Watching Girls You Know Get Fucked

Watching Girls You Know Get Fucked

A way for you to live out some cuckold fantasies

Chapter 1 by sickboy42000 sickboy42000

Your eyes open.

A blindfold's been taken off your head and you find yourself in a room. In front of you is an empty space with a soft carpeted floor. You're tied to a chair in some elaborate knots and can't move anything except your hand which is now wrapped around your cock.

"Where the fuck am I?" your voices quietly echoes.

"The Headquarters of the Secret Cuckold Society"

The source of the voice starts to move closer to your chair and a masked figure of ambiguous sex steps in front of you.

"The what?" you say.

"The Headquarters of the Secret Cuckold Society"

You've never heard of this fetish-oriented society before. Naturally, this makes you curious as to what they want with you.

"I-I'm not a cuckold though?"

You say this as as an attempt to have them free you from your chair, but deep down you know that you're a cuckold at heart.

"Well, that is precisely why we've brought you here. We have a small experiment."

"An experiment?"

"Yes. We've chosen to take males who have no known interest in cuckoldry, put them in here to watch females from their lives engage in sex."


"We simply wish to convert people to our lifestyle."

You simply nod your head and pretend to look upset.

The masked figure points to the empty space in front of you.

"Do you see this? This is where they will all be having sex."

You look at the empty space in front of you again.

"Okay, but wait-- how did you get girls I know to participate in this?"

"We have our ways."


"Do not worry, Mr. Doe. These girls will not remember a thing unless you want them to."

The masked figure pulls out a device from his pocket.

"Do you see this? This is a machine we use called the OBLVS-3000. We have used on both you and the girls so that you will forget if you wish to forget, and they will forget unless you choose to remind them."

"I guess that's fair enough."

"Indeed. Please note that the selection for girls is randomized, so you may watch multiple females have sex or only one. The people or things who will have sex with them are randomized as well, so they could be one person you know or a group of mythical beasts"

"Mythical- what?"

"We have your ways."

"For fuck's sake. Well okay, one final question: won't they see and hear me?"

"No, actually. There is an invisible screen in front of you that separates the girls having sex from us. We can see and hear all of the things that they are doing. They cannot see anything we are doing at all."

As confused by all of this as you currently are, you have **** but to simply accept it.

The masked figure pulls out another device from their pocket, a remote with several buttons and holds it up in the air.

"Shall we begin?"

"I guess"

"Please remember to masturbate! I'm sure you will even if you do not want to!"

The masked figure presses a button.

Who appears?

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