The Tower

The Tower

The Journey Into The Monstrous Structure

Chapter 1 by Ignorethis Ignorethis

January 14th, 0001 A.A

"It's hard to think it's been less then a month since this world fell into ruin." Eve says.

On December 21st, giant towers grew into the sky across the world. We don't know why they rose, or where they came from, but all we know is that less then an hour after they ascended, monsters attacked the cities that surrounded them. I was eating lunch with my sister, talking about what to get our friends for Christmas, when the creatures approached the street. I saw wolf like creatures hunting down women and dragging them back to the tower, and I saw floating octopus like beings spraying red mist all over groups of girls running away. I was so confused when I saw those that had been sprayed stopped running, and honest to god started making out with each other, stripping each others clothes off, and letting themselves be taken by the floating monsters back to the tower. But one of the worst things I saw was the girl who was stuck in the back by a long web like substance, and pulled away from my sight as I held onto her, trying to keep her with me, only to hear her scream as she was dragged away by that hideous spider creature. The girl that I saw this happen too was my sister Ai, and I screamed as she was pulled away too. After that, I ran, as far as my legs could take me.

Three days later, I was reassigned from my previous military unit into the newly assembled Rose Squadron, 2500+ women who are all here to fight back against the "Towerlings", the creatures who came from the tower. The creatures don't try to kill women, so we decided to use that to our advantage, as the creatures have an **** capability for **** and tore the first units sent towards the tower apart before they could ever reach it. We've had some simple victories, drove the monsters back here, retook a city block there, but I've also seen more then a dozen of my allies dragged away, and on one occasion, I saw one of them being fucked by the wolf creatures, and worst of all, she was liking it. Her moans are something that haunt my dreams to this day.

Now, I'm wandering around the Rose Squadron base camp, located 80 miles outside of the tower in New York, mentally steeling myself for the mission we've been assigned. Two hundred of us are going to be heading to the tower, to go inside and investigate it, and I've been lucky enough to be assigned to the mission.

Now I've got to head to a mission briefing, to learn the full scope of our nightmarish assignment, when I hear someone calling my name.

"HEY UNION, GET YOUR BLOND ASS OVER HERE", Carol screams at the top of her lungs.

Carol's a young green haired assistant to the commander, and I'm wondering what she wants so much.

(Author's Note-This story follows several routes, and some routes follow a different character's perspective. Later chapters present Team Information to help keep track of the large cast size.)

Where should Eve head?

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