Tome of Imps

Tome of Imps

Of Books and Boobs, Chapters and Shortstacks

Chapter 1 by ShadeWriter ShadeWriter

"Ledger of the Little Damned", Demon Miniaturazation Scrolls, “Of Fae and Size; a Magical Index”, Purpleheart; Love Beyond Size, "Impish Tricks for Adventure and Bed", and many many more. This item has drifted across time and space, and is forever a danger to all that is good and holy. Whatever it was called, however many appeared, wherever they can be found, and how they came to be; one thing is forever known regardless of the reality it lands in.

"The Tome of Imps" consumes all who interact with it to a dark and damned fate.

HA you really thought that didn't you??!?!? No no dear guest, that's just what all the goody goodies want you to think. We don't mean harm, we just mean to have as much fun as we can. A few broken windows, some smashed eggs for the omelet, and maybe the missing wife or daughter or two; eh... okay. Maybe we a tad evil. But it's a fun one. But dear guest, the Tome does shake up the expected fate of those that cross its path, one way or another. It's part of the package. Let me just whisk you back to the OLD times, the Primal times, the pre-"Oh no you stupid Imp" times....

You see, the Tome was made years, eons ago. Or maybe off in the future...., look it's hard to tell. Anyway, either as a kink, lost bet, or drunken night; no one can say as to the WHY the book was made. Only that some sort of powerful god like or demonic being or grand magus crafted the first edition of the book. What can be said though is that the book was either lost or set adrift by it's creator or someone that could get past them. It continues to spiral through world after world, ‘consuming’ or warping all that cross its path. At least that's what the Goodies want you to believe.

You see the Tome doesn't actual 'consume' people that come close to it. Geeze those goodies goodies would think it just eats people...., it kinda does..., look I'll cover that elsewhere. Anywhoooo, those attracted and shaped by the magic eventually turn into Imps themselves; mischievous, naughty and hyper active versions of themselves. These imps retain the thoughts and memories of their previous life only dialed up to be more active and perhaps a little more loose in morals... at least in dealing with lewd acts. This isn’t always the case mind you but the energy of the tome makes it hard to resist this influence... even the Tome Mistress. Oh right, the Mistress!!!

That’s another thing people get wrong. Most that know of the tome or the records written down about it, would lead one to believe that some dark **** or fiendish lord commands the books and its imps. Pffff, more propaganda LIES..... well... (Cough) look being honest. The Tomes have become too wide spread and numerous to be commanded on mass by any one huge evil ****. Like trying to herd cats over different realities. Have you tried doing that? I HAVE and lemme tell you it's impossible.

Moving on, the first Tome was ripped apart, either to destroy it or in an accident. This fracturing disrupted the power of the separate Tomes, preventing them from working together like the oh so Holy people think. Instead, each book is lead by a Tome Mistress; usually the first person so be converted by the Tome and who’s Will effects the entire item and its processes. It's this will and personality of the Mistress that really effects the Imps. One who may have been heroic can still inspire other imps to adventure and daring deeds, while a woman with a very open bed policy might lead others to be far more lewd than their normal selves. This could also lead to a Mistress accepting being a Dark Lord's subject..., which would make the rest of the Imps below her be as well. There's no ONE Imp organization is what I'm getting at.

But if you think that's ALL the Tome Mistress does, then well buster you're in the dark. Besides living arrangements, where the book travels, influencing who comes into contact with the book, and kinds of other boring upkeep stuff; the Tome also changes the physical appearance of the imps to the Mistress’s taste. Put a more techy way; the Mistress sets the archetype and parameters; while the bonded imps make subconscious changes with that area. So like a Mistress would set "School Girl" but each Imp would probably decide on their own uniform, meaning an individual imp could make their own uniform based on Catholic schools, Japanese, Private, Public or some other criteria that still falls into "School Girl".

The above was just an example, anything is possible dear guest. This leads to Tomes containing anything from the more expected red demonic imps, to purple seductresses, to green biker punk brats, and even pale blue ones with tons of sass and a dump-truck ass. From plump to fit, any color you want, and a love of fun and adventure; Imps aren't really THAT bad. We just have a different outlook of what's fun and how to get it.

Yah got that dear guest? No? Well too bad that should be enough to get started. Anyway from Fantasy worlds to Cyberpunk, from Ben 10 to Naruto, from Dragons, to space, to in the trash; anywhere you want a book has a chance of showing up. So let's get to the actual good stuff, the reason you came here dear guest.

Where's the Book?

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