Wrestling Your GF and her Friends

Wrestling Your GF and her Friends

Good Luck

Chapter 1 by Interactive mixed Interactive mixed


Your name is Tom, you're 20 years old currently in a relationship with Amanda who is also 20. You don't live together as your away at separate University's but this summer you've got it all together. This could be your make or break and you do NOT want to do anything to ruin that.


You are 5,7 so not the tallest bloke about but you do okay because your quite muscular which makes up for it. You hit the gym everyday but are not really as strong as you look. You see you take supplements to make yourself look strong but don't really lift all too much, its all a lie. Maybe one day you'll see punishment for it.


Amanda is taller at 5,11 and she isn't allowed to wear heels around you because it gets very humiliating. Amanda occasionally hits the gym and has built up some tone. She is also an ex-gymnast and dancer and therefore has **** levels of core strength. Every time you and Amanda play fight you attempt to play it off like 'you don't want to hurt her' really she absolutely would dominate you even if you tried to resist.


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