Becoming her Champion

Becoming her Champion

Freya's Champion Rises

Chapter 1 by Jordan42377 Jordan42377

Late one night as you sleep, you enter into a very vivid dream. What's strange is that this isn't like any dream you've ever had before as this is far more real than you've ever experienced. The colors more vivid, the air fresher, the light is brighter. You can't explain it but you know that while this is definitely a dream, you also know this is far more than that. You look around to find yourself in in what seems to be a fusion of ancient Viking training ground and modern Training facility. In the distance you can clearly make out figures training with swords and can easily hear the sounds of gun fire in the distance. You can make out archers practicing as you continue exploring. For some reason this doesn't seem to disturb you in the slightest and you feel no need to walk up to anyone for an explanation. In the distance you can make out what appears to be a huge hut shaped building made of dull metal and concrete. You change your path to take you straight to the building knowing the answers you seek can be found there.

As your walking you start to pass by people on their way to whatever tasks they seem to be on but what makes you take note is simply that not a single one is male. As far as you can see, there seems to be no men in sight anywhere. You get to the door and find it opens easily for you. You step inside without any hesitation somehow knowing your perfectly safe. You're confused but seem to know exactly where you need to go and how to get there as you walk down the corridors. You're nearly smiling now as you walk to one door in particular that seems to be inlaid with gold. The symbol on the door is of a sword crossing a rifle and what seems to be a rune you've never seen before.

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You pause for a moment hoping this crazy dream would give you some understanding. You suddenly notice another symbol above the door and take a moment to study it.

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For some reason you seem to recognize this symbol but can't seem to place it. You know this should cause you concern now but can't explain why. You shake your head and open the doors before you step inside. You can't help feeling that nothing will ever be the same after this. "Welcome mortal, I felt your arrival in my realm and wondered how long until you made your way to me!" You hear a beautiful female voice from the deep shadows in at the back of the room you've entered. "My apologies for making you wait!" you call knowing that showing respect is not only expected but the wisest choice in this circumstance.

Explanations and decisions?

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