Debts and Contracts

Getting what you're owed

Chapter 1 by ReaperofBalance ReaperofBalance

(Disclaimer: All participants Will/Must be 18 years of age or older)

Debts and Contracts, simple things in most cases that can be handled quickly and quietly. However, what happens when contracts aren't fulfilled or debts aren't paid and the consequences begin to stack up?

You, whether through supernatural or natural means, have acquired a large amount of debts (meaning people owe you debts not you're in debt) and contracts and as such you are well within your right to claim payment in whatever manner you wish as the debts MUST be paid back in some way and the contracts are BINDING. Naturally, YOU decide when the debt has been paid off and when the contract has been fulfilled fully, which of course could be never if they're still borrowing money or not fulfilling the contract entirely.

There are many ways that can go for you and many people you could get **** or leverage over: Maybe you've got a contract signed by your asshole boss so you decide to call it in by turning his bimbo trophy wife and slutty daughters into your personal whores?

Maybe your bitchy sister borrowed some money from you and now it's time to pay up or put out?

Maybe your hot married neighbor entered a contract and you make her serve as your maid and whore as you cuck her husband?

Maybe your teachers signed a contract and now they can either let you get through school easily or they can be your personal slaves? Either way you control what's being taught from now on.

Maybe a local restaurant borrowed money to get started and now it's time to pay up either in cash, food, or through the staff being obedient to their new master?

Maybe your dad had to borrow money and now your mother is treating you like the man of the house to pay you back?

Maybe you did the Head Cheerleader a favor and now it's time to repay that favor?

Maybe a contract gives you ownership of an upscale apartment complex or female dormitory and now it's time for you to get your rent money from the various tenants?

Maybe a contract gives you control of a movie studio or some actors and/or actresses?

Maybe a Porn studio got some start up money and now you get to collect on your investment?

Regardless, there's plenty of options and ways for you to get everything and anything you want.

Let's not forget the options on just how you got the contracts and debts.

Maybe you inherited the debts and contracts

Maybe you gained a power to create contracts and debts as you desire.

Maybe an angelic or demonic being gave you various contracts to collect as you please.

Maybe you're a demon and have been making contracts for years and collecting debts and now you're gonna call in what you're owed.

Maybe you run a business of lending money, doing favors for people, and setting up deals and people just didn't realize that they signed legal/magical agreements that they must fulfill.

Maybe you've unintentionally (whether through a super power or maybe magic) been gaining debts and contracts through agreements that became binding even if neither party knew about it, but now that you do know you intend to collect in full.

And there's many more ways this could go.

You could sell the debts and/or contracts or trade them for access to others you want leverage over.

All that needs to be decides is who you are, where you are, and how you got the contracts and debts?

(Public Story, feel free to add as you please)

So, who and where are you and how did you get the contracts and debts?

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