Sex Club

Sex therapy for losers, misfits and rejects

Chapter 1 by JakeSnakeCakes JakeSnakeCakes

I sighed, looking up at the same ceiling I had been for months. Was I actually making progress, or fattening the pockets of therapists and **** manufacturers?

"I just don't know. I feel so fucking lonely all the time since I've moved here. Not that I had much luck making friends in the first place."

"And what about your sex life, Mark?"


She shook her head, grimacing slightly. Another sign of disapproval.

"There's a new organization that's been set up for adults in search of friends and lovers."

"I'm not interested in talking to a bunch of incels and creeps."

"Not like that, no. No one who seems dangerous would have access to it. It's organized by therapists like myself."

Ms. Goldman wrote something on a piece of paper. She handed it to me. SEX CLUB, followed by a phone number, email and address.

"So what exactly is it?"

"It's a club that helps adults find friendship and intimacy through casual sex. There's lessons, games, and events. Luckily, there's plenty of open spots on the waiting list, and the gender balance is strictly enforced."

I looked at her, somewhat shocked. Were the options really that bad? What kind of mentally unstable rejects would be included there? Probably the same kind as me.


"Is this something you'd be interested in?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure. I don't have anything better to do."

It was the truth. I didn't have any friends. Staring at the wall and dissociating was starting to lose it's appeal as well.

"You'll need to submit to a penis inspection first." Mr. Goldman said, casually.

"A what?"

"An inspection to make sure you're healthy and capable. They also monitor your penis size. Think of them as small tests."

"Trust me, it'll be a big test."

"Oh I've noticed" she said casually. Her eyes opened wide as she realized what she said.

"Thanks doc."

What's next?

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