Brink of Extinction

Brink of Extinction

Monsters need to save their races

Chapter 1 by realizingworlds realizingworlds

No one ever expects or notices a disater until it is too late to save themselves. This was no exception. The virius had been around for decades, lurking silently until it couldn't be stopped. No one had thought it strange when families simply stopped having female children, thinking they were just more prone to having male successors. No one had even cared, as sons were more welcomed than daughters in most societies. No one cared, until it was too late to stop it.

As females slowly died off, leaving no one to take their place, the men began to panic. With no females, there was no way that they could reproduce. With no way to reproduce, their entire species would be wiped off the face of the earth and their histories would be forever lost.

But not all hope was lost. One scientist came up with a way to save themselves with the invention of the Daniels' Injection. This **** would change the anatomy of a man, letting him develop an anal womb and eggs. Every gay man came out to get the injection as soon as it became available, but a majority of men refused to allow themselves and their children to receive it. They refused to put themselves into that postion.

They soon had **** though, as the governments took action as their populations continued to dwindle. An act of legislation was passed that would **** every man, once he turned eighteen, to be measured at one of the Clinics. If you were five inches or above, you would not be required to receive the injection. If you fell below five inches, the injection would be administered. Either way, you would have to produce at least one child within a two-year time limit. If successfully completed, the government would reward you with education or work to support the child produced. If not completed, you would be hunted down and taken into a government facility, where you would be forcefully bred until you became pregnant. There would no government assistance, though there would be the offer to take the child and place them elsewhere.

Now you have reached the age of eighteen (if your creature isn't older) and have stepped into the clinic, erection standing tall as you wait to realize your fate.

Who are you? And what are you?

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