Falling Clouds

Falling Clouds

Fantasy world mixed with fantasy, steampunk, and Dinosaurs. (Adders Encouraged!)

Chapter 1

“Scccrreeeeeeaaaaa!” A dinosaur known as a pterosaur flies above the atmosphere screaming.

After screaming it bellows out a massive stream of fire at the airship. Men had built only to see it charred and falling down below the clouds. Once it lands with a massive thud breaking up into ashes another dinosaur comes in rushing out of the forest named an Allosaurus. Opening its jaws and tearing apart segments of the ship discover dead carcasses of men to devour.

This the land of fantasy where men and dinosaurs exist and far more do as well. Welcome to Cirous where men centuries ago came from an unknown land to settle here, however are only the newest members of this land. Where Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Lycans, Vampires, Demons, and oh yes carnivorous dinosaurs exist.

Men: live in the seven cities of Calpria’s Lands Ruled under King Ronald Sexton. That is where most of men live, but not all. There are section of men that live near or among the other creatures of these lands. Those that live in the seven cities enjoy technology that surpasses any these lands. Airships and steam based mechanical devices roam their streets.

Elves: The wises beings on the continent, and the first of the alliance to embrace the men in their earlier years. With time as man created strange mechanical devices the Elves learned from the ancient ones immortal illumination to ensure that if man ever betrayed elves. They would continue on through the years.

Dwarves: A rough short being that stays in the mountains working on enriching their world. Trading with other beings minerals and rocks that can be used on this continent. Considering themselves equal to elves in combat and diplomacy even when Elves may have a hard time admitting it. They shortly after elves made peace with humans. Wary of men in the early years they had decided to gather the oldest runes they possessed. Turning to their elders to infuse them with great strength similar to the six faced god. It would ensure Dwarves will continue on when men turned their backs on them.

Fairies: The third and final ally of men tested once they met the hardest way possible of any being had in the early years. While they are the most peaceful of all beings in the land they are aware of all emotions the other beings carry. If any being faced the fairies they would have to deal with their own emotions and fears. They too knew that men may one day betray the alliance created a field of golden rose bushes. Each rose contained the power to trap a human in their worst fears.

Update: A unique ability of theirs is they can be the same size as elves and humans, and have the ability to shrink down to miniature size.

Lycans: Constant fighting with the vampires and other beings makes them a sporadic tough being. Most erratic beings able to transform anyone into one of their own with a simple scratch or bite. Within a full cycle of the moon above a creature is able to transform. Unable to be seen in daylight they appear only in darkness or under moonlight. Full strength is when the moon is full. The numbers are difficult to know how many there are hiding within the woods, and caves long abandoned by Dwarves they live in groups always on the prowl for a fight. Recently they have collected a temporary truce with Vampires and Demons to reclaim the losses they have suffered under men’s’ new toys.

Vampires: Shown in two versions one as dark elves and the other as a winged bat. As dark elves they possess the same attributes as elves with one flaw that being that they can only be seen in darkness or at least under moon light. Eating insects and fruits in the winged version when they are not fighting with the Lycans. They are only able to infect Elves in order to recruit new members in the days before man. Since men have appeared they have by mistakes and battles have discovered men too can transform into Vampires. A surge in numbers rose in the early decades of man, but they have fallen with new technologies of men preventing Vampires to get close to the seven cities. Instead they are **** to find men who do not live in the seven cites even if they are protected by the other beings. Lycans and Demons have come to a temporary truce to rebuild numbers. Discovering a **** that unlocked will tilt the balance of this continent perhaps in their favor.

Demons: They come in any form that other beings fear. Similar to Fairies they too use emotion, but use it far more physically. Feeding off those fears until the bodies are gone. They first discovered a mystical door way that unlocks Dinosaurs. Gaining the trust of vampires and lycans alike their new found ally could help them regain control of Cirous.

Dinosaurs: Flying and land carnivorous dinosaurs come in many shapes and sizes. Some with scales and others with feathers, but always with the mind the take down any opponent that comes in their way. Demons, Lycan, and Vampires may have released them into the world, but they do not follow any ones orders, but their own instincts to survive.


Order of the six faced god: Has a face of the beings before men. It is worshiped by the beings, but are never understood in clear context. Conflict and peace are welcomed by the order. Abstained beings of the six swear their faith in this god avoiding and evening giving advice for the six to find balance even when they know it may seem impossible.

Ansir: an old god of humans once preached in the early years that is believed to have landed them here for a purpose. No longer preached or believed in as nothing more then a childish fantasy story. Men outside the seven cities carry out a new version of Ansir pending on locations, but all agree it is a god with no face is a brother of the six faced god of the other beings.

Ishir-rah: In the seven cities after Ansir was abandoned a new god was formed. One that preached that men must over come all fears of this land and solidify themselves greater then the other beings no matter the cost.

The enemies of men have also grown restless by unnatural devices men have created to conquer them. Joining forces for survival they have stumbled upon dark forces that allow new beings from another dimension to walk the lands. Rumors of dinosaurs have begin spreading across the lands.

Will men take to the clouds to end the evil of the land or shall men perish from these lands they once were foreign to.

This is where I and anyone else wants to add other branches of the different creatures stories that unfold along the way. Seeking any additional writers who would like to take part in this story.

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