Monster Girl Brothel

The Fellgist Pimp and the Monsters that love him!

Chapter 1 by FallenSaint FallenSaint

Author Note: I would like to thank Hematoma for letting me do this fun adaptation of her game. Many of the characters I will be using were either her design, though there might be cameos of other PCs from the game. This story takes place in an alternate timeline where the party never formed. Silvan has been on his own and found his monsters elsewhere. I'll try to get images up in the character screen to show better detail of how I imagine them looking but for now with the minotaur at least I suggest a google search of Monster Girl Quest Minotaur. This story is just for fun and will probably be lacking in action, except when Silvan gains a new monster girl.

Silvan saw on his map that the village of Hommlet wasn't far from his current location, so it was his hope that he would reach there before night fell on the unfamiliar land. Though, he doubted that would be the case. He glanced to his left where his companions were finishing the meal the largest of their number had prepared. The woman in question was a Minotaur named Mona. Here features were an odd mixture of human and cow, and her strength was beyond compare. She had a massive battle hammer, but there was rarely cause for her to use it, not that she would want to. Of the three, she was both the strongest and the gentlest. Often she acted as a sort of mother to the group and did most of the cooking.

Next to her was a cat girl named Tila. Where Mona stood a good foot and a half taller than Silvan, Tila's ears barely came to his shoulder. She was slim and looked very young, though that was a trait all her kind shared. Her tail swayed behind her as if it had a mind of its own as she alternated between stuffing her face and shooting him adoring looks. Unlike Mona, who had affectionately nicknamed him "Sil," Tila still called him "Master" and seemed to have completely fallen for him due to the magic of his taming. Mona had her moments were she went starry eyed looking at him, but Tila was constantly in a state of "Love" for him.

The third girl in the group was Slippy. She was probably the weirdest of all, being made entirely of blue slime. Like the others, he had tamed her, but because of her nature, she couldn't wear the collar that marked them as his. Instead he had been **** to implant a pink core crystal inside of her so that random villagers wouldn't assume she was a wild slime. Slippy was even smaller than Tila, having actually been born from the cat girl after her "Father" had **** the poor kitten. Silvan's magic and ability with a knife were almost useless to save Tila, but fortunately a passing scholar and writer had come along and been able to help out with some true fire magic. Once slippy was born, he couldn't bring himself to destroy her and instead tamed her as well. Like all of her kind, she was able to absorb the life **** of whatever she touched, so he had worked hard to make sure she didn't do so unconsciously.

He gave a sigh and tucked away his map, knowing what was most likely to come next after the meal. He wasn't disappointed. No sooner than the map had disappeared into his pocket, Tila suddenly tackled him from behind. Being used to this behavior, Silvan had already braced for the impact. The loving little cat girl wrapped her arms around him and pressed her small perky tits into his back. He made a mental note to remind her to put on a shirt before they entered the town, knowing that she would refuse the pants entirely. At least Mona had some decency, though her body wasn't really made for normal clothing.

"Maaasteeer! Tila wants some cream please!" The request was more of a demand, but Silvan couldn't hide the smile as she started to purr into his ear. He heard Slippy burble and Mona sigh and say "Again Tila?" but ignored them. Without ceremony and hoping to get them moving quickly, he simply pushed his pants down and released his already hardening shaft. Tila quickly moved around him and dropped to her knees, giggling with excitement.

"Yay for cream," she said before dipping her head forward and taking the head of his cock into her mouth. She quickly began sucking his enthusiastically, bobbing her head and letting her tongue tease his shaft. Silvan heard a moan and looked over to find Mona halfheartedly trying to fend off Slippy. The slime girl was now slithering up her body, a tendril of slime already pushed into the thin thong Mona wore and pumping into her pussy. Silvan knew the Minotaur was just as randy as Tila and Slippy, but normally tried to hold back her desires for more private settings. It took only a few moments for Mona's legs to tremble and give out, signalling that she wouldn't fight Slippy anymore. Soon, the only sounds in the small campsite were the slurps of those giving pleasure and the moans of those getting pleasured.

Silvan had his hood pulled up as he walked into town. The sun was setting and a gentle rain had begun to fall on the party. Hommlet was tiny, having only around a dozen or so small houses, a general store, and a tavern. The sign over the tavern door read "Horny Goat" and had a picture of a goat with a lecherous grin at the ass of a bar maid. Silvan smirked and looked behind the tavern where a rather large barn was set up. There were no lights and he didn't hear anything, so he assumed it was empty. He pulled his cloak tighter around himself before stepping into the tavern.

His first impression of the place was homey. Considering how small the village was, he figured that most of the village visited the place nightly. There was a stairway leading up to rooms for travelers, but he doubted they had many passing through. The bartender was a fat man who was glaring angrily towards a middle aged serving woman. The blonde woman had wide hips and large breasts that threatened to spill from her top when she bent to pour more ale for a patron. Silvan's sharp eyes also caught sight of her reaching into the man's lap and giving his cock a squeeze as she poured. The man whispered something and slipped her a small sack of what Silvan believed were coins and the woman nodded with a knowing smile. So she wasn't just a serving maid, she was a prostitute as well... Not that he cared. Tila would probably ambush him again before bed, if Mona or Slippy didn't beat him to it, so he didn't need the woman's services.

It took only a few moments for all banter in the room to stop though as he and his companions entered the tavern. There were some gasps and a lady screamed. Silvan was never sure in moments like this if it was because of his companions or because of him. Under his hood were slightly glowing red eyes and if he smiled, fangs were clearly visible. Fellgist were a rare sight outside of their mountain homes and were known for being brutal isolationists. His people were rough, tribal, and territorial. Outsiders were rarely welcome and those that weren't were repelled with **** prejudiced. He gave another exasperated sigh and tossed back his hood and stepped into the room. The bartender was sputtering but the serving wench moved with purpose and quickly approached him.

"Excuse me... sir... But monsters aren't welcome here." Here eyes slid up and down him for a moment hungrily before she continued, "Though you on the other hand are more than welcome."

"Thanks but this is the only place in town, and I'm not leaving them out in the rain."

"Well... There is the barn, I suppose?"

"Winona," called the bartender with a strangled yelp. She waved him off and continued.

"It will be three hundred gold though to house and feed them."

"That's a little much don't you think?"

"Tell you what, let my husband Gert have a go with one of them so he'll get off my back about how I make our money, and I'll knock it down to two fifty."

"Make it one fifty, and you can charge your patrons for an hour with them and we'll split the profit," he countered, more joking than anything. Behind him, he heard Tila mumble "Cream for me?" and Mona give a choked cough. But what surprised him was when Winona's eyes flashed. This woman was obviously driven by money and he could practically see the wheels spinning in her head.

"That could work... Fine, there is a loft on the third floor of the place. You can set up your office and home there, and the girls can use the stalls on the first floor. There is a kitchen and commons area on the second floor of the barn. If you can turn it into a functioning brothel and bring in more business, then we'll leave off the pay for this month as expenses for beds and things that you and the girls will need, but we will still split the profits."

"You're serious," Silvan asked, narrowing his eyes. He had been traveling for so long that settling down wasn't such a bad idea, at least for a while. But making the girls whore themselves? Then his mind wandered to the eight times they had to stop today just so Tila could get some "Cream" and how Mona had pulled him into the river while she bathed to have her way with him. Slippy would gladly take any fun she could get as well, but her drive was thankfully a little less than the other two. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea? He turned to the girls and gave them a big smile.

"So who wants the bartender and who wants to start serving the patrons while I take a look at our new home?"

The girls hesitated for a moment, looking past him to the now very quiet and waiting men and women in the room, before finally answering.

Who takes who?

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