Corruption of Champions: Kingmaker

Corruption of Champions: Kingmaker

Building a lewd kingdom in a lewd world

Chapter 1 by Mazoku Mazoku

Your destination is the Shrikelands.

A largely untamed region dominated by fertile plains. The bountiful rivers weaving through the land connect the everflowing Doefawn Tarn of the Mistpeaks to the ocean. A few days ago, before you set out, you and the others were offered a feast of marine creatures and algae, fished by a marefolk settlement that had managed to establish themselves there, by your sponsor. You had to admit that you could see the potential if they were allowed to flourish. Underneath the lands runs flows of magma that have carved out a labyrinthine warren and given name to the mountain range famed equally for its hot springs and treacherous crags. To the east lies the impenetrable Wyldweald, a majestic and ancient forest that few in living memory have dared go beyond the outskirts. You intend to be one of the first to delve deeper.

Centuries ago, before the Godswar that had ended the dominion of the Belharan Empire on the continent, the Shrikelands had been an inhabited region. The copies of the old and yellowed maps that your patron provided you with shows towns, villages, and castles dotting the landscape; if you wanted, you could follow the overgrown road you traveled on to one of them. The fact they now lay abandoned and in ruins was a somber reflection on even that legendary nation's mortality and fragility. Hopefully, they would soon once again be filled with life, happiness, and dreams - under your rule. First, however, the land had to be tamed, and the bandit lords calling the region home had to be driven out.

Although not certain, few things were in this region, you'd be first contending with Swift Neveah. An **** taeleer tavern-goer told you – insisted – the harpy's moniker came from her hair-trigger orgasms. They also shared a few salacious details between chugs of ale of the time she had raided a caravan they had guarded and the loot she wrung from their bodies. You didn't listen too closely, but a few details remained the same between the rumors, including her love of a stiff drink and inventive ambushes. The braggart highwaywoman has also avoided killing her victims, so perhaps she could be reasoned with.

Your sponsor is a merchant prince of Alephis. In exchange for ensuring the safety of the caravans running between the city-state and the nearby nations and bringing stability to the region, they would provide the initial investment for you to start building up a kingdom of your own. Of course, the offer came with a few other expectations, like being a good neighbor who relies on them for trade and paying handsomely in electrum. When you met and had the details explained, you were also introduced to your would-be rivals. Seemed the prince had lured a few other adventurers with the same promise. Encouraging results through competition, they had claimed. Some were now part of your group, while others had joined under one of the other braves' banners.

They were only a handful, but the large minotaur with his two male wyld elf concubines clinging to him had you shivering. Unlike others of his kind, he had two pairs of horns, and their chipped and notched appearance meant they had seen plenty of use. And his eyes. They had looked at everyone like they were slabs of fuckmeat that didn't care who you were so long as you had a hole for him to use. If you were lucky, Isidore had been sent to an area further away from your starting location...

Elsewhere, in the Frost Marches to the north, a traveler is currently racing out Hawkethorne's eastern gate in pursuit of strange cultists in the hopes of saving a cat-girl and reunite her with her sister, Cait. Neither of them is yet aware of the imminent incursion of the bovine archdemoness Kasyrra and the role she will play in their life. Or her plans for the Frost Marches, the Shrikelands all of Savarra...

Cresting a hill, you see the garrison that will be your base for the foreseeable future. Sections of the stone wall enclosing the buildings have collapsed, a similar story with the observation tower that has part of its winding staircase exposed to the elements. You have a sneaking suspicion a few of the structures are only kept upright by the crawling ivy providing stability. At least the caravan with the expedition's supplies should have enough materials, and laborers, to make any emergency repairs before they return to Alephis.

Inspired by Pathfinder: Kingmaker and the dirty minds of Fenoxo, Savin, and Co. Highly recommend visiting to check out Corruptions of Champions 2, as well as the smutusaur wiki for information about the setting. Contributions are very welcome and encouraged.

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