Humiliation State

Humiliation State

You're finally in college. Is it everything you hoped, or is it more than you ever imagined?

Chapter 1 by Robert West Robert West

Update: Hey everyone. This is Kingkhan19. Since Robert West has been inactive for a few years now, I have decided to adopt this story. I am the new owner. Credit to Robert West for creating this story and many chapters. I going to try to revamp this story the way I would love to see it. Somethings may be alter, but the story will mostly be the same. I'll try to add chapter whenever I can. Feel free to submit a chapter, and I will get to it as soon as I can.

Welcome to HSU! You've been accepted, and now you're here! You may have heard the rumors, but you decided to join us anyway. We promise, you will not be disappointed. This is a place where students are allowed to have fun, and express themselves, within certain limits of course.

You're a freshman at the prestigious Hyacinth state University, a college known for superior academics, and a beautiful campus, as well as some other things. Rumor has it that the curriculum is so stressful, students have taken interesting measures to release steam, namely humiliating each other. Pantsings, **** streaking, and anything else the other students can come up with is fair game. Occasionally faculty even gets caught in the crossfire. And remember, it's all fun until you're the one with your pants around your ankles.

You look around at the beautiful surroundings, wondering how a place like this could get such a reputation, but not letting your guard down. You can't even fathom going through some of the things you've heard about, but you're sure people are exaggerating to some extent. You can never really know, though.

In your head, you think you might be able to escape without finding yourself humiliated, but in your heart, you know that's unlikely. All you can do is your best, or maybe you take the challenge head on, and try to embarrass others before they come for you. It might make you a bigger target, but it might keep people afraid of you. However you decide to play it, just understand that sometimes you're just playing by HSU's rules. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but the first choice is simply your gender...

What's your gender?

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