Magic Cock Ring

Magic Cock Ring

A Magic Portal for your Genitals

Chapter 1 by AnonySD AnonySD

(Welcome to my second ever story, inspired by Swallows999! I thank them for letting me play around with their concept. If you're curious about where my inspiration comes from, check out their story Humans and Homesteads, under the "The Cock Ring of... Magic Glory Holes?" chapters. I welcome and even encourage anyone and everyone to submit chapters, though I will be moderating this. Gotta have some quality assurance, of course. Anyway, onto the premise!)

(ANNOUNCEMENT April 20, 2019! I have decided to make my Twitter public. If you want to get updates (I'm planning to update my situation a bit more frequently there), follow me @NSFWAnonySD)

While flipping through a random issue of some obscure magazine, you suddenly come across an advertisement that reads as follows.

"Do you want pleasure any time, anywhere?

Do you like watching complete strangers play with your genitals?

Do you live for the moment where you can **** others to give you any kind of pleasure you want?

Then you need the MAGIC COCK RING.

Make your genitals appear anywhere through a magic portal! Works on both cocks and pussies!


The ring is totally adjustable to fit any size! You can even fit your hand, or your head inside if you want!


Your cock will remain hard or your pussy will remain wet for as long as you have it through the portal!


Any sex had while using the cock ring is 100% guaranteed SAFE! No diseases will be passed, no pregnancy scares! Have all of the fun with none of the hassle!


REACTIONARY COCK RING: People who you chose will react to your genitals. They will see your genitals, they will talk about them, they will interact with them. Nobody else in the vicinity (except you, of course) will be able to see your genitals! Of course, your playmates won't wish to harm what they see. They'll find themselves drawn to pleasure it, whether they want to or not!

NON-REACTIONARY COCK RING: People who you choose will interact with genitals but go about their business as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. The only one who will be aware of your genitals is you. The person or people you choose will pleasure you, fuck you, lick you, suck you, and so on for as long as your genitals are near them, but they'll continue to act like nothing is wrong.

Find yourself a whole new world of pleasure today!"

Intriguing, you think to yourself. Probably a hoax, but worth it. I'll send away for one. But which type should I get?

Reactionary or Non-Reactionary?

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