. As if the genre wasn't oversaturated already. But I've wanted to write something like this since I was a kid, so I'm finally doing it.

If you're still unsure if this story is worth your attention, let me tell you of things you can 100% expect.

  • A high fantasy setting, obviously. That means swords, magic and different races.
  • As such, expect a level of **** from fights. Blood will be spilt, bones will be broken and things will explode.
  • Sexual themes, as always, but nothing involving explicit **** and/or violent sex. Even then, the chances of me even implying something like that are extremely low. I like to keep that on the lighthearted side.
  • If you've read anything from me, you know you can expect a harem story of the wholesome variety.
  • That said, sexual themes will take a backseat to the story. Consider this more of a story with adult themes more than outright smut. My goal is to try to intertwine both as well as I can, so that they complement each other instead of being two separate things. We'll see if I can manage that.

Cover art by LeMayer:

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