My Mom Is A Witch!

Magical Mother

Chapter 1 by M3t3r0x M3t3r0x

Alan Connor is just a regular high school student, 1,80cm tall, fairly average in body proportions and looks. In school, he is above average, had a handful of friends, and is overall happy. He used to be a very quiet child, but ever since his puberty started, he became more social - and moody. He gets along well with his friends and most other people, however, for some reason, his relationship to his mother is really bad.

His mother, Jill Connor, is a quirky and young woman, with a height of 1,68cm, who's fairly pretty, with brown hair and C-Cup breasts, aged 36. She was left by her lover as soon as he found out she was pregnant with Alan. She is charming, works as a well paid businesswoman, and has an energetic and kind personality, at least for the most part, which leaves her puzzled by the fact that her relationship to her son is so bad. But neither letting her terrible lover's escape nor the bad relationship to her son push her down, she decided to let him in on her secret, which she hopes will make their relationship better.


It's an unsual saturday. Alan was relaxing on the couch, zapping through channels on the TV - all boring to him. Out of nothing, his mother popped up, almost scaring him like that, sitting on the chair next to the couch.

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes! Alan, I think we need to have a talk."

"God, mom, no, I know where babies come fro-"

"I'm not talking about that, Alan! It's about our relationship. Something has to change."

"Oh no.", Alan replied, bored by his mother yet again trying to change something about their relationship. He was fine with their current situation, mostly ignoring his mother, and minding his own business - which was exactly what was her problem, their missing contact.

"Now come on, young man, sit up and look at me. You know I'm not a strict mother, but this is important to me."

Figuring that doing as she says would be the quickest way out of this, he let out a sigh, sat up slowly and looked at his mother with a bored expression.

"Alan, please tell me. What is the cause for our bad relationship? I want us both to be honest and open to each other. If it's about your missing father, we can-"

"NO, mom, for the last time, I don't care about that idiot. I'm fine. May you leave now?", Alan answers, in a snarky tone.

"Then what is it...? Don't your remember how we used to talk and play together all the time when you were a kid? We used to be really closed. What happened to that?", Jill said, her tone and expression fading into a sad one mid through talking.

"Mom, listen, I just changed, puberty hit, yadda yadda and now I am here, and I am happy. Just let me live my life, and I let you live your life. Okay?"

"Son, this is not what I want. And I assumed you wouldn't change your mind on your own, so it looks like I am **** to reveal to you...", she said, with a sense of excitement in her tone, grabbing a cooking book from behind her back and holding it in front of Alan.

"A cooking book...?"

"Yes! No! It's a SPELLBOOK!", she replied enthusiastically, in a comedic way. Alan sighed and wanted to get up and go to his room, however...

"Not this time, mister!"

Jill took out a wand, held two fingers to her head, and gestures around - to Alan's shock, he found himself sitting down against his will, unable to stand up.

"Shhh shh shh Alan, it's alright, you don't need to panic or scream, I just made you unable to stand up."

"I'm not screaming."

"It's fine, don't worry! Look, I'm a witch, Grandpa - yes, Grandpa(!) gave me this spellbook, disguised as cooking book, when I was 18 years old, and thaught me a few things while I was pregnant with you. I know, you might be shocked at the fact that magic is real and stuff, but it's alright!", she explained, as she made him able to stand up again. Alan was indeed shocked, but processes it quickly - his mother is a witch, magic is real.

"I... see. So... that's why you were so "lucky"... always cheerful, with a well paid job that gives you a lot of free time, and so on... right?"

"Whoa, Alan, I am impressed, I expected you too be a bit more shocked, and now you already figured out how I came to this current life of mine."

Interrupting her, Alan asked on: "Say. If you have the power to get this nice job and all, why didn't you make dad come back? Or why didn't you just make your own money? There is no need for a job with a power like this, I assume..."

Jill was a bit taken back by her son's understanding of the situation and sudden questions, but answered nonetheless: "Well... that... you know, I am not a fan of things that aren't... real, you know? In order to make your dad come back, I would have had to change his mind, most likely complete personality, for it to go well. I hate mind changing spells. These kind of things are a moral wall for me, which I will not get past. And for your other question, I decided that I will not be happy with making my life too easy. You see, millionaires have nothing to worry about, and make others do things for them. Basically the perfect life, right? No. Those are usually the people with depressed feelings and a big sense of emptiness in their hearts. Trust me, this was a better choice."

"I understand. Sounds... reasonable. Wow, mom. I gotta say, this is quite a shock. But, I am pleased. I'll listen to you. In what way do you want to change our relationship with this? And how exactly does this power work?", he said, pondering what were the limits of her power, and... how he maybe could fulfill his own deepest desires, if he finds a way to arrange that with his mother...

"Ah, yes, actually, I myself am just a regular human of course. What makes me a witch is solely this book and it's spells. I call myself a witch since I memorized pretty much everything this book has to offer and the ways to create easier spells in order to do pretty much anything. My plans were to... ask you! Just imagine you have magic power. What would you like to do, in order to bring back our relationship to how it was back then?"

Alan was intrigued. "That means, I basically could become a magician and use the spells in the book myself. How awesome is that... I can... I can... do the things I always wanted to do. This is amazing. Finally, living out my fantasies... I know. I will find a way to get to my goal."

Alan is by no means a bad person, nor he dislikes his mother, however, ever since his puberty started, he found out that he was interested in... bizarre things, which he thinks can be called fetishes. He knows that despite the odds, the possibility of magic existing, and therefore him being able to live out his fantasies, magic was true.

What does Alan do?

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