The Gift

The Gift

Clara makes a gift of herself to her best friend on his eighteenth

Chapter 1 by BronzePlaceWriter BronzePlaceWriter


Authors note: Welcome to ‘The Gift’. This story has been created as a collaboration between Talonias and Dansak and is based on an original work by Talonias. Our idea was to take the same basic premise outlined below and see what fun two different authors could have with it. The results have blossomed into ‘The Gift’, a joint work that we hope you enjoy reading as much as we did writing. The starting plot and characters have been created by both Talonias and Dansak but the separate threads below are for the most part written individually, although we do add to and edit each other's chapters sometimes (we will always make a note when a chapter is co-written). We would be happy for other authors to add their own take on ‘The Gift’. As always, likes, and your feedback, are crucial to the success of this story so please let us know what you think!

Thanks For Reading.

Talonias and Dansak

18-year-olds Clara and Alex have been close friends all their young lives. Our story starts at Alex’s 18th Birthday party, one month after Clara’s own 18th birthday. Clara has given Alex a special gift…herself. Read on and find out what Alex does with his ‘gift’!

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“Alex, your gift is standing in front of you…me” Said, Clara.

Note to Potential Authors: Please feel free to contribute, but if you wish to add a thread then it must contain the above sentence in the first chapter and the resulting story should be based, however loosely, on the above sentence and info. From there you can go in any direction you wish! Any questions please feel free to PM Talonias or Dansak.

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