A Magical Tale

A Magical Tale

A Tragic Story About A Magical Girl

Chapter 1 by ANonnyMouse12 ANonnyMouse12

(All characters within this story that are engaged in or present for scenes of a sexual nature are 18 or older. This story contains themes of . Please read at your own risk. The Canon Route of the story is now COMPLETE! So check that out. I'll be taking a short Hiatus on A Magical Tale now before coming back to add two more routes and continue work on the sequel. Look forward to that!

If you like this story and are looking for more by me check out my current work here: https://chyoa.com/story/Aaron-and-Erin.56282
Thanks -ANonnyMouse)

"I loved this world... but this world never once loved me... in the end, that's all there is to it."

The smell of freshly cut grass melded beautifully with the smell of the pond that marked the center of the small park. The sounds of children playing and laughing seemed to drown out the gentle trickling sounds of the water as it ran under the bridge that marked the path out of the park and off toward the nearby river. You stepped lightly a smile on your face as you felt the sensation of the warm sun gently pressing against your skin, the din of distant conversation buried under the atmosphere of Albion Park. This little park was, luckily for you the fastest way too and from school. Walking back and forth daily had become a small light that made life that much more beautiful.

Stepping along the asphalt path you pulled your back pack higher on your back, the weight of your textbooks and homework pulling it downwards. You wore the uniform of the Karole Private Academy, a blue skirt swishing along your legs and a white blouse buttoned under a navy blazer. A red bow was tied in your Long Blonde hair, keeping it from hanging in your eyes as you walked. Your friends had parted from you on the other side of the park, closer to their homes, Emily and Rebecca both had strict parents, and a lot of homework to do. You on the other hand had a much lighter load now, having focused on getting ahead earlier in the semester.

A man jogged past you running in the opposite direction you walked, with a light smile you matched his eyes as he passed watching as your cute smile brightened his run, even just momentarily. Shortly there-after a pair of mothers passed pushing their children along. This park was a kind of peaceful that some people could only dream of. Speeding your pace, you were eager to get home, Mark would be getting back today from college for a visit, and your parents had promised to take the two of you out to a meal at one of the nicer restaurants in town for the occasion. It was something you'd been looking forward to all week.

Once more you tossed you pack higher on your back, finding it somewhat frustrating that they weighed so much as you walked. Karole was a prestigious school one that had a high turn out for scholarly, well educated young men and women who all excelled in the programs they sought after. Even the worst students at Karole, scored a minimum of 90% on most of their assignments. Having the weight on your back was a gentle reminder of the prestige and benefit that graduating from such a school would bring. It made the weight on your back more reassuring than it was frustrating, at least when you looked at it in that light. Moving slightly quicker you put a skip in your step, your blazer hiding the gentle bounce of your B Cup breasts as you moved along.

Things had been going well for you. Your school was good, your grades incredible, your brother was coming back and your parents were awesome. You felt a swelling of pride at having everything seem to work well. There was such beauty in the world. Skipping to one of the nearby benches, you came to a stop, dropping your pack next to the bench you stepped over to the nearby fountain, sipping away at the water as if your life depended on it. One bad thing you had going on was you frequently neglected to drink enough water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Shaking your head you sat a moment, watching the birds play in the water of the pond, the flowers and leaves on the bushes and trees shuffling gently to the winds gentle urging.

It was a beautiful day.

And then suddenly, things shifted. The sky darkened to a dark grey, clouds forming over head. The wind began to pick up whipping and howling away at the nature around you, women grabbed their skirts and held their umbrellas. Men scrambled to gather their pets and families. Then came the screams. Across the way, a strange creature, similar to a man but with skin of a dark green blue burst from a shadow on the ground and began attacking people. It's wicked claws drawing blood and carving wounds into the flesh of those nearby. Within all of the chaos, a single black cat, jumped over the back of the bench over your right shoulder and rushing forward toward the creature.

"Stop fiend!" The cat yelled out to it, causing the beast to stop, changing it's focus onto the cat. Shocked silent and still you could do nothing but watch as these strange events unfolded before you. "I'll distract him, at least." The cat spoke again, shaking you from your stunned stupor.

"The cat can talk." You spoke out loud, only the softest murmur against the harsh winds and the screams of those around you. But it was enough for the cat to hear. His little ears twitched and the cat turned to face you.

"Girl!" It's eyes twinkled like star light, shimmering in it's head, drawing your attention from the monster that had leapt clear over most of the pond before landing with a loud splash not very far away. It's hideous face, and beady red eyes were far more visible from here. "There's no time to explain! But the fact you can hear me means you have the power to stop this thing! Make a pact with me, I'll give you the power you need."

You looked mindlessly at the carnage, injured people huddling off to the side crying out as they bled, bone and flesh cut open and on display. Men, women, and pets all had injuries on their bodies. The monster had even slashed the throat of one unlucky man who'd fallen into the pond on the other side of the lake. If you could have the power to save these people, to protect those who had always protected you, you'd take it.

"I'll do it." The cat leapt forward touching it's forehead to your own, and a flash of light shone out from the two of you, casting away the darkness. A series of words flooded into your mind and you spoke them without a thought. "To save those attacked by Fiends, to heal those injured beyond their means, I step forward within this light, to take the power to protect and fight! Magical Girl Crystal Bloom!" A moment later the warmth of the light enveloped your body filling you with a sense of joy and peace. Your body began to glow, your clothes began to glow and the light swirled around you before shifting and gathering back onto your body. As the light faded you stood, feeling a sense of power flowing through you. And then your Pink hair fell before your face. Your usual Long Blonde was no longer on your head.

"Huuuuuh!" You called out stunned stepping backwards. A rod filled your right hand, a small clear gem on the end of the rod a crystal that glowed with a magical light.

"Good," The cat spoke "the transformation was a success!" Turning to face you the cat then gestured back to the monster that now stood near the pond, water dripping from it's green blue flesh as it began to approach you, it's long wicked claws gleaming. "Face the monster, point your rod and repeat after me!" You shake yourself once more from your stupor before turning back to the monster, following the cat's instructions.

"Crystal Flash!" The cat called out. You faced the magical crystal at the monster before you and followed suit.

"Crystal Flash!" You called in response. Suddenly a light shone from your crystal, and a beam of pure energy shot forward piercing the fiend before you and turning it to ash. You felt a touch drained after attacking the monster but having defeated it, you were happy to see the darkness in the sky fade, and the warmth of the sunlight shine down on the now devastated park.

People stared over to you and you took a moment to look down and face yourself, your Long Blonde was Long and Pink. Your boobs had shifted slightly in size, from B Cup to C Cup. And your school's uniform was now a pink and white strapless dress that cupped your breast showing off a fair amount of cleavage from above, before cutting away from your belly, your stomach on full display, at least the lower portion of the dress hung down lower than the skirt originally had. Standing stunned you turned to look at the cat. It's twinkling starlight eyes watching you.

"If you move quickly girl, you can heal the wounded across the way." You nod quickly, springing into action and rushing to the other side of the pond, the cat following along beside you.

"Sorry I'm so late. Here." You speak almost without thinking, touching your magical rod to the leg of one of the injured men nearby. "Crystal Heal!" A bright pink light shines, and when it fades the injury on the man's leg is healed.

"Holy shit!" The man gasps grabbing around his leg, looking for what was once a gash that had shattered his bone. Nodding, you move on to the next injured person and the next, healing the men, women, and even the animals that had been injured by the mysterious beast.

Once you had finished, you even moved to get the man from the water, dragging him to the shore you found him to be the jogging man who had passed you before when you were walking. "Magical Heal!" You tried, but the magic struck meaninglessly, draining you of some magical energy, but healing nothing.

"Lay him to rest girl, your magic cannot heal the dead." The cat spoke harshly, but you knew he was right, setting the man gently on the ground, you leapt across the pond, sailing through the air before landing over near your stuff. The people all watched as you soared clear over a pond much further than any human could moved, before snagging your things and dashing off faster than the worlds Olympic athletes. Turning a corner and making sure no one was around you released your magic, and transformed back into yourself.

You leaned back stunned against the wall of the park's bathrooms, breathing heavily as the cat from before came before you and stood watching with it's sparkling eyes. After catching your breath you turned to the cat. "Who are you? And what was that?"

"Me? You may call me Simon, I'm a Faerie, a being of magic that can partner with girls such as yourself to create magical girls, women who can fight off the blight that are the Fiends. That was the monster you faced before, but if your question was in reference to the transformation, you have now become a magical girl. When transformed you will have incredible physical strength, and devastating magical powers. Even the magic to heal and recover things that are damaged and broken. Like those who were injured before. But take care not to be defeated, the Fiends, will drain your magic if they ever get ahold of you. And trust me when I say you never want to find out what it's like to face their fury once your transformation has come undone."

You nod, Simon's word struck a chord within you and somewhere within you knew this strange cat wasn't lying. "So how much magic do I have?" Simon looks up his furry little head pointed to the sky as he thinks.

"If I had to quantify it with numbers, your magic pool is much higher than most. Most humans have a total magic pool of zero or one, yours is roughly 200 times that. So if we said you had 200 Magic Points, your transformation would take 40, your Crystal Flash attack would take 40, and every heal you cast would take 20, which would leave you with 20 Magic Points now. Magical Power runs off of your energy, hence your current exhaustion." Still breathing heavily you nodded.

"So am I the only one that can hear you Simon?" The cat shook its head.

"No, those who have a magical value of 10 or higher would be able to see me, and those with a value above 50 would be able to hear me. As such you will likely be the only one that can hear me, but there are many in this world who can see me." Once more you nod.

"Alright then Simon, I want to get home. We can finish this talk later." Standing, you tossed your backpack back over your shoulders, smoothing your hair once more before turning towards home.

What's next?

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