Running the interviews

A post-apocalyptic casting couch

Chapter 1 by clayboy clayboy

You live on the walls of your heavily guarded village. Out of one side of your apartment you can see the post apocalyptic hellscape, typical of what the world has become, and out of the other you can see the small chunk of paradise you have managed to build. You are the people's leader, and you have provided a life of prosperity in a bleak world. They trust you to decide what is best for them, no matter what the choice.

Your paradise has come at a cost. Not to you or the families in the village, but to your army of **** women, who repair the walls and tend to the farms. Women are far easier to control than men. The slaves initially all come willingly, **** to be allowed through the tall gates to paradise. Today is another day of meeting outsiders who want to join your family, so you sit down at your desk and ask for the first applicant to be sent in.

Who walks through the door?

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