
genie magic

Chapter 1 by hunttty hunttty

A magical genie sat across you, it's blue skin and sparkling eyes tempting you more and more as you couldn't help but want to tell it your deepest desires or wants. The genie spoke with the power of a thousand booming thunders and the harp of an angel, its grace apparent as it existence was bountiful:

I will give you the ability to bring to life whatever you shall command in the form of what you human beings would call a wish, do so as you please, the power that has been granted to you shall affect your and everyone else's lives if you so wish, but pay mind. What you say might not be what you wanted as your wish is under my discretion to fulfil what you might not have known you even wanted or were ready for. You have not been the first and you shall not be the last to be blessed or cursed with this freedom of choice, reality has been changed irreversibly by other wielders of my being as kings and queens had conquered stars and sired children with the very planets themselves. Let your wish not be beholden to mortal conceptions, anything is your to grasp.

without hesitation, you spoke your mind, the genie listened curiously and you said your wish, the genie smiled as it spread its arms, life itself would be bent to this wish as your eyes elapsed, the bending of reality at its point pulled the vail of existence as your mind was reborn in this new world to find:

[important note: so as to not have a bunch of weird titles, if you wish to create your own title, that's fine, but at the very least you need to put a point at the start; 1 means that the wish is followed more than they desired in a good way 5 for obediently following the wish in the manner the wishing person might have wanted, all the way to 10 which is the absolute worst way they wish could have been twisted, You can go over or under 1/10, for example, -3 or 11 to showcase dramatic effect.]

example of the levelling system: wish example: to meet aliens:

1: aliens come and they bring their futuristic technology, solve world hunger and increase the life expectancy

5: aliens come, they make sex cooler and they leave

6: aliens come, they make sex worse then they leave

10: aliens come, kill most of humanity, **** the survivors and turn cockroaches into our overlords

another important note: wishes aren't limited to one number per wish, people can redo their own 1, best choice, wish over and over again if you wanted, you could have 30 7's and 1 10 of you really wanted.

because the mods an ass I had to make some crap about the genie or wish grantor so if not apply don't worry

just to clarify, the number value can be either personal or world but I personally use it for world mostly

Another example:

Guy wishes for a harem:

1: He gets the harem of his dreams with all of them loving and adoring him of their own volition

5: He gets 3 women for his harem

6: Guy's bully gets a harem

7: Man's bully gets a harem of women who comes hostile to him

8: Dude's dad gets a harem and causes a divorce between his parents but gets cheeky handjobs, however, is later reprimanded for such erotic actions even if he had no say in the matter

10: Dude gets a reverse harem where he is one of many submissive men getting their balls stepped on and humiliated and debased at every opportunity and is the bottom feeder of the harem, meaning he is their sexual relief, unliked, undervalued and not properly fed while also being scorned by society

your wish was:

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