The Life of a Succubus

The Life of a Succubus

An extract from Miyuki Yamamura's journal.

Chapter 1 by Miyuki Miyuki

I stood over the pit looking down at the eggs, some of them would hatch soon, and those that had lay empty, the baby succubi buried in the soft Earth, sleeping. This is where I was born, or rather hatched as are all succubi young lings, some are born elsewhere I’m sure, but their survival is unlikely. I remember the soft Earth, sleeping curled up, being pulled out to feed on the warm milk of a succubus, to then be placed back to my slumber.

My kind grows faster than most other daemons, after a few weeks I was playing with my siblings, play fighting and the like, we’d be taken out for feeds, to be bathed and weighed by the others. I was still very young when I began to notice that I was different, the other succubi also began to notice. It’s not easy to hide a penis when you’re a girl. I was later removed from the pit and presented to a room full of other daemons, I know now that these are the advisers to the Oni King, I am to meet him later today. The advisers are a mix of different daemons, all wearing long grey hooded robes that hide their faces. What they advise on I have no idea, the Oni King seems to do what he wants regardless, at least that is what I have overheard from the other succubi.

The advisers call me inter-sexed, it happens to humans sometimes and is uncommon in succubi. Daemons can’t breed among themselves, we require human help, a host for our young. A male succubus is called an incubus, they can lay eggs in a human female or a succubus, a human male is then required to fertilize the eggs, which then grow and become hard. The eggs are birthed and brought here to the pit where they hatch and the baby succubi grow. I’ve never seen a human before, but I have learned about them, seems my survival is dependent upon them. The other succubi tease and say they are evil whilst others say they are kind. If the King does not deem me an abomination and kill me then maybe I’ll meet one someday.

For years I was kept away from the other succubi and ‘trained’ on my own, my mentors eventually told me that I was special and the hope was I might be able to impregnate other succubi directly without needing a human host or human males sperm, something that had not been done before. They took me away from the others in case I was damaged or accidentally impregnated, or something like that.

I learned how to bathe properly, make myself look pretty, fight with various weapons and I can also speak all of the daemon languages and all of the human ones! I can cook and have learned to dance in many different ways, although I am clumsy and often fall.

Last week I turned 19, an adviser came to see me and informed me that I was to re-join my siblings for the final phase of our learning. When I entered the room I felt excited to see them again, but also worried they would not remember me. I was shocked to see that out of my brood of fifty siblings, only seven remained. I knew them, but by scent and their features, we didn’t have names at this point, we got those after passing a ‘final exam’. I asked why so few had lived and was told it was normal, we are born with limited life and must mate with humans to extend this, most have 20 years of life before they have to mate, and I’m 19! The other succubi said some of them ate each other, only the strong ones remained, I am thankful for being split from them in some ways.

An incubus entered the room and motioned for us to line up and kneel down by the side of the pit. This room is round with a high ceiling and four large pillars with holes in them, each hole no bigger than a hand and has a candle burning in it. In the center is a massive circular pit full of soft soil, from the edge of the pit to the soil is about a 30cm drop, this is to stop baby succubi from climbing out. All seven of us kneel down, being careful not to get our all white kimonos too dirty. The incubus, dressed in a lavish green kimono moved to the middle of the pit and lifted up a baby succubi.

‘This was once you’ he said, holding the sleepy babe up to the candle light. ‘Now you are grown and of age to contribute to daemon kind, out of your brood of 50, 7 of you, the strongest, have survived’. He handed the babe to a heavily pregnant succubus who drew it close to her breast for feeding. He looked back at us and motioned for us to follow him.

We left through a large red wooden door out into a candle lit marble hall way, the incubus sat in the middle of the hall. We formed a semi-circle around him and knelt down. The ceiling was high and his voice echoed when he spoke.

‘You have all trained well, but the real learning is to take place soon’. He sighed and cleared his throat. ‘Those of you who are male are incubus, you will go out into the world of man and lay your eggs inside a human female host. You do not yet realise it but humans will be drawn to you, you will seduce them and impregnate them. Being an incubus is a pain because you will need to keep the female close by until she has sex with a human male, fertilizing the eggs, when the eggs are birthed you will bring them back here to the pit’. He paused and rubbed his eyes, to me it seemed he had gone through this speech a thousand times. ‘You females have it a bit easier, get an incubus to lay his eggs inside you, seduce and fuck and human to become fertilized and come back here to lay them. The problem is that our kind are rare, sometimes finding an incubus is a pain, but some are kept here in the event they all die out in the human realm'. He paused for breath, looking disinterested in us, he continued.

'Now, the males have testicles, inside each sack there are two testes, one that has lubricant, looking to humans like sperm, this will help when feeding on life **** and laying down the foundations for when releasing eggs into a womb. The other contains the eggs. The eggs take time to develop, they grow to the size of an adults thumb nail.’ He held up his hand to show his, we all looked down at ours and he let out a huff of a laugh. ‘When the eggs are ready you will know because your balls will swell and ache, masturbating will not release them, only in the womb of a human or female succubus will your body release them’. He looked over to the young incubus who looked a bit worried. ‘Don’t worry, I assure you it is very pleasurable, the eggs are quite large but your penis will adapt. Now when the eggs are planted, it will take human sperm to fertilize them, if you impregnate a succubus then they will go seduce a man, it can be tricky if the host is human as it is likely to be, but you’ll figure it out.’ He took a moment to clear his throat.

‘Now, when the eggs are fertilized, and it may take more than one man, or ‘session’ to fertilize them all, they will harden and begin to grow inside the female. This process takes about a week. They will turn black and have red lines and cracks on the shell. They will grow to the size of a large human fist’. He held up his fist to show us, again we all looked down at our own which made him laugh. ‘I can assure you birthing these is quite pleasurable, when you orgasm your body pulls the seed to your womb, when you birth your body does the same only in reveres, to push them out’. He realized we had no idea what an orgasm was, he waved his hand and dismissed our confused looks. ‘Collect the eggs and bring them to the pit, or come back here and birth them into the soil. It takes 7 years for the eggs to fully mature and hatch, which is why we are so few in number, not to mention crazy superstitious humans always hunting us down.’ He took a breath ‘It doesn’t matter who you fuck because the child will take its appearance after you, daemons cannot reproduce on their own, we require humans for that’. He looked over to a green door on the other side of the room, the advisers were coming over to us.

‘I know this is a lot to take in and one day it will all make perfect sense, you will each leave with an advisor and will be prepped for a final exam upon completion you will be given a name. After that you will go through more training before being released upon the world, Lucifer help us’ he muttered at the end.

An adviser, dressed in a grey gown and wearing a long hood stood behind each of my siblings but not me.

‘Oh that’s right’ said the incubus ‘you’re the answer to our prayers or some such nonsense’. He got up and headed back towards the pit. My siblings looked back at me as the went off in different directions. All of the doors shut and I was left alone, scared and not sure what to do.

‘Come here’ a woman called, I looked around to see a pretty woman with auburn hair stood by a door at the far end of the hall. She was wearing a large green gown which had a hood like the advisers, only she wore it down.

Following the woman in green.

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