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Chapter 2 by Hourglass Twin Erotica Hourglass Twin Erotica

What's next?

Plane Jane

Oxford University's History class were pouring their way into a Boeing 747, ready to make their long homeward journey. They had been visiting the American Capital as part of a trip to supplement their studies on US history. It had been an exciting and engaging week-long visit for most, although, for one girl, it had been even more alienating and lonely than her time spent on campus.

This girl was Jane. She had grown up in a working class town where most of the people were poor, but warm and friendly. She had a ravenous appetite for knowledge and had spent most of her time in the library growing up. As she got older, historical figures like Henry VIII, Napoleon, Caesar and Genghis Khan had started to fascinate her and she almost always had her head buried in a thick tome throughout her teenage years.

While her parents had not had a lot of money, they knew that the opportunities for Jane would be limited if she was to stay in the place she was born and so they had encouraged her at every step of the way. It hadn't been easy, but after years of late nights, hard work and endless studying, Jane achieved her dream. A prestigious scholarship to one of the most highly respected universities in the world, Oxford.

She had excitedly said goodbye to her friends and family, packed up her things and headed down south to start her new life. It hadn't taken her long to realize that she was completely out of place in her new surroundings. Her tatty clothes and northern accent made her stick out like a sore thumb amongst her wealthy peers with their posh accents and parents that were involved in investment banking or politics or stock trading. She was a "normal person" amongst a sea of silver spoon trust fund babies who hadn't lived a day of their lives in the real world that Jane had come from.

The first few weeks had been very rough, with her being ostracized and being mocked in hushed tones by her fellow students. The only ray of sunlight had been her roommate, Annie. The two had quickly become friends, but now, as Jane took her seat on the plane, she was left to the buzzards, with Annie hundreds of miles away. She had spent almost the whole trip alone, save for a few moments with her kindly lecturer, Mr Bell. He had come from a similar background as Jane, meaning he had quickly warmed up to her and while he wouldn't ever admit it, she was his favorite student.

Unfortunately, this had been obvious to the other students, further making Jane persona non grata around campus. Eleanor and Astrid, the quote unquote "popular girls," had made it their personal mission to make Jane miserable, regularly insulting and belittling her, mocking her clothes and accent. Jane hated them with every fiber of her being, but she knew that fighting back wasn't an option, at least not a good one. It was why she had been horrified to learn that she was meant to be sitting with both girls on the flight home.

Jane tucked her long brown hair behind her ear, adjusting her thick rimmed glasses to make sure they didn't slip from her nose. She opened the overhead locker, lifting in her case and taking her place in the aisle seat. She saw her tormentors heading towards her, anxiety kicked in as she envisioned a whole flight of unending mockery and cruelty. She wrung her hands nervously as they came up to her, Prada and Gucci suitcases in tow, designer handbags slung over their shoulders.

They both smiled at Laura wickedly as Astrid spoke up, venom dripping from every word. "Oh look Eleanor, it's the poor girl!" They both laughed heartily before she continued. "We heard that we were going to have to sit with such riff raff and to be honest Jane, it made us feel sick to our stomachs; we'd probably catch something!" They both pantomimed throwing up violently. "So I called Daddy and he got our tickets bumped up to first class!"

"That's right Astrid!" Eleanor chimed in, "So while we are up front, enjoying champagne and a gourmet meal, you'll be sat back here, where you belong, with all the commoners!" They both laughed again, seemingly thinking they were both absolutely hilarious. "Enjoy your peanuts, scum!" She shouted as they both headed further along the plane, giggling with each other as they went.

Jane clenched her fists in anger while relief simultaneously washed over her knowing that she would actually have a largely bullying free journey. One day Astrid and Eleanor would get what was coming to them and she couldn't wait for that day to come. She allowed herself to relax in her seat, stretching her legs as much as she could in the cramped space. Her row was now entirely empty and she wondered if she would end up with strangers sitting next to her. She picked up the airline magazine and started flicking through the pages as those around her loaded up luggage, took their seats, and talked, the murmur and hubbub of life filling the plane.

Jane's absent minded perusing was interrupted by a thick, rugged, Scottish accent and as she looked up from her magazine, her face lit up as she looked into Mr Bell's kind brown eyes.

"How're you doing Jane lass, excited to get back home I bet?" He asked, smiling warmly, Jane nodding in response. "Aren't you meant to be sat with Astrid and Eleanor?" He asked, eyebrows raised inquisitively, "Where are they?"

"Daddy bumped them up to first class!" Jane replied, in the most posh, over the top accent she could manage, causing Mr Bell to laugh heartily.

"They're not like us, are they Jane?" He asked as he hauled his heavy case up into the overhead compartment opposite where Jane's own case was deposited. "They haven't had to work for everything like we have." He took a seat across the aisle from his student. "Looks like we're going to be row buddies, isn't that fun!" He smiled at Jane warmly, "I hope you don't mind, but I am a pretty loud snorer!"

Jane smiled, she couldn't help it, Mr Bell was just so lovely, and she truly appreciated how kind he had always been to her. "That's ok sir," she replied, pulling out her earphones from her pocket, "I can always use these if you get too loud!" The two laughed together as the plane continued to fill up.

Eventually, everyone was boarded, the pilots completed their pre-flight checks, the stewardesses went through the safety information, and take-off was underway. The seats beside Jane and Mr Bell remained vacant and it was apparent they would have a more comfortable flight thanks to the additional space. Despite this Jane still had butterflies in her stomach as she felt the tires leave the tarmac and as the plane began its gradual climb. Eventually they leveled out and everyone settled in for the long journey.

Jane, of course, pulled out a thick book on the American Civil War that she had purchased while on the trip, sliding in her headphones and pouring over the pages hungrily. She loved the written word, how these squiggles and symbols allowed her to learn about anything she wanted, if only she gave it the time and attention. She was so engrossed in her reading that when she finally set the book down, she looked round the cabin to realize that night had fallen, the lights had been dimmed and most of the passengers were sleeping.

She pulled out one of her earbuds and heard a loud, rattling snore, turning to her professor across the aisle. He was passed out, head slumped against the wall of the plane, mouth hanging open and a spot of drool running down his chin. Jane couldn't help but smile at the scene before her. She may have only been 19, but she couldn't deny, but Mr Bell was certainly attractive, even in his late 40's. His brown hair speckled with spots of gray, and his warm kind eyes along with his short, scraggly beard made for a very handsome package.

Jane returned her ear bud and tore her eyes away from her slumbering lecturer as she picked up her phone, opening up twitter and starting to absent-mindedly scroll through her feed. After a few minutes, a notification popped up, a new follower! She smiled with delight, maybe her pictures of her trip had enticed someone to keep up with her posts? She clicked on the users profile and what she was greeted with absolutely shocked her. It was a gif of a large, no, a monstrous phallus pounding into a petite woman's stretched and wet vagina.

She scrambled to cover up her screen, very aware that she was literally surrounded by people right now. She turned her head to look through the gap in the chairs to the row behind her. All three of them were sleeping, clueless as to what she had just been looking at. She glanced over at Mr Bell who was still sleeping deeply, a wave of relief washing over her. She removed her hand from the screen, the light from it illuminating her face in the darkness of the cabin.

Her eyes returned to the offending gif, watching these faceless people having sex; hard, fast and intense sex. The woman's vagina was pink, swollen and glistening with arousal and the man's penis was so hard you could make out each individual vein on his shaft in between thrusts.

Jane had never really had much time for sexual discovery growing up. She had experimented with touching herself when going through the awkward puberty phase, sure, but she was hardly an expert in this domain. She'd maybe watched porn once or twice before and one time she did think she had achieved orgasm, but she'd never been sure, having nothing to compare it to. She had always been too focused on studying and achieving her goal to concern herself with the pleasures of the flesh, but now, there was no denying that she could feel herself getting aroused. Her small pink nipples were pressing against her modest jumper and she could feel herself starting to get wet.

Jane noticed that the clip had audio, lowering the volume on her earphones before hitting the button. Suddenly her ears were filled with erotic feminine moans, the wet sounds of a pussy being stretched out and the slapping of skin against skin. Her cheeks flushed red, but she couldn't look away, once again double checking her surroundings to make sure she wasn't being watched. Subconsciously her hand made its way up to her chest, groping at her small perky breasts through her jumper, a soft moan escaping her lips as she brushed her swollen nipples with her palm.

She continued to scroll down this stranger's profile and couldn't believe what she saw. Almost everything on the page was pornographic. Women fucking themselves with dildos, sucking thick throbbing cocks, getting fucked and the thing that really spiked her arousal, getting covered in cum. Without thinking, her hand had made its way to her crotch, hiking up her skirt and pressing her fingers against her cute pink cotton panties. She had to bite her lip to stifle a moan as her digits probed against her clothed folds, a wet patch already forming from her arousal.

She could have never imagined herself being in this situation, pleasuring herself while surrounded by her fellow students and complete strangers alike, but she couldn't lie to herself, it was hot as hell. As she continued to scroll, she realized she needed skin to skin contact. She once again glanced over at Mr Bell, his handsome sleeping face spurring her on more than she had expected. She pulled her panties to one side, her fingers finally meeting her wet slit directly and despite her best efforts, she let out a slow, needy whine as they dragged from her entrance up to her swollen clit. Her eyes returned to the phone as she continued to scroll with one hand, strumming her hungry sex with the other.

The constant stream of filth filling up her screen continued to encourage her and push her deeper into a state of **** arousal. She came across a video of a girl playing with herself and began to imitate her actions, circling against her hard little nub before moving downwards to slide a finger inside. Jane could hear how wet she was in between her gentle moans. She was struggling to stay quiet and when she felt her insides gripping her finger tightly, she had to bite her lip so hard that when she finally released the pressure, the impressions of her individual teeth were left behind in her soft flesh.

She didn't know why she did it, but she looked over at Mr Bell. Horror overtook her as his eyes met hers. He was awake and staring right at her. There was no way she could hide what she was doing. As she stared into his kind eyes, her body took over, her finger continuing to delve into her depths as she stared at him intensely.

Confusion and conflict was written all over Mr Bell's face, but he wasn't looking away, in fact the kindness in her eyes had undoubtedly been overcome with lust. Jane glanced down and in the dim light of the cabin, she could see a noticeable bulge in his trousers.

Emboldened by knowing she was turning on her much older mentor, she angled herself in his direction, exposing her teenage pussy to him, which was now glistening just like the girls in the gif that had started this all. His jaw dropped as he saw her pink slit being probed by her petite finger and his hand moved to his crotch, rubbing himself through his trousers as a look of pleasure took over his face.

Jane's back arched at the sight, **** for more. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but she was loving every second as she put her phone down on the seat next to her. She hooked her free hand under her jumper, pulling it up to expose her breasts. They were small and perky, so she normally didn't bother with a bra, pale white skin beautifully juxtaposed with her pink areola and nipples, which were hard enough to cut diamonds and **** for attention.

Mr Bell licked his lips hungrily at the sight, rubbing himself with greater fervor. He knew this was wrong, incredibly wrong, but he had always had a soft spot for Jane and when he woke up to see her fingering herself mere feet away, that soft spot had quickly turned hard.

He desperately wanted to stroke himself, but still had enough sense about him to know that he was already risking his career as it was. If he exposed himself to her without consent, he was risking extensive jail time too.

Almost as if sensing her professor's hesitance, Jane spread her legs wider, sinking back into the airplane seat and mouthing "Take it out," to him, followed by a shy, but cheeky wink. It didn't take Mr Bell more than a couple of seconds to unzip his chinos and slide his hands through the fly to pull out his throbbing member. Even in the dim cabin light Jane could tell it was of a good size, thick and inviting. She felt drool begin to pool in her mouth as she watched him starting to stroke it, almost desperately as his fingers dug into the chairs arm rest, knuckles turning white.

Arousal was starting to drip down Jane's thigh as she watched her teacher pleasure himself for her. This was crazy, it was dangerous, but she was loving every single second. Her probing had stretched out her virgin pussy enough to add a second finger, her eyes rolling back as she fought the urge to scream out in pleasure. The sensation of being filled was intoxicating and as she opened her eyes to look across at Mr Bell, the thought crossed her mind that she wished it was his cock filling her up right now.

Mr Bell was breathing heavily, sweat on his brow as he felt his climax rapidly approaching. He would usually last longer than this, but the taboo nature of this experience was far too arousing and as much as he wanted to hold back, he was struggling. Without speaking, Jane realized that her tutor was close. She hesitated for a second, wagging her finger at him, telling him to come closer.

He looked around his surroundings, making sure no-one was awake before quietly getting up and standing in the aisle, cock bobbing, pre-cum dripping from the tip.

Jane shimmied down to the aisle seat, putting her leg on the back of the chair in front so she could keep playing with herself as she grabbed Mr Bell's cock with her other hand. She gave him one or two exploratory strokes, surprised by how warm and hard it was, feeling each vein against her soft skin. He looked up and down the aisle nervously, terrified that they would be caught, but with absolutely no intention of stopping.

Jane's pink tongue flicked out of her mouth as she continued to finger herself, taste buds meeting her elders shaft. She took a second to savor the flavor, musky and a little salty, unusual, but she definitely wanted more. She continued to pepper his cock with licks and gentle kisses, growing in confidence. She quickly realized that the head was particularly sensitive, and focused on that area, first licking and kissing it, but then sucking it into her mouth.

Mr Bell was far from a lothario, but he had received enough blowjobs in his time to know that Jane was not very experienced; this may even be her first time. While her sucking was amateurish and clumsy, somehow that made it even more arousing, her innocent eagerness to please him pushing him back to the edge of climax. He placed his hand on her head for support, as his knees buckled and his balls pumped out a thick load into his student's soft mouth.

Jane felt his hand on her head and his cock throb, realizing he was about to ejaculate. She tried to prepare herself, but she wasn't ready for the flood of seed that filled her little mouth. She gulped down as much as she could, the potent taste of her professors cum overcoming her senses and awakening something primal in her. Her fingers buried deep inside her dripping pussy, she felt her muscles contract and squeeze her from the inside as she realized she was cumming.

She tried to focus on swallowing Mr Bell's seemingly never-ending supply of jizz while she came, body shaking as she felt a wave of pleasure overtaking her, the likes of which she had never known before. She was grateful her mouth was full as it muffled her moans of ecstasy and hopefully wouldn't wake up the other passengers that were all around them. Finally her orgasm weakened and Mr Bell shot out the last few drops of semen into her hungry mouth. A few strands had made it onto her chin and as she leaned back into her chair, exhausted and satisfied, she scooped it up with her fingers, sucking them to make sure she was clean.

Mr Bell hurriedly tucked his shrinking prick back into his trousers, bringing his fingers to his lips, miming "shhhh!" Jane did the same back, indicating that she had understood and that what had just happened between them would remain their little secret. He returned to his seat, and they both shared a shy, slightly embarrassed smile with each other, before they both turned away from the other.

Jane could not believe it. Mr Bell had just watched her masturbate in public. She had sucked his cock. He had cum in her mouth while people slept right next to her. She could never remember feeling so sexy and aroused in her whole life, but right now, all she could think about was sleep. Very soon, both Jane and Mr Bell were both passed out, joining their clueless fellow travelers in the world of slumber. If only they knew what they had just missed.

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