Dark Manor

Dark Manor

Horror Beneath

Chapter 1 by Storm Chyld Storm Chyld

“Ruin has come to our family. You remember our ancestral manor, opulent and imperial. Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the forest. It has become a festering abomination of its once proud ancestry. I beg you Croft, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows, of our dark manor.”

Croft read the letter a second time, and watched the scrawling words. Their father's words called to them, beckoning them home. It had been a decade since they walked the halls of that manor. Opulent indeed. Their home had been huge, and lavish. The town that sat below it, pristine, and well tended. The forest just beyond, a lush and verdant paradise. The cove nearby, with its clear blue waters, and cool temperatures, perfect for swimming in.

Croft had left that place ten years ago, after a falling out with their old man. Despite that historic conflict, that had driven them away, they couldn't help but consider the letter. It was their birthright, for better or for worse. Should they, perhaps, heed his call, and answer the letter?

Who is holding the letter?

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