Taking Advantage

Random Situations That Let You Come Out On Top

Chapter 1 by ReaperofBalance ReaperofBalance

We've all seen those instances, occurrences, and happenings where something very lucky for someone happens or someone finds themselves in a situation they never thought they would and it works out for them. We all always think or say, "Lucky"/"Lucky Bastard" and walk away grumbling if we're not the one who got lucky.

Well now YOU are the one getting lucky as you find yourself in one or more situations that you can't help but take advantage of if for no other reason than you may never get the chance again!

What that situation is? Who knows, there's loads of possibilities and options available.

Maybe someone you know is drunk and ripe for the taking?
Or maybe they're gladly/giddily inviting you to have some fun with them?
Or maybe your sister came home drunk and you covered for her, now she has to start "repaying" you, though maybe she isn't against doing so.

Maybe you were injured in an accident and the person is horrified and **** to make it up to you by ANY means?

Maybe you recently found out someone is in serious debt and you can help them, but then you have the chance to be "repaid" however you want.

Maybe you're comforting someone who is grieving and gladly push things in the direction of "comforting" them in other ways

Maybe you found out that your bully's family has a LOT to lose if you report him and as such you're in control.
Or maybe you are the bully and find that the person's family members are willing to do ANYTHING if you'll stop bullying them

Maybe you went to a hypnotist's show and you weren't affect while your date, mother, sister, family, friends, or whoever were and you used that chance to leave some suggestions for them or you learned the trigger phrase for the trance and used it.

Maybe your dad got remarried and your new step mom wants to bond with you and you plan to use her caring nature to your advantage.

Maybe someone you know knows nothing about sex and so you offer to "teach" them all about it while slowly corrupting them into your kind of sexual partner.
Or maybe the person knows nothing about sex and thus you can get them to play a fun "game" with you
Or maybe they're a complete airhead or ditz and as such you can convince them of whatever you want

Maybe your mother or someone suffers amnesia and you tell them a made up version of what is going on to enjoy yourself.

Maybe your mother or someone needs to take sleeping pills at night and thus you can "explore" while they sleep
Or maybe they've got a side effect of making a person suggestible and thus you leave some "suggestions" to them as they sleep

Maybe your mother or someone is getting therapy and the therapist gives you a phrase that triggers them into a relaxed state and you make sure they're relaxed no matter what you're doing.
Or maybe in that state they become suggestible to you

Maybe you're a teacher and you catch a student cheating and they will do anything to not get in trouble

Maybe you catch your sister doing a live show of her body and get pulled into it

Maybe you have a friend or sister that wants to get into modeling but has no idea about how it works so you offer to be the cameraman and post pics online and slowly work on getting sluttier pics of them before the pics are essentially porn

Maybe you found out your boss is embezzling and make sure you get to have a better paying "job" from now on.
Or maybe you found out and you go to his wife and have her buy your silence

Maybe you're in charge of a couple employees and make it clear that they're on the chopping block so it's up to them and/or their families to make sure you don't fire them.

Maybe your a cop and just pulled someone over and now they desperately don't want a ticket.

Maybe you saved a person's life and now they're practically dedicated to doing anything you want as repayment
Or maybe you saved someone they were close to, saving a child could easily get a mother to be VERY thankful.

Maybe someone you know has major confidence issues so you gladly show them how attractive they are and enjoy slowly converting them into your type of person.

Maybe you and someone made a bet and the consequences of losing that bet never occurred to them, but you'll take full advantage of it.

Maybe it's a hentai like setting where the world is plagued by a virus that can only be cured, or at least treated, through having sex with a specific percentage of the remaining populace and you just happen to be among that percentage.

Maybe it's a fantasy setting where you're supposedly the next incarnation of a god and people worship and adore you.

Maybe you catch your mother cheating and rather than tell your father, you make sure you're the only one she's going to cheat with from now on.

There's dozens more situations and occurrences you can find yourself in to take advantage of, you just have to be willing to do it.

Plus, who says you'll find yourself in only ONE situation?

(Public Story, feel free to add chapters as you please and they can be in first, second, or third person)

So what happened and Who are you?

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