Mandatory Nudity

Mandatory Nudity

In a world where clothes are illegal

Chapter 1 by kkwik kkwik

The year is 2100. The modern world has had major negative effects on human health. Low birth rates, declining stamina and sex drive, and lowered sperm rate and ovulation caused scientists all over the world to research what might be the cause of these problems. The conclusion was shocking. The clothes humans had worn for centuries were damaging our health. Our modesty was the main cause for the suppression of our sex drive. Countries all over the world discussed their options, and they all agreed to enact a law that would help humans restore their health once and for all - The Mandatory Nudity Law!

You can see a brief summary of the law here:


A new law, Mandatory Nudity, goes into effect today at 8:00 AM. From now on, clothes are illegal. Any adult found wearing clothes will bear the consequences. Any person who has reached the age of 18 is bound by the law. Clothes are strictly forbidden. The police will visit each house, taking all of your clothes, in order to recycle them and use them for the textile industry.

After the WHO (World Health Organization) of the United Nations came to the conclusion that clothes are unhealthy for humans, as well as the reason for low birth rates and declining sexual health, and after inventing the global Anti-STD vaccine that protects humans from all STDs, a global agreement has been reached to forbid any type of clothes on the date July 31, 2100. Starting today, any form of clothing is strictly forbidden, with a few exceptions:

  • In countries where winter is cold and/or temperatures are low, a person may wear approved coats with or without fur coats. See addendum 1.23.6-a.1 for a listing of winter wear that is government approved. These items may only be worn outside when sources of heat are unavailable. When entering any building or vehicle where heating is provided, a person must remove their protective winter clothes, as defined in section B12.2.3-c4, immediately. Textile companies will create coats that are sheer and/or with openings, to ensure that a woman's genitals, breasts, and butt (or a man's penis and butt) will be shown at all times, without exception.
  • Protective Clothes - Any persons who must be in hazardous situations due to occupation or government mandate are permitted and/or required to wear approved protective items during the performance of their duties. This statute pertains to those who are employed in such fields as laboratories, mines, construction, etc. Any organization which has been authorized to conduct business of any kind within jurisdictions wherein this law is valid will be required to mass produce appropriate protective gear as outlined in B12.4.6-a1. Any organization which fails to comply with this subsection will be in violation of federal law and suffer appropriate financial consequence.
  • Sheer Clothes - Clothing which permits an unrestricted view of the person or persons wearing the item, as defined in this subsection, are allowed under the law. However, any such persons must submit themselves for inspection by duly selected law enforcement officials at any time, subject to reasonable extenuating circumstances as outlined in section 8.4.3-c3. If a person is found to be in violation of the law, the offending article of unapproved clothing shall be subject to immediate removal and destruction or donation to appropriate recycling, as determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • In warm environments where exposure to the sun is of an unhealthy level, use of a government-approved sunscreen is permissible and, in many cases, mandatory. It is permitted to request another person to apply it to the body as needed. It is recommended and encouraged to apply sunscreen in as explicitly sexual a manner as possible. It is also encouraged to make direct sexual contact with each other while doing so.

Other aspects of the law:

  1. Sexual acts, as defined in this law, are any activity meant to excite or stimulate the genitals of one or more persons. This includes but is not limited to oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse, as well as masturbation. These actions are permitted in public settings, as defined elsewhere in this law. It is encouraged for everyone to participate in such acts whenever possible. ****, however, remains illegal and is defined for the purposes of this law as any unwanted sexual act.
  2. Masturbation, defined as self stimulation of the genitals, must be engaged in with at least one other person in a manner which permits other persons to see the act so long as a delay of stimulation does not lead to or contribute to unsafe conditions for others. When self-stimulation becomes necessary, the person is allowed to ask for assistance from others if needed so long as stated stimulation does not lead to or contribute to a distraction or unsafe condition for the public. All persons who are in need of self-stimulation are encouraged to do so in full view of others. Stimulation in private is permitted with prior written consent of a duly appoint officer of the court. Such private stimulation is only permit under specific circumstances, as stated and defined in section 124.52.3-a of this law. Previously public locations such as public transportation, transportation hubs, restaurants, public libraries, etc. shall be obligated under this law to provide sex toys upon request.
  3. Women are forbidden, under penalty of law, to hide their vaginas at any time. Women must sit, whenever possible, in such a fashion that her legs spread far enough to permit her genitalia to be visible to all persons. Men are likewise not permitted to sit with legs together if sitting in such a position would preclude others from viewing the genitals.
  4. Public restrooms, cloakrooms, showers, and other places that traditionally are separated by gender are no longer to be separated in such a manner. All such locations shall henceforth be considered unisex and shall thus be combined by removal of any dividing walls or partitions when possible. In situations where these facilities are not within close proximity of each other, signage shall be altered to indicate the lack of separation of genders. It is encouraged for all persons to offer assistance with soap while showering or to help with wiping when using toilets. It is permissible to offer this assistance only to those a person sees as sexually attractive, but assisting those persons to whom you have no sexual attraction is considered a kind act under the law.
  5. Body paint, though not considered nudity, is allowed if the genitals and breasts of a woman or the genitals of a man are visible to others.
  6. We are encouraging you to compliment a person's body, especially a woman's breasts or vagina, a man's penis and testicles, and a person's buttocks.
  7. Persons that previously may have been considered unattractive or unhealthy will be granted by the government free plastic surgery to restore their health and beauty. This surgery shall not be construed as any sort of evidence for a person's attractiveness and may only be requested by the person to whom the surgery will be enacted. Requesting surgery for another person without their prior written consent or the authorization of licensed medical personnel is punishable under the law as a hate crime.

What follows are several examples so that you may better understand the law as laid out above.

Example 1:

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This woman is wearing clothing which is Strictly Forbidden! This woman is in violation of the very letter of the law as the clothing she wears shows only her legs, albeit very nice legs. She would be **** to give up the dress she wears whereupon it would be destroyed or recycled.

Example 2:

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This out fit is also Strictly Forbidden! While this woman is showing a great deal of skin, she had hidden her breasts, genitals, and butt. As such, were she to be stopped by law enforcement, she would be subject to confiscation of the offending items. The men in the background are also in violation of the law. While the man on the left WOULD be allowed to retain his reflective vest, the rest of his clothing would be confiscated and destroyed or recycled.

Example 3:

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Strictly Forbidden! As seen above, while this outfit does show a great deal of skin, it covers the woman's chest, genitals, and butt. This is precisely what the law does not allow for. This woman would be penalized with removal and destruction of offending clothing. Further punishments would be determined by a judge on a case-by-case basis.

Example 4:

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Tricky, but forbidden, a woman's vagina must be shown at all times. This outfit would, however, need only slight alteration to be legal. Cutting a crotch hole would likely be the only punishment required.

Example 5:

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Allowed. The woman's breasts and vagina are visible to anyone. This is moderately encouraged as it only just barely qualifies as being naked. Though, a bit darker than is preferred, it would be permitted as long as the woman submitted to regular inspection to ensure that her body remains fully visible.

Example 6:

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Allowed- though it is bodypaint, the woman's breasts and vagina are visible. This is one possible solution for those who are not yet comfortable with full nudity. This permits others to view her body while still giving her the appearance of being clothed. This would fall under the "regular inspection" category, however.

Example 7:

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Strictly Forbidden! Unless the weather is cold enough, a woman cannot use a trench coat to conceal her naked body. If this trench coat was transparent then it would be permitted. It could be argued that as long as she keeps the coat open at all times, it should be permitted. This argument does not take into account the fact that this woman has covered her butt. As such, this remains an "only when it is too cold" item and would not be allowed at any other time.

Example 8:

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Forbidden! While the woman's vagina is completely visible, her breasts are not.

Example 9:

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The woman is dressed as allowed by the law - completely naked. The crowd that surrounds her are breaking the law.

Example 10:

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Ideal apparel and completely encouraged!

Who will the story follow?

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