Mind Parasite

Mind Parasite

A brainworm story

Chapter 1 by Rinderpest Rinderpest

I'm Eric. I'm a student in high school. Lately, one of my best friends, Maude, has been acting weird. She has recently started seeing this new guy, Tyler. To say she's fallen head over heels for him in an understatement. She seems to live and breathe for this guy.

I've never seen her fall this hard for someone. She's dated a few guys since I’ve known her, but she's always been pretty independent. But the way she talks about Tyler, she needs him.

I've talked to Tyler a few times, he seems decent enough, a little full of himself but whatever. Maude's a pretty girl, I would have dated her myself, but could never get myself to ask her out.

Anyway, today I asked her if she wanted to come over to my place after school. She used to come over all the time and we’d hang out.

"I'll have to check with Tyler." She replied. Seems weird that she needs her boyfriend's permission to hang out with someone, but maybe he gets jealous easily.

"Are you okay? You seem to have fallen hard for this guy." I tell her.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just want my boyfriend to be happy. I need to go see him now." as she goes to leave. This is how she's been lately, just distant, always eager to get back to him. Like a lost puppy.

It's weird though, when she turns around I see her ear through a part in her hair. It looks like she has something coming out of it. I stop her. "Maude, wait. What's that in your ear?" as I brush her hair aside.

There's no mistaking it. She has the end of what looks like a worm coming out of her ear, maybe a half an inch, nothing anyone would notice if they weren’t looking for it.

She pulls back. "Don't touch it! Just leave me alone!" she screams at me as she rushes off. Everyone in the school hallway is staring at us. Is that why she's been acting weird?

I see Tyler and Maude after school. They are sitting on the school steps, all the students have cleared out. Maude is laying her head in Tyler's lap and Tyler is stroking her hair. Maude sees me approaching and alerts Tyler.

Tyler greets me happily. "Oh hey Eric. How's things going?"

I speak to him sternly. "I know you've done something to Maude. Does it have anything to do with that worm in her ear?"

"You saw that, huh? Thought it was hidden quite well." He says nonchalantly, as he goes back to stroking her hair. "Fine, you got me. What do you want to know?"

It's nice to know I'm not completely crazy and he's admitting it. "Well first, what is it?"

He parts Maude's hair so I can see it for more than a quick glance. It looks like an earthworm. It's buried into her ear, and just a small piece is sticking out. "It's a parasite I created. It burrows into the subject's ear canal and works to control their mind, making them nice and obedient. They have no ability to resist while it's in and have **** but to do what you say. When you're done, you just pull it out." he says as he grabs the worm coming from Maude's ear and yanks it out.

Maude grins in discomfort as the worm is ripped out. Then she looks around confused. "What? What happened? Eric? Where am I?" She then looks at Tyler, who's looking down at her. "Who are you?" she asks him.

Tyler looks at me. "See? They dont even remember." As he pulls a box out of his jacket pocket and gets another worm out of it.

"What's that? Keep that away from me!" she yells at him as she starts to squirm.

"Hold still!" Tyler tells her, as he holds her head down on his lap and sets the worm on her ear. The worm quickly burrows into her ear, she squints from the discomfort and groans a little but doesn't actually scream. It burrows in until just a small bit is sticking out again.

Maude gets an empty look on her face. She loses all emotion and stops fighting. She looks at Tyler. "I live to obey you." she tells him, as she lays her head back on his lap and he goes back to stroking her hair.

"You see? She's mine now." he tells me. "You probably want her freedom, don't you? Well let me tell you that won’t happen." he tells me.

"Hell no, you can keep her." I tell him, getting excited, "On one condition. You give me some of those worms!"

Tyler looks surprised. "Oh. Yeah I could do that. But you have to keep it a secret. I can't have anyone else finding out about this." He says.

"Deal. Just our secret. You can have Maude, I have someone else in mind." As I reach out and shake Tyler's hand.

He hands me another large box from his jacket pocket. "That'll get you started. See me when you need more." he says. "I'm going to take Maude home now. I feel like getting my dick sucked. You'll do that for me, won’t you?" he asks her.

Maude looks up. "Yes, master. Of course I will." as they both get up. Tyler leads Maude to his car and they take off, leaving me with a box of mind controlling worms and an entire school of unsuspecting victims.

Who's my first victim?

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