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Chapter 2 by latexdoll latexdoll

Two questions are you male or female, and do you own a gun to take with you?

Female, no.

“A gun, really, me. Everyone knows more people every year kill themselves more often with a gun then ever shooting some bad guy.” You say to yourself, smugly washing away your odd momentary fears. Your next thought is to get one of your neighbors to let you use the phone. Sadly all you find are empty houses as apparently everyone picked today to leave home earlier than you as not a single person in sight. “Oh, today sucks.” With that you realize the only way you are getting to work, let alone anywhere near on time, is to make your way to the nearest store and get them to let you use the phone. With a quick step back inside, you pull off your cute little heels and slip them in your purse and slip into a pair of slightly soggy sandals to make the walk to the store a bit more bearable.

It doesn’t take very long to get to the little convenient store only to find a little sign on the door proclaiming, “Closed due to a **** in the family, we will reopen at 7:00pm.”

“Well that is just great. Hmmpf.” You say almost wanting to pout. Looking around you are at least put a bit at ease as you see a few cars driving by. Pushing a stray hair out of your face you look around for something. Then it hits you, there is a payphone at the carwash at the end of the block. With a somewhat **** smile you head out in another, albeit slightly less enthusiastic jog, down to the carwash. Scanning the lot as you arrive you see the phone at the edge of the lot. Seconds later you are thrilled to receive your first bit of good luck for the entire miserable day. Rummaging through all of the crap in your purse you always tell yourself you will get rid of some day to find the required fifty cents and fumble to stick it into the phone. Just as you drop in the last coin and lift your head to start dialing you see the most horrifying thing you have ever seen. A little girl is running after a little red ball that has gotten away from her and is just now heading into the street. Your eyes scan to the left and to your horror you see a bus as it blares it’s horn and it’s tires lock up as the driver slams his foot down on the brakes. Somehow you know you will never make it, but you can’t simply stand there and watch. Running as fast as you can, you race into the road as the bus closes in on the now completely stationary girl, frozen in fright from the intense sound as the mix of the squealing tires and roaring horn mixes in the air. Amazingly you reach the girl and push her out of the road. Then just as you see her hit the grass you realize you were indeed not quite fast enough. Just as you feel the brush of the bus against your side the world seems to go stark white and your mind thinks the most absurd thought:

Leaving any pets behind?

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