Magical voyages, a VR experience.

VR fun is very real and kinky.

Chapter 1 by latexdoll latexdoll

Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to yourself as you stuff down the second taco. Then your eyes wonder to a new store you never saw before. "Magical Voyages A True VR Experience." True vr eh? Finishing your meal you look at your watch and figure you have at least a couple of hours to kill before you have to do anything important and walk toward the store.

"Welcome sir, what kind of adventure will you like to go on today?" You look at the hot little girl working at the overly dark store lit by little more than a few bright neon lights ringing several posters that cause enough glare as to mostly obscure any trace of what the poster is advertising more than a few pretty pictures of fanciful landscapes. She is wearing a simple button up shirt and black slacks that would seem more fit for a boy than a girl and her simple short neat hairstyle doesn't do her much justice either. However the bright blue eyes and tight athletic figure may seem a bit boyish to some but that combined with her warm and inviting smile make you instantly try to imagine her naked.

"Well, lets see. What are my options?" You answer flashing her a little smile.

"Why your options are endless. Just select a world and a persona and the rest is open ended and quite fulfilling. The current worlds available are right here." With that she hands you a little paper with three options along with a price:
Cyber world. A near future adventure with hackers, lowlifes, shootouts, and high technology. $100
Fantasy world. A classic era of high magic and adventure full of elves, demons, dragons, and powerful magic. $250
Horror world. A scary trip into classic horror movies, lasts till you are dispatched by a variety of monsters or madness. $50 plus $30 per survival.
"Payment is by credit card only and is done in advance. Simply select your world and we can get started. Which one would you like to try?"

"Hold on a minute. Why the different prices I don't get it?"

"Silly me I keep forgetting you have never been here before. The price is based on the expected length of the adventure. The fantasy tends to be easy to stay around for quite some time, the cyber has lots of guns and is rather dangerous, and the horror is a virtual **** fest so they tend to be quick but exciting, there if you manage to survive and kill the monster, madman, or alien you can slip into another adventure by stepping through one of the doors that pop up. However in this case your character selection becomes less and less controlled as you finish to make the following adventures more difficult. I believe the current record is 9 it was quite impressive. Your character selection is done in game in the welcome area and in all cases the time in game passes at a rate of x1000, therefore if you experience say a nice adventure lasting say 3 weeks, the adventure takes but 30 min. or a really long adventure of 1 year would take 8 hours, however with very long adventures there is some discrepancy as no time takes place during sleep, and repetitive sequences also pass at a rate of x2000 due to the lesser stimuli transmitted, so most year long quests actually only take 2 to 4 hours at most."

"So this really works, is it pretty cool?"

"Yes, oh yes. Tell you what if you are not sure you can try the horror one first and the others if you like it. The adventure also comes with a money back guarantee, if you can honestly say you didn't enjoy it you pay nothing. Trust me, no one has taken that option yet."

"What the hell I'll try it."

Which adventure do you choose?

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